74. A 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States reduced the amount of phosphates
that municipalities had been allowed to dump into the Great Lakes.
(A) reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities had been allowed to dump
(B) reduced the phosphate amount that municipalities had been dumping
(C) reduces the phosphate amount municipalities have been allowed to dump
(D) reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities are allowed to dump
(E) reduces the amount of phosphates allowed for dumping by municipalities
An agreement that occurred in 1972 is correctly described with the past tense verb reduced.Since the dumping continued after the date of the agreement,the past perfect verb had been allowed should instead be the present are allowed(if the agreement remained in effect when the sentence was written)or the past were allowed (if the agreement was no longer in effect when the sentence was written)
A mission-critical modifier
that修饰 the amount of phoshphates 这整个名词组作者: ItalyPirlo 时间: 2012-12-23 07:35
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