2、而商业周刊仅将剑桥列为美国以外的Tier 2的学校,与Cambridge (Judge) ; Cranfield;ESADE ;HEC Montreal ;Instituto de Empresas ;ITESM - Monterrey ;McGill ;Oxford (Said) 并列;
3、而Forbes又将其列为非美国商学院的第三名:Insead ;IMD ;Cambridge (Judge) ;Oxford (Said) ;London (LBS) ;York (Schulich) ;SDA Bocconi ;IESE ;Australian GSOM ;Queen's。参见:http://www.forbes.com/2003/09/24/bschooland.html
4、可是最近又看到一个专门针对英国MBA的排名, 剑桥居然只是英国第8名。
cam的mba program我也在一直考虑中。
It is among the top program. The atmosphere in cam is very very good. People here are extremely friendly and you can make a lot of friends with people from all subjects. (NOT only "boring" MBA students but also physicians, teachers, and all other various amazing subjects) Besides, the director has a strong sense of responsibility to push the program to the top.
My personal view, It is definitely a worth considering choice.
Good luck and best wishes.
But, which one would you choose between
When the economy is good, Insead is much better. since the economy is not as good as several years ago. it really depends now. If you want to go back to
Insead has quite a different culture from
So, it is really a personal choice and you have to weight the money to put in and the possible return. Of course, the living condition in the 2 cities are very different as well.
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