标题: [分享]What's your leadership style? [打印本页] 作者: naturelife 时间: 2012-5-11 12:06 标题: [分享]What's your leadership style?
THE PROCLAIMING STYLE produces stimulating presentations, compelling arguments, and invigorating discussion. It enables an exciting blend of enthusiasm and factuality that promises meaningful progress, significant development and genuine solutions.
A person with this style often feels compelled to express an opinion or perception. This is because their beliefs and attitudes are primarily driven by values that they perceive to be inviolable. This accounts for their passionate style of communication where strong words tend to be used in absolute terms. Disapproval may be expressed as "deplorable", wrong actions might be called "reprehensible" and basic issues termed "fundamental".
Those with this leadership style usually make excellent and persuasive spokespersons and media managers. They are able to keep focussed when under intense scrutiny and use their charm, persuasive skills and passion to win support or minimise the damage of criticisms.
THE EQUIPPING STYLE is motivated towards research and all forms of analysis. It is driven by the need to know and to be sure others come to know! This style will present findings systematically, chronologically, meticulously and with full supporting data. The appendices will be well organised and every detail is double checked before releasing anything.
The motivation underlying this leadership style is to seek out correct and reliable information. This style is by nature studious and curious. Communications are primarily documentations in the form of instruction manuals, procedural guidelines, curricula, reports and detailed proposals.
This particular style will be found in many who are articulate and well organised but who may not always have the charisma that can make their presentation memorable. Others tend to use their findings to greater effect but should be advised to take care about inaccuracies, vagueness or jumping to conclusions - the Equipping style jealously guards the integrity of his or her material.
THE ENCOURAGING STYLE enjoys stimulating growth in others. People with this style love to be able to say that things are getting better, that people are doing well, and to report good news to anyone who is interested. Nothing fulfils this style more than being responsible for enabling others to believe in themselves sufficiently to experience improvement and success. This style often expresses itself like a parent, mentor, or older brother who affirms the individual, and accepts them unconditionally, and yet devotes conversations to how the next step in people's lives and careers can best be taken.
The Encouraging style is demonstrated in how exhortations are delivered to individuals and groups. It will place great emphasis on personal achievement, and seek to bring out the best in anyone who will listen. The Encouraging style delights in opportunities to affirm others privately and publicly, giving praise wherever it is justified. It will also communicate this enthusiastic approval through rewards, gifts and hospitality. It will often urge, cajole, provoke, and provide helpful impetus in order to move others towards achieving their goals. Leaders with this style also seem to have an endless source of anecdotes to support the specific issues they might be addressing or which others are facing.
THE EMPATHISING STYLE is attuned to others. It senses their needs, feelings, aspirations and fears, thus enabling a people-centred communication that demonstrates understanding and humanity. No one will feel offended by instructions or exhortations coming from the pen or lips of an Empathiser. This is not to suggest that communications are loaded with sentimentality or emotional terminology. Empathisers may have many skills but their core style puts them in touch with whomever they meet and ensures that the whole person is considered within the professional environment.
This style loves to celebrate other people's achievements with them and genuinely congratulates when subordinates or colleagues experience success. The message others receive from this style is that they are significant to the organisation and valued for who they are, as well as what they do. Correspondence generated by this style will mention people who contributed to the impact on a client, and the identities of contacts. The written and spoken words are affirming and display insight. THE DIRECTING STYLE is concerned with fulfilling the vision. People, resources, organisation and policies exist only to achieve the desired goals, and therefore every communication is coloured by the vision. This leadership style creates statements and phrases that enable constant reminders for all involved. It seeks to employ every creative means to stimulate, challenge and announce the purpose in which everyone's efforts are engaged. Directors naturally inspire. They tend to eat, sleep and breathe their mission.
Consequently all their activities are directed to that end. All communications made will be clear and concise. A person with the Directing style will abhor ambiguities and resist compromises. This style enables others to know precisely where they are going and how they are to get there. They frequently answer questions by reference to two or three precisely defined objectives or principles. Advice consists mostly of directions that will result in practical solutions. All verbal communication will be lucid and is likely to be accompanied by helpful body language and controlled gestures. People with this style find it natural to maintain eye contact. The result is an impartation of confidence and resolute purpose.
THE INVESTING STYLE is characterised by being wise and prudent. All communications will tend to reflect this and have a clear focus. Words are not wasted, generalities are avoided and there will be no digressions. This is not to the exclusion of sociability, which accompanies this style, rather a keeping to the point in order to be efficient and clearly understood.
This leadership style will draw out from others evidence of their competencies in order to determine if input and support will be worthwhile. Those with this style are astute listeners who know instinctively when a person is a good proposition for their involvement. They have an ability to ask questions that will reveal flaws and immaturity. Enquiries will be direct but subtle, causing no offence and only enhancing the reputation for shrewd judgement of character and potential. A conversation with someone with this style will feel like a privilege, and their written material will convey pertinent thought and substance.
THE SUPPORTING STYLE is always directed towards ensuring the needs of others are met. This is not a product of poor selfimage, but of clearly defined strengths and personal significance through service. A person with your style may often be observed nodding their head as others speak. When they speak, attention is drawn to meeting needs, accomplishing tasks and having a sense of purpose and satisfaction in giving their best to others. They draw attention to detail with enthusiasm and identify requirements without weariness or an air of superior insight.
People who have this style have the ability to communicate attitudes through activity. They do not need to explain their motives or values; these are evident in their style and manner. The Supporting style leader also has impact with their verbal and written communication by inspiring others to be cheerful, positive, industrious and focussed. Their body language will notify others that requests are not an interruption, nor are detailed requirements a burden. Instead, they are opportunities to give of their best and find greater fulfilment in doing so.
There will be times when you find it necessary to use all of the seven styles, but probably not for a prolonged period. There may be times when you use a mixture of different styles. However, there is no doubt that one of the styles discussed will be your principal style.
So leadership is not just for the few but for the many. One of the fundamental differences is in the different styles. The important thing is not which style you have,
but how 憁ature?you are within the style you have.
A common mistake is to try to lead with a style we admire, as opposed to the style we possess. Fundamental to exhibiting excellent leadership is understanding your
own leadership style. If you can then learn to understand the other styles, this will help you in your interactions with others.
Knowing how to adapt your style will empower you to develop powerful communication and relationship strategies which will equip you for better leadership and so produce greater results.
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