背景: - consulting 2.5yrs+commercial banking 1yr
- GMAT 700+IELTS 8
- finance master + language bachelor (GPA both 3+), graduated from Top10 university in Shanghai
- female, 28yr
面试经历: - 4月初递交材料,4月底收到面试通知,5月初收到面试官的信息,5月中旬完成2个面试(因为我6月不在上海,所以INSEAD招生办的VH很好心地让我早点把面试做掉)
- 2个面试官都是consulting-INSEAD-corporate的路线,毕业10+年,都是很nice的中国人,都在他们的办公室进行,分别持续了1.5个小时和1个小时
- 2个面试官都只让提交了resume,他们没有看过我的essay,所以都是blind interview
- 我被问到的问题:
1) why insead/MBA, what could you contribute to INSEAD, which campus do you want to stay
2) short-term/long-term career goal
3) how do you finance your MBA
4) how do you achieve the language exit requirement
5) what was your the topic / conclusion / recommendation of your master thesis
6) multi-cultural experience / culture shock
7) leadership
8) how do your friends/colleagues think about you, 3 words to describe yourself
9) career switch
- 面试结束后,2个面试官在我走的时候,并没有明确表示会推荐我或者不推荐我作者: cameo 时间: 2014-1-10 13:53