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标题: Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions 2013-2014汇总 [打印本页]

作者: wendy~    时间: 2014-9-30 14:53     标题: Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions 2013-2014汇总

1.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / Alumnus / Off-campus

Apr 18, 2014

The interview was in a coffee shop with a recent alumnus who apparently conducts many interviews in the Washington D.C. area.
She followed very closely to a set of questions she was given, starting off with walking her through my resume. She had also not seen my application at all.

She also asked:

1) What’s an accomplishment you’re proud of?

2) What’s a difficult obstacle you had to overcome as part of a team?

3) When did you creatively solve a problem?

4) What’s a difficult task you don’t enjoy doing?

5) What kind of leaders do you like to work with?

6) Why MBA?

7) Why Kellogg?

8) Short-term and long-term career goals?

9) Does your GPA or GMAT score reflect your academic performance?

10) What unique contributions would you have to Kellogg?

I think I lucked out because she was friendlier and seemed like a pretty positive person.

2.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus

Apr 7, 2014

Firstly, I’d like to thank everyone who’s contributed here. These interview reports were very helpful. I hope this one helps future applicants too. We met at the interviewer’s offices. He was all things Kellogg – driven but warm and friendly. I don’t think he’d read my application beforehand.

The questions were :

1. Why Kellogg? I put this in context of what my long-term plans were, why MBA, and finally the school. We spent quite a long time on this question.

2. Talk me through one project where you had to lead. What is your leadership style?

3. Talk me through a challenge you faced on a project.

4. Is the GMAT representative of your intellectual ability? (he mentioned he had no idea what my score was)

5. What sort of courses, clubs, and activities would you want to pursue at Kellogg?

6. If there was one word or phrase that your classmates would use to describe you at the end of 2 years, what would it be?

7. What questions do you have for me?

We spent a lot of time across topics and on the final questions I had for him. The interview lasted almost an hour.

I’m happy to say I’ve accepted my offer and will be starting this fall.

3.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / Skype

Apr 4, 2014

The interviewer was very nice. The interview took place over a Skype call. The interviewer began by introducing herself and explaining her role at Kellogg.

1. Tell me about your education. Why did you choose your majors?

2. Can you tell me about one class from your past that really made you learn how to critically think?

3. Walk me through your resume (employment only).

4. Why do you want an MBA? What are your career goals after your MBA?

5. Can you provide me reasons for why you want to go into this particular field after getting your MBA? What makes you sure that you will stay motivated and interested in this field?

6. Why choose Kellogg for your MBA?

7. What type of leadership style do you have? Can you provide me with an example of how you executed this leadership style?

8. What is your biggest accomplishment to date at your current position?

9. How will you contribute to our program?

10. What are your hobbies?

11. Is there anything else you would like me to know?

12. Do you have any questions for me?

The conversational interview was very comfortable and pleasant. The interviewer was very good at setting the tone.

4.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus

Apr 1, 2014

he interview took place on campus. Many other applicants were there for interviews that day. I also participated in a full day of activities (tour, class, lunch, panels, etc.). Overall, the students and staff at Kellogg were extremely welcoming.

The interviewer launched straight into the interview without much small talk and without introducing herself (beyond her name), so I actually didn’t know what her relationship to the school was when I was responding to her questions (based on her age, I assumed she was on the Adcom, but I had heard that alumni interviewed as well).

- Tell me about your educational background and why you chose your undergrad institution.

- Walk me through your resume (she asked a lot of questions while I was responding so we quite literally walked through it)

- What accomplishment are you most proud of?

- Career goals, why an MBA and why Kellogg?

- What role do you typically take within a team?

- What’s a piece of constructive criticism you’ve received?

- Tell me about an example where you showed initiative.

- How will you contribute?

I had the opportunity to ask her a few questions after. My interviewer seemed very pleasant, but the interview was not as conversational as I had expected based on what I had heard about interviewing at Kellogg. She took notes and generally looked at her clipboard except when asking me questions, which made it difficult to establish a conversational tone. Out of all my interviews, I felt most grilled at Kellogg. I was admitted.

