标题: WPI MSIT 面经 with Katie [打印本页] 作者: Jessica8905 时间: 2014-2-11 14:12 标题: WPI MSIT 面经 with Katie
感谢前辈们的帮助 问题还是老样子 帮了大忙了
时间定在早上十点半, Katie加我后我就直接拨了过去, Katie decline掉了。。囧, 大概过了了两分钟拨过来,估计在翻材料或者准备记笔记什么的(面试过程中偶尔会听到翻纸的声音)
楼主果断没有选择video call 啊, 直接语音妥妥的
个人觉得其实Katie还挺热心的,这么晚了还是会寒暄一下 然后很耐心地听回答。
1 Please tell me why you are interested in the IT program at WPI?
2 What would you say is your ideal career after you get your Master's degree?
3 What would you say has been your biggest failure?
4 What would you say is the most creative or innovative project you've worked on?
5 What is a personal skill or work habit that you have tried to improve?
6 What type of people do you work with best? What characteristics do theyhave?
7 Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?
8 Any question for me?
问了下就业,她就blabla说了一堆job title..然后说就业情况还不错
最后Katie热心地说了句Byebye ,楼主回了句hope to see you soon, Katie笑了笑 然后。。然后就没有然后了。。。