美国也有自己的说话术。但是悲剧的是,我们在中国不管学了多少年英语,不管是新概念新东方新托福还是新鸡阿姨,对这套说话术,毫无接触。稍微礼貌点句子的就只会说“Could you ...please?”殊不知,斯坦福在对于国际学生第一天新生Orientation的时候就说,不要经常用这个句子。这个用法是不够礼貌和客气的,虽然是问句,虽然里面有“please”,但是还是一种要求的和轻微命令的语气。
It seems to me that... *可以用作表达意见,或者summarize或者confirm对方说的话。
I would argue that...*这里面用would来弱化语气。
Just to go along with what you said... *感谢读者下方留言提醒我这句话,真的很好用,承上启下。这句话还好在,它使你现在插话看上去legitimate,因为你是为了和前面的那个人go along啊。不赶紧接话,不就along不上了嘛。
Going back to what xxx said... * 同上。不过一般是你已经说了几句,此事,想要relate to someting 别人刚刚提到过或者蜻蜓点水说道的东西。这句话的好处就是,一能bring others on board说看我的说法和你是有一致之处的, 二能表现他刚才说的东西你还有印象。
I agree with you. *最简单的
Building on what XX has just said, ....
I am with you..., but [main point]. * 这里I am with you不一定表示同意也不一定表示反对,它主要的意思是说“你说的我听懂了/我跟上你说的了。”
I follow your logic, but have you thought about/considered this... [main point]...? *和上面一句话的逻辑是一样的:“你说的我明白了,但是...”
I see what you are saying, but I’m not sure I would argue that... *和上面两句话的逻辑一样。
With all due respect, I think...
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t [a different topic]...?
I’m not an expert on..., it seems to me that...
I might be wrong, but ...
I suspect that I lack some [background] information about this aspect, but here is my two cents.
I am not sure about this..., you might want to check with Professor X... Would you mind letting me know what he/she says?
[别人说了一堆之后] This is one way to look at it. Another way to look at it might be....
Just to clarify,...
May I ask a follow-up question?
Could you say more (about it)? *不确定自己是不是听懂了,请别人多解释一些。
(转自人人网)作者: dancinggirl 时间: 2013-7-31 10:21
哈哈 不错嘛作者: bloomingdales 时间: 2013-8-10 12:28
哈哈 这个不错
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