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标题: 地道的口语学起来-面试(2) [打印本页]

作者: cameo    时间: 2013-12-5 13:54     标题: 地道的口语学起来-面试(2)


You can talk about times when you were faced with great challenges or given a responsibility that normally you wouldn’t have been given.
·What did you learn from that?
·Did you grow from it?
·Were you successful?
·Were you able to complete a task that was given to you?
·Or did you find the pressure just a little bit too much to bare?
·Even if you weren’t successful, what did you learn from the entire experience?
·If you could go back, what would you do differently?

All of these are questions that the interviewer is quite likely to ask. They will probably want to know specifics of why you remained in a certain job for a certain amount of time. You were promoted but you still want to leave, Why is that? Remember, always try and think from the interviewer’s point of view. That will help you during your preparation.


The main reason I decided to leave my employer was that I felt I needed a new challenge. I needed to find a place where I could utilize the skills I’d already improved upon and learn new ones. Although I really appreciate the opportunities and responsibilities that were given to me by my employer, I felt that if I remained there any longer, it would do my career no good.
I really feel that a person should always be learning new skills and technique. That’s why I hope to be successful in this interview, to join the team that I see has given everyone an opportunity to not only be themselves, but be a better version of themselves.


1.You can show how you as a star employee, didn’t get personal. That is, you remained professional.Even though the office environment was less than ideal, you still managed to complete your tasks on-time, and to learn, and to grow and develop. This is what any potential employer wants to hear. They want to know that you can be trusted.


2.That(Your mentor) is somebody you felt had a positive impact on your life.Perhaps it was a co-worker, a boss or even a school teacher. Why was that person so important?What is important is that you can show you to be a loyal, caring person, who respects and listens to others for guidance, especially during difficult times.

3.Keep on the positive. Re-enforce with specific examples during your previous or current job work experience on how you have grown as an individual, and how you are ready to move on to the next challenge.总结一些积极的经验。用实际例子强调你的观点,从过去或现在的工作经验中找例子证明你是怎么变成目前如此成熟可靠的人,以及你为什么觉得现在可接下一个任务。

作者: Kevin李    时间: 2013-12-17 14:57


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