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标题: GWD-12-Q20平行结构 [打印本页]

作者: bontakuner    时间: 2012-10-18 21:32     标题: GWD-12-Q20平行结构

Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established the Library of Congress.
A.    Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established
B.    The act of Congress, which was approved April 24, 1800, making provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established
C.    The act of Congress approved April 24, 1800, which made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., and established
D.    Approved April 24, 1800, making provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., the act of Congress also established           
E.    Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also establishing

作者: running2k    时间: 2012-10-19 06:32

the act of congress is doing two things : make and established

you should make this two verbs almost parallel without distorting the meaning

make is placed in essential-modifier to identify the exact one of the act of congress(there are so many acts);the one that under discussion(so you cannot move the make out of the that-clause;it will absolutely change the intended meaning

the use of also is to provide an additional action that is preformed by the act of congress ( established is the main working verb

you can not just limit parallelism under such conjunction such as and,or, but

you should use the context to determine which parts are supposed to parallel;and you should use the exact form to parallel

verb parallel verb;noun parallel noun  ......

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