HR is about management and leadership
Not about research作者: aeolusero二 时间: 2012-8-5 20:35
Hello there! Why yes indeed, we do of course have some thoughts. Do you have a good GMAT score? Do you think you can be competitive in a good business school? If so, an MBA is the way to go. You will have countless options upon graduation, perhaps even outside the realm of HR. If you go to a HR program (and there are many, including ones at Pepperdine, Cornell, etc.) you will get a job also, but then you are 100% certain to be in HR…perhaps for the rest of your life. Are you sure that this is a commitment you are prepared to make? If so, and if you can get into a TOP HR program, then that is a viable option as well. Otherwise, I’d stick with the MBA. It is safer, for sure. Hope this helps, and good luck to you!
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