5.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus

Mar 26, 2014

My interview took place at a very casual site during breakfast. The interviewer was an alumni and currently works as a management consultant (like me). Apparently, the interviewer did not have access to my full application, but only to the résumé that I brought with me.

Main questions asked:

- Walk me through your resume/stories/decisions.
- What are you most proud of? What was the largest challenge you had to overcome and how has that changed you?
- Tell me about a failure and how you coped with it.
- What attracts you about Kellogg?

Overall, the interview had a very conversational aspect without much pressure-testing. It only reinforced my view of nice people at Kellogg!

6.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / Skype

Mar 24, 2014

The interviewer was professional and friendly.

1. Talk about your educational background / decisions

2. Went through my work experience

3. What does my current company do?

4. Post-MBA goals (naturally led to answering why Kellogg)

5. How would I contribute to Kellogg?

6. How would your coworkers describe you (strengths & weaknesses)?

7. Time when I had to tell a co-worker that he/she was wrong

8. Time when I was on a team when things weren’t going well and how I handled it.

9. Tell me about your hobbies / how you spend your free time

10. Other things about me not apparent from my resume

Overall, I spoke most of the time and the interviewer kept it conversational by asking follow-up questions. It lasted for about 45 minutes and I felt we had covered everything relevant (decisions, goals, and idea of my personality). I was anxiously awaiting the leadership questions, since there are different variants that I might not have prepared for. Aside from that, it was pretty comfortable.

7.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / Skype

Mar 18, 2014

My interviewer had a pleasant professional demeanor. She asked me the following questions.

Tell me about why you chose your field of study.

What was your biggest accomplishment at your previous company? (I recently switched employers)

Tell me about a leadership experience at your current employer.

Tell me about a time you took an initiative.

What would your peers say about your strengths and your weaknesses?

What are your goals?

How does Kellogg fit into these goals?

What else would you like the Admission Committee to know?

Do you have any questions for me?

The total time of the interview was about 45 minutes.

8.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus

Mar 17, 2014

I’m an American living abroad. I met with my alum interviewer at a Starbucks. The location wasn’t ideal because it was a bit noisy and he spoke softly, so I had trouble hearing him. Plus, my interviewer was 10 min late and had to leave a bit early, so we were pressed for time. So it wasn’t the best of circumstances. Also, all my other school interviews had asked for verification of my ID at the beginning so I assumed Kellogg wanted to see that too.  I had just dropped off my passport at the embassy so I explained that I didn’t have it but that I did have my driver’s license. I later realized that Kellogg hadn’t asked for it and there I was making a big stink about it, which probably didn’t start us on the right foot.

Anyway, the questions tended to be kind of vague, so it was hard for me to tell how I was doing. Plus, he didn’t start by asking about my experience or resume, which made it difficult for me to refer to good examples since they required a lot of contextual explanation. But overall he was very encouraging and smiley, expressly said that the interview went well and complimented some of my replies. So I’m not sure what impression I made. Anyway here’s what I remember of what he asked:

1. Tell me about your experience and why you chose Kellogg – this took me way too long to answer because it’s like 3 questions in 1!

2. What do you see yourself doing in the future – I guess this is a vague way to ask about goals

3. He asked about why I didn’t just stay with my company to get where I’m going instead of leaving to move abroad.

4. What do you want to learn at Kellogg (or something)

5. 15 years from now, how do you want people to view you? What do you want your life to be like? – I’m not even sure if this is the exact question but it was some sort of vague question like this. I talked about how I want to come across at work. I emphasized teamwork. I talked about having a life outside of work. But then I think he clarified by saying “I know retirement is a long way off but what do you want people to say about you?” So I answered more of my general strengths.

6. Tell me about the biggest achievement from your job.

7. Tell me about a time you worked with a team and had a big achievement.

8. How would you define a leader? How has your leadership changed from 5 years ago to today? – I actually thought this was a great question even though I hadn’t prepared for it.

