Based on accounts of various ancient writers, scholars
have painted a sketchy picture of the activities of an
all-female cult that, perhaps as early as the sixth
century B.C., worshipped a goddess known in Latin as
Bona Dea, “the good goddess.”
(A) Based on accounts of various ancient writers,
(B) Basing it on various ancient writers’ accounts,
(C) With accounts of various ancient writers used
for a basis,
(D) By the accounts of various ancient writers
they used,
(E) Using accounts of various ancient writers,
我觉得A也对的啊,变换下句式 scholars have painted a sketchy picture of the activities of an
all-female cult Based on accounts of various ancient writers。
同样make sense 啊,求NN赐教作者: yqhpsyche 时间: 2012-8-28 21:00