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标题: USC MBA热腾腾的面经 [2014-03-24] [打印本页]

作者: 熊出没    时间: 2014-3-25 10:05     标题: USC MBA热腾腾的面经 [2014-03-24]

楼主今天早上刚刚on site完usc面试,早到15分钟,把准备好的resume交给小秘,小米拿到房间里面应该是给面试官,然后楼主就坐在门口一边等一边跟小米聊天。楼主得知今天是usc春假过后的第一天,小米说他们完全没有休息,刚刚把所有mba第二轮的package寄出,然后跟楼主聊她的两个孩子哇什么的,刚过10点楼主就被面试官召唤进去~

1)why undergraduate school? he said he had never heard that school before, then why do i go to that school... well this is kinda embarassing, since my undergraduate school is not sth famous.
2) how do you find your internship & your job?
3) why do you want MBA from Marshall, not Pepperdine, UCI, or even UCLA?
4) tell me more about your job, is there any challenge?
5) what you wanna do after graduation or anywhere you wanna go?
6) will your employer sponsor ur study?
7) ethics and morals issue in workplace?
8) do you work in a team? what other people's positions in your team? do you work individually or cooperatively? (i was totally messed up on this question...i expected him to ask me about leadership experience. He was very detailed in asking how many people, what do they do... )
9) question for me? (since i knew he's from Houston, i asked a silly question: how do you like socal........i also asked about career service...)



面试完了以后他问我要不要去class里面感受一下,本来有事但是不好意思说no,就跟着一个二年级小帅哥上了一节marketing课,全是case study,我觉得设置的很好,课上有不少精彩讨论。正好赶上教授发成绩,我感觉成绩应该不是问题,因为整个班基本上只有两个人得了b以下,而且没有c,感觉教授不会为难,争取所有人都给过。。。反正mba的gpa也没什么用处,除非去内些特别大,竞争激烈的企业。

课后花了15分钟跟小帅哥交流了一下学习新得什么的, 问问他们一天的节奏,找工作的情况, 然后我机智的把提前准备好的thank you card找个地方写写送到admission office就回去了。。。。

作者: Tracy~    时间: 2014-3-25 10:49


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