9. What soft skills do you want to develop at Kellogg?

10. Tell me about a time when you disagreed with your team.

11. What can I bring to the Kellogg community – I thought he was talking about extracurriculars so I discussed the clubs I was interested in. Then he clarified by saying “No, what is unique about you that you bring to Kellogg?”

Then I asked him a few questions but he seemed pressed for time so I felt like I needed to let him go. He said the interview went well, but I felt like it didn’t go great. I’ll find out soon, I guess!

9.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus

Mar 5, 2014

I flew in and out the same day from NYC, and I’m not sure whether I would recommend that. It was pretty exhausting.

As soon as I landed, I went straight to the admissions office and signed up to attend a class, have lunch with a student and then have the interview. I had the interview with an Adcom member and was prepared to answer all the regular questions. It was blind, so I walked her through my resume. She noticed a date was off and called that out. I panicked, but she redirected the interview and got it back on course.

She asked me about my leadership style two different ways, which was I wasn’t expecting. First she asked what my supervisor would say my leadership style is and then what my peers would say it is. I was expecting the standard “what’s your leadership style” question, but wasn’t expecting to have to explain that from two different perspectives.

Overall the interview was pretty standard. Oh, one thing is that I felt like she was rushed and wasn’t very conversational. That said, I was one of the last interviews of the day on a Friday. I imagine I was the hundredth interview she’d done that week and that she was exhausted. Can’t blame her. My advice would be to take an earlier time on a Friday or ideally an early time earlier in the week.

Best of luck!

10.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus

Mar 4, 2014

I visited Chicago for the interview.

The interview was blind and was conducted by the Assistant Dean of Admissions. She made me feel very relaxed during the initial phases of the interview. The questions asked were pretty normal and conversational. It went on for around 45 minutes or so.

1. Walk me through your resume

2. What are your career goals? Why do you want to do an MBA?

3. What has been the biggest achievement in your life?

4. What is your management style?

5. Describe a time when you failed in a team.

6. What do you think are your weaknesses?

7. Any questions you would like to ask?

I think the school asks a lot of situational questions and wants to know more about how you react as an individual to various phases in your life. It favors teamwork a lot.

11.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On Campus

Feb 27, 2014

The interview lasted about 45 minutes. It was entirely conversational and felt more as though my interviewer wanted to get to know me (as opposed to seeing how I reacted under pressure).

She began by telling me about the application process, and that she wasn’t on the admission’s committee. She wanted to get to know me and that her interview notes would be added to my application. After the disclaimer, she spent about 3 minutes telling me about herself (e.g.: undergrad, post-undergrad work experience, grad school, and her time working at Kellogg).

After that I was asked to walk through my resume. I started with my undergrad experience. I talked about my major, extenuating circumstances that affected my overall GPA, and academic accomplishments. I then segued into my professional work experience (making it a point to proactively explain the unemployment gap between graduation and when I started working).

For each job title/position on my resume, I gave an overview of what my role and responsibilities were. She would then follow up with a question. For example, I talked about how in one role I managed and trained interns. She followed that with, “based on that experience and your accomplishments in that role, how has your leadership style evolved? what kind of leader were you before that role and what kind of leader are you now?”

Because I focused on highlighting the skill sets I gained in each role/job instead of solely focusing on the outcome/results (e.g.: I reduced my companies expenses by X%), the questions naturally came up along the way. I was also asked questions along the lines of…

- Given your humanities undergrad degree how did you learn to succeed in this quantitative function?
- What would your colleagues say are your strengths and your weaknesses? How do you manage your weaknesses?
- What is your most significant accomplishment at your current position?
- Why did you pick this industry to work in?
- Why did you switch companies?
- What is the education/professional background of your peers or other people at your company who perform your role?
- How many people are employed at your company?
- Why do you think you were selected for (or promoted into) your current role?

