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标题: 2014年McMaster MBA 项目说明会:北京、上海、广州 [打印本页]

作者: s    时间: 2014-2-10 14:24     标题: 2014年McMaster MBA 项目说明会:北京、上海、广州

感谢大家一直以来对麦克马斯特大学Fulltime MBA和 Coop MBA项目的支持!

麦克马斯特大学成立于1887年,在加拿大一流大学评比中,连年被誉为最富有创造力与革新精神的学府。这一荣耀也使麦克马斯特大学在世界大学排行榜中被列为世界前100强大学(据上海交通大学排名)。麦克马斯特大学DeGroote商学院的MBA项目立足于将商科教育理论与实践极具匠心的融为一体。通过分析案例,小组课题讨论及带薪实习,使学生可以更好地掌握到商务管理知识。麦克马斯特大学MBA项目获得国际高等商学院协会(AACSB)的认可,管理教育界此项殊荣全世界仅有不到5%的大学获得!在加拿大,麦克马斯特的带薪实习项目(Coop MBA)堪称MBA教育这一领域的佼佼者!

为了加强与广大申请人的沟通,提供更多直接和详细的信息,学校将在2月下旬在北京、上海和广州三个城市举办2014年MBA 项目说明会,Steve Walker 先生将亲临现场与大家进行面对面的交流。说明会同时安排自由问答时间,无论是项目申请、学科设置、专业方向、职业发展,还是学校设施、学习生活等各方面的问题都会得到满意回答。敬请光临!具体信息如下:

Thinking of an MBA? McMaster University is one of Canada’s most innovative educational institutions and one of the Top 100 universities in the world (Shanghai Jiao Tong University ranking of world universities) celebrating 125 years. McMaster University, DeGroote School of Business MBA program is a carefully blended combination of practical and theoretical business education. Through case studies, group projects and co-op MBA work terms with real organizations, students are actively involved in their education. The DeGroote School of Business is accredited by AACSB International-The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business: Less than 5% of schools of Business worldwide have earned this distinguished hallmark of excellence in management studies. And the DeGroote School of Business has earned a strong reputation as Canada's premier Co-op MBA School, providing our students with a competitive advantage.

On Feb23, 26 and 27, the DeGroote MBA recruiting team will hold MBA program information sessions in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Mr. Steve Walker will be on hand to answer questions and help you with your MBA application.

北京:2月23日晚上5:30-7:00, 北京东方君悦大酒店,酒店地址:北京市东长安街1号,邮政编码:100738
上海:2月26日晚上7:00-9:00, 上海和平饭店,酒店地址:上海市南京东路20号,邮政编码:200002
广州:2月27日晚上7:00-9:00, 广州富力君悦大酒店,酒店地址:广州珠江新城珠江西路12号,邮政编码:510623
报名邮件 ( 中文)

2014 MBA Information Sessions in China:
Beijing: Feb. 23, 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., Grand Hyatt Beijing Hotel, 1 East Chang An Avenue, Beijing, 100738
Shanghai: Feb. 26, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., Fairmont Peace Shanghai Hotel, No. 20 East Nanjing Road, Shanghai, 200002
Guangzhou: Feb. 27, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., Grand Hyatt Guangzhou Hotel, 12 Zhujiang W, Rd, Pearl River New City, Guangzhou, 510623
Registration Email:
Registration Website:

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