3.感觉拿到offer的同学外企居多,是不是国企在申请中比较有劣势?两年工作经验都是在北京; Big name MNC have some advantage in application, e.g. language, environment. Another thing you need to notice is that MNC promote people faster than SOE. So they may have a better title at the same time.
4.推荐信在申请中的作用大吗? No, unless you have really strong referee.
5.我所学会计、金融会否跟MBA内容有重合导致被拒? No. About 1/3 candidates are from finance, accounting, business education background.
6.再晚两年出去会对申请比较有帮助?It all depends. I think about 60% Chinese applicants would have 4-5 years experience when enrollment.
还是现在已经可以开始准备? If you have made the MBA decision, start to prepare as early as possible.
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