After walking through the resume it was the standard…
- Why the MBA? Why now? Why Kellogg?
- What clubs do you plan on being involved in and in what capacity?
- What do you plan to major in?
- Post-MBA short-term and long-term career goals?
- Any questions for her?
- Is there anything else about myself that I would like the admissions committee to know?

Before I knew it, the interview was over! Overall, the interview was very pleasant. I felt as though my interviewer and I easily could have talked for another hour. I already knew I loved Kellogg, but this interview cemented it for me.

12.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / On Campus

Feb 24, 2014

My interview went smoothly, and it lasted for about 30 minutes. The interview atmosphere was better than I expected, and my interview was completed without any problem. My interviewer was friendly as well. These are the questions she asked:

- She checked my resume and asked whatever was unclear to her.

- She asked me to tell her a few good qualities about myself.

- She even asked me how am I going to manage a team if I am given a responsibility.

- Then she asked me about my future plans.

- She asked me about the companies I want to work for in the future.

- She asked me if I had any work experience.

- At last, she asked what would be my goal if I am admitted to Kellogg.

13.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Second-year student / On-Campus

Feb 24, 2014

I interviewed during a visit weekend back in October. My interviewer had not read my profile (blind interviews are pretty standard for on campus), and I was asked to bring a copy of my resume with me. The beginning of the interview was fairly standard: run me through your resume, tell me about a time you resolved conflict, etc. I did get the dreaded “tell me about a moment where you experienced failure.” I think the fact that I wasn’t entirely prepared for that question worked in my favor, as I did not have a canned response that spun a failure into a success. I was rather honest about it, and I think the interviewer respected that.

The interview lasted about 45 minutes. There is a big focus on “fit” at Kellogg, but the questions they ask do not explicitly ask how you would fit in. So whenever you are asked about times you worked in or lead a group, be sure to wind it up into how that fits into the Kellogg picture.

I ended up being admitted and will be attending in the fall. Good luck!

14.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus

Feb 24, 2014

It was a blind interview with an alumnus in Taipei. We met in a coffee shop of a five-star hotel. The interviewer was very nice and briefly introduced himself at first. He usually interviewed one student in each round and used a notebook to record my answer immediately. I was asked to go through my resume at first and then he asked me some follow-up questions regarding my personal experience. Then I was asked many standard questions such as:

1. Why MBA?

2. Why now?

3. Why Kellogg?

4. What do I want to do after MBA?

5. Give an example of how you help to solve the conflict in a team?

6. What’s your greatest accomplishment?
More special questions were, “Do you think you are smart?” and “Is there anything you would like to talk about more?”
The interview atmosphere was much more relaxed than I first expected. Most questions were common, and the interviewer seemed to appreciate my answers very much.

15.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus

Feb 19, 2014

My interview was very laid back and conversational, with a hard stop after 45 minutes.

It took place in the Adcom’s office, closed door. The interviewer started by explaining the application process – that my app had already been reviewed once, and would then go to committee once she furnished her interview notes, but that she would NOT be on that committee. She also explicitly noted that their admissions are not rolling, and I would not hear back until the decision deadline. Then she gave me a little bit of background on herself (not a lot, though, as I only later found out that she was a Kellogg alum), and then went right into the questions.

Please note that these were not question/answer/repeat scenarios, but rather an opening question (walk me through your resume), and then a subsequent dialogue, with guiding questions asked along the way.

1. Walk me through your resume

2. Leadership experiences on the resume

3. Leadership style, examples

4. What are your favorite extracurriculars that you have listed here and why?

5. Why MBA/Why Now (I proactively took this opportunity to explain my vision statement)

6. Why does your MBA have to be from Kellogg and not another school?

7. How will you get involved at Kellogg and give back to the community?

8. Do you have any questions for me?

And that was it. 45 minutes almost to the second.

16.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus

Feb 11, 2014

I am from Chicago, so I had an alumnus as my interviewer. We met in a coffee shop in Evanston, IL.

As I went over my résumé, I was asked specific questions about my experience working in teams, having bad team members and my leadership style in addition to how I interacted with my co-workers when I was going over my résumé.

I also got a feeling that the interviewer really wanted to know about my interaction with other people and what experiences I have had out of the norm (study abroad, moving, working with people from other demographics…).

My conclusion on the interview was that teamwork and having unique experiences is something that Kellogg is striving to get in their student body.

17.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / On Campus

Jan 7, 2014

I interviewed with an admissions committee member on campus and the interview was blind. The tone of the interview was very conversational and lasted about 35 minutes. She asked me:

- Walk me through your resume
- Tell me about why you chose your undergraduate institution
- Explain why you are trying to make such a drastic career change
- How does Kellogg fit into the goals you have just stated?
- Explain your leadership style
- Can you give me an example of a time that you used this leadership approach?
- Playing devil’s advocate, why would you pursue this particular career path after graduating with an MBA and not jump directly into the role that you state as your long term goal?
- Describe the company that you are currently employed with and what they do
- What is your biggest accomplishment at your current position?
- Tell me more about this extracurricular activity you have listed here
- How do you think you would contribute/become involved at Kellogg?
- Do you have any questions for me?

18.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: R1 / Alumnus / Off-Campus

Dec 18, 2013

After Kellogg mailed me the contact details for my interviewer, I wrote her an email asking for a convenient time during the coming two weeks. She replied with a range of dates and suggested Starbucks as the meeting place! I mailed her a copy of my resume and took some copies to the interview. She mailed me saying that she would be in casual clothes and I should feel comfortable being in casual clothes too! That email just took all my anxiety away and I felt excited to meet her! I still showed up in formal clothing and we joked about it when we met.

She had a small book, which had questions in it (I think!) and she kept referring to it during our conversation. She asked very general questions

1) Walk me through your resume
2) Explain your current role and reasons for an MBA
3) Why Kellogg – I mentioned a few clubs and activities, missed mentioning some important ones.
4) Future career goals in detail
5) What is your dream company?
6) Why would you choose Kellogg over other colleges- I talked about the warm inclusive community, strong recommendation for the program from my boss, who’s a Kellogg alum.
7) What do you do for fun?

The interview lasted a bit longer than all other interviews I have been to- An hour or a bit more I guess. Hope that’s not a bad sign and I could get my story across. She said that she will submit her interview notes soon and that she will talk to a few colleagues about some points as we belonged to different industries.

Hope you find this useful. All the best!!

19.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus

Nov 11, 2013

I felt the interview went well, was a casual, friendly discussion. Alum admitted how Kellogg classes are made up of good people.

Asked some of the following:

Talk about your professional background / work history, with specific questions about the various experiences.
Why you came to this country? (I’m not working in my home country)
Why Kellogg (specifically)?
Why a MBA, and can’t you do that without Kellogg?
What’s your management style?

20.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / Second-year student / On-Campus

Apr 22, 2013

I interviewed with a second-year who works in admissions. It was very informal, and lasted about an hour. Below are the questions she asked me:

-Walk me through your résumé
-Tell me a time when you faced a conflict
-Tell me about your leadership style / how did you develop it?
-Why Kellogg? Why MBA?
-What do you plan to do after school?
-What will you contribute on campus?
-What questions do you have for me?

Then she asked me a few questions about two items on my resume.

21.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2/ Alumnus / Off-campus

Apr 2, 2013

We were at the Starbucks. Interview was casual.

1 Walk me through your resume.

2 Elaborate on work experience after MBA.

3 Why MBA?

4 Why not School XYZ?

5 What would you do if your boss doesn’t favor you and puts you in a bad position?

6 What would you bring to Kellogg?

7 Why not 1 year?

8 Questions?

We spent 1 hr and 20 mins.

It was a ding.

22.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / Phone

Mar 8, 2013

Usual questions – interviewer was from adcom and set expectations straight

1. walk me through your resume

2. why I changed a couple of jobs that I did ?

3. Key learnings from each job

4. weaknesses

5. any questions for me

6. Open ended question – will give you a minute to say anything you want to say outside of what I have been asking

Felt comfortable with the interviewer – was called for an interview after an initial waiver. I do not know what that means.

All the best to everyone – applied to wharton, tuck and columbia as well but no good news from any of them thus far.

23.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus

Feb 26, 2013

Overview: My interview took place on Kellogg Interview Day (KID).

As soon as I reached the venue, I was asked to submit my resume.

I was later informed that my interviewer would go through my resume for 15 mins

before the start of the interview. (That is why they asked for resumes at the reception counter.)

The interview was blind. My resume was the only information my interviewer had.

The interview lasted for 45 mins as was mentioned in the email.

- Walk me through your resume.
- Did you face any problems when you first came to “country X”?
- Did you first start your job in “your home country”?
- Explain to me how “your products” are developed at “your company”.
- Give me an example of your leadership experience.
- Give me an example of a difficulty you faced in your career. How did you overcome it?
- Why do you want to do an MBA?
- What are your short term and long term goals and why Kellogg?
- How is the Kellogg program different from other general management programs?
- How will you contribute to Kellogg?
- You have mentioned in your resume something about “your extra-currics”. What do you mean?
- Is there anything else you want me to convey to the adcoms?
- Anything more
- Any questions for me?

I was also asked a few follow-up questions regarding my work.

Atmosphere: The interviewer was friendly and he created a very relaxed atmosphere.

The interview was conversational and we spoke a lot about economy X, current challenges, ways to improve, etc.

He also knew my undergraduate college and had a positive impression about it.

What I felt: The discussions about the economy, my undergraduate experiences, etc.

helped me to build a strong rapport with my interviewer.

Towards the end, he said something on the lines of “I am going to recommend you” but I am not sure

what to make of it.

We had exchanged business cards at the beginning of the interview. I sent him a thank you note.
We are still in touch and are now discussing when to meet next.

Surprises: None

What didn’t surprise me: It seemed my interviewer’s biggest agenda was to check my “fit” with Kellogg.

Conclusions about Kellogg from this experience:

Kellogg is really big on “teamwork and collaboration” (cliche I know!).

What I mean is, if a person cannot talk and form bonds with other people at work,

Kellogg is not the school to go.

Kellogg truly believes that it takes strong interpersonal skills to excel in the field of business and management.

24.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Admissions Officer / On-Campus

Feb 19, 2013

The interviewer was pretty friendly. she said the interview would last 30 mins and it lasted for about 40 minutes.

My questions were as follows not exactly in that order.

1. Can you talk about your education background

2. Why did you choose to work for xxx

3. Why did u switch your company

4. If I were to call your team and ask them about your positive points, what would they say?

5. Following that, what do you think your team will say your negative points are and on giving my answer she asked me “why is that a negative point, can you explain”

6. How would you describe your leadership style and give me an example.

7. I applied for the 1 Y program, so she asked me why 1 Yr

8. what was the biggest accomplished at your work place.

9. Did you ever have to think outside the box, give me an example of that situation in college and at workplace.

10. why do you think Kellogg can help you achieve your goals, why not some other school

11. what are your short and long term goals

12. how will you contribute to the school

Any questions for me:

1. I asked her about the new construction Kellogg is thinking of, and asked her if the students are providing any kind of input

2. the digital effort Kellogg is working on and a couple more.

I think the interview went well, but that’s my feeling and also there is no wrong answer for anything. I did multiple mock interviews so I was pretty prepared with all my answers. My mock interview and strategy session with clear admit was very helpful.

25.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round1/Alumnus/Off-Campus

Feb 18, 2013

My interviewer let me choose the place, so I chose a coffeeshop in a hotel, which is quite quiet.

Interview was casual, we chit-chat a bit before interview.

He asked me to walk through resume first, then he just randomly pointed interesting point and asked me to elaborate more on that. Then he asked follow up questions
After that, these are the questions he asked.

1. What motivates you when your boss doesn’t favor you and puts you in a bad position?
2. Which quality you didn’t know that you had before working? And you were surprised that you can do it.
3. What do you think are the qualities that a good leader should have?
4. Tell me the time when you have to deal with bad leaders. How did you deal with them?
5. What is the most difficult task? Is it about dealing with people, analyzing things, or persuading executives? How did you deal with them?
After an interview, we chit chat more about his experience at Kellogg.
We spent 1 hr and 20 mins.
And I got an offer from Kellogg 1Y MBA program

26.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2/ Alumnus/ Off-campus

Feb 6, 2013

The conversation was smooth,nice and very friendly. We met at a coffee shop. He had my resume and went on it briefly prior to the meeting, from what I can say. He said it will be about 45 minutes, we ended in 1 hour and 15 minutes.

The questions were as follows:

1) Walk me through your resume. Asked a few follow up questions regarding my career, undergraduate studies etc.
2) Why do you want an MBA (which led to more questions – which students did I talk to, what were your impressions…)
3) How will you contribute to the school?
4) Tell me about a time you worked in a team, and your team was encountering difficulties.
4) Tell me about a time you thought that you see the solution to a problem, but your teamembersmanager didn’t see it as you?
6) What qualities define a great leader in your view? Tell me about a great leader that impressed you.
7) What do you define as a difficult task? which tasks you do like to do?
8) my questions to him.

27.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus

Feb 6, 2013

It was very conversational. It lasted for about an hour.

#1- Why undergraduate ?

#2- Why first job after college?

#3- Why masters?

#4- Why Y job after masters?

#5- Why MBA?

#6- Why “goal”?

#7- What will you bring to Kellogg?

#8- Why Kellogg?

#9- What kind of person are you in a team?

#10- What’s your leadership style?

#11- What would you do when a team member is not co-operative? What if, he has zero desire to work with you?

#12- The best moment of your life?

#13- What extra-curriculars do you have? Why so many? (I had a lot of them)

#14 – how do you balance your time

#15- Questions about my extra-curriculars

#16- Questions on my resume

#17- any question for me?

It was a tough one. The interview lasted for about an hour.

Tip – Know your resume inside out.

28.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus

Feb 1, 2013

I interviewed at the alumnus office for R2 three days ago. I was 10 mins early and he was 10 min late so I had to wait and was veeeery nervous but when he entered the room and gave me a huge smile I immediately felt better (yes, Kellogg people are nice). The interview was pretty straightforward and lasted about 30 mins with the last 10 minutes of questions by my side. He initially talked a little bit about himself and explained how the interview was going to be structured and also said we had to talk in English (I’m an international applicant). Here are the topics we covered:

- Tell me about yourself (with some sub-questions but nothing really unexpected, just simple questions to better understand my background)

- Why an MBA?

- Why Kellogg?

- Why a two year program vs. an accelerated one (he had finished the accelarated one year program)

- What will you contribute to Kellogg?

- Did you apply to other schools? (he did not specifically ask for the names though)

- Any questions for me.

No leadership questions or things like that. The interview was formal in terms of content, but at the same time pretty relaxed and the alumnus was very nice all the time.

Good luck!

29.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus

Jan 14, 2013

I interviewed with a 2011 alumnus in a conference room at his office in my city. It was a blind, résumé-only interview for the MMM program. The atmosphere was pretty relaxed. The interviewer asked a lot of the standard questions on background (tell me about yourself), leadership, examples of facing adversity, etc. Generally nothing out of the ordinary, although as a MMM applicant wanting to focus on operations and logistics one question that I got caught on a little was: “why an MBA and MMM instead of a specialized logistics program (e.g. MIT Supply Chain Management program)?” In the end, it was hard to tell how the interview went, though I mostly feel positive about it.

30.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 /Alumnus /Off-campus

Jan 10, 2013

Straight forward and to the point. We met at her office. She was not very methodical about her questions, but covered usual topics – my experience, my career path, leadership skills, passions, what I might add to Kellogg. She also asked what I’d want her to emphasize in her note to the Adcom.

Overall it was fairly causal. I didn’t feel challenged by the questions, but I wished she had asked more direct questions. She did provide a good insight into the school’s culture. I’m not interested in finance, and so I was convinced that I’d get the opportunity to work with and meet people with a variety of interests.

31.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus

Jan 10, 2013

Interview was extremely relaxed. The adcom member intended to engage in a very normal conversation and did not attempt to stump me with any out-of-the box questions. We exchanged cards before the interview.

Here is a lit of questions.

1. When did you land in Chicago ? What did you do after landing?

2. Tell me about yourself

3. What kind of impact have you had at your company

4. What is the number of employees at your company ? What is the typical size of teams you work in ?

5. What issues have you faced with difficult team-members

6. Over the past years, how has your leadership style evolved ? asked me to explain one experience listed in my resume.

7. Why MBA?

8. Why Kellogg ? How will you contribute ?

9. How would your team-members describe you ?

10. Do you want to discuss something not apparent in your application

11. any questions.

Just relax. Kellogg is looking for a good fit and is not testing your spontaneity or ability to answer difficult/ambiguous questions.

32.Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus

Jan 10, 2013

I had an interview scheduled with an alum in a coffee shop and got there well in advance. My interviewer came on time and after a few pleasantries we started off. He explained the format of interview (blind), anticipated duration (45mts), Q&A time (10mts) and had a copy of my CV although he had not looked through it. He jotted down notes as he spoke to me. The questions were pretty standard, but it became very very conversational, casual and zero stress. It was interesting in that he was a client of my current company and so I had some specific challenges that he posed.

- Elevator pitch: Take me through your resume (He interrupted me after 1 minute and asked me to elaborate a few points that interested him)

- Why change in industries between Job 2 & 3

- Specific questions about my consulting background and some challenges based on working with my company

- Why MBA?

- Why Kellogg?

- Why 1Y (this got answered in the process of answering the prior qns. He stopped to offer some advice based on his experience here)

- Which other schools did you apply for?

- An example of how I manage a global team

- An example of a successful & challenging consulting engagement – He probed with: 1) What did you do specifically?

- What was a difficult decision you made as a team leader that impacted your team? (I took some time to think about this as it was not something I prepared for)

- What clubs will I participate on campus?

- What is the single most weakest point in my application (I had prepared for this, but he delved deep into this point and so important what you choose to answer. I think I came out strong but we will see.)

- Being a member of a demographically over-represented group, he asked how will my application stand out of my peers?

He then asked me about any questions I had. We discussed for a while and he wished be the best in my application process. Overall this was an anticipated Kellogg interview with no surprises. I think it is great that Kellogg adds this additional dimension to evaluate all applicants and add a personality to each essay they read. Hopefully I land in Evanston with my performance and wish all R2/R3 applicants all the best.

作者: 夏小又夏    时间: 2014-10-8 12:09

作者: chyihaa    时间: 2014-10-8 14:02

作者: thanks    时间: 2014-10-27 10:55

作者: Xiee    时间: 2014-11-25 11:13

作者: 如风随行    时间: 2014-12-19 12:34

作者: madrid    时间: 2014-12-22 14:37

作者: reachkin    时间: 2014-12-23 11:22

作者: Birde    时间: 2015-1-22 10:40

作者: qq2374    时间: 2015-1-22 11:29

作者: Recipient    时间: 2015-3-6 10:23

作者: haire    时间: 2015-4-15 12:04

作者: Satrica    时间: 2015-4-16 12:26

作者: haste    时间: 2015-4-16 14:30

作者: 喵星人    时间: 2015-4-17 11:05

作者: reachkin    时间: 2015-6-4 12:11

作者: Stomach    时间: 2015-6-5 11:39

作者: Flinn    时间: 2015-6-12 11:12

作者: Laborious    时间: 2015-6-12 11:24

作者: Babi    时间: 2015-6-15 12:06

作者: Diotic    时间: 2015-6-16 11:57

作者: Mondt    时间: 2015-6-17 09:50

作者: Avera    时间: 2016-2-2 14:12


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