去年我毕业于某名牌大学金融系,找工作前就打算希望能进外企工作几年后去北美读MBA。结果严峻的就业形势使我最后只是进了某国有商业银行ICBC的城市行。对于MBA的追求的梦我一直在坚持,在繁忙枯燥的工作缝隙中断断续续复习着GMAT,准备明年考G,然后工作四五年后申请。但是渐渐通过了解,才发现并明白现在的工作背景虽然号称世界500强,但是在MBA申请中根本不占任何优势,甚至是劣势。目前的工作也让我看不到可以让我锻炼出MBA人所需要具备的素质和工作经验的希望,而我本身性格也算不上aggressive,于是我开始迷茫,目前唯一掌握在自己手中的只有考个好的G的分数,但是我这种情况三,四年后有希望申请到MBA吗?除了认真准备G以外,我现在的路应该怎么走? 请大家帮帮我。
呵呵。这是绝大多数人的目的。很实在。 我有一个问题:你觉得对于你而言读MBA是达到这一目的最佳的途径吗?如果MBA只是你的选择之一的话,你会动摇甚至放弃的,当你发现这条路并不平坦时。
目前而言,我觉得MBA是可以改变人生的最好方法。 其实我是希望通过考GMAT来寻求出国机会,而已经工作几年使再去申请硕士课程机会成本较大。而MBA不会存在年龄的问题。工作五年后再申请也不算晚。我知道我的这种想法比较幼稚,但是请理解一个希望通过出国来改变人生轨迹的年轻人目前的心情,我很多同学现在在英国读硕士,我不希望若干年后我和他们的差距越来越大。
的确读商学院是一项非常巨大的投资,那么就应该让这项投资有尽可能大的回报。外部的因素不讲,因为你也没有能力去控制,但是从你自身的角度来说,还是等你对商业的活动有了基本的概念,更重要的是对自己的职业发展有了一定方向之后再去考虑商学院的事情会比较理智一些。以你现在的状态,即使进了好学校也很难有好的发展,因为在现在的经济下,以前那种top b-school = entry of 6 digits salary的时代已经不会再来了。反正你现在还年轻,好好努力工作,有机会跳槽去好公司的话,也可以试一下,另外对自己性格的培养也很重要的。
it's true that your commerical banking expereince in a local branch will make it very difficult to get into a top b'school in the states. However, if you are really dedicated to yoru mba dream, you still can improve a chance down to the road. Anyway, it's only your first working year and you can build up your experience the next couple of years. You can either try hard to move to the headquarter, I know each year there are some people from icbc headquarter who will go to top schools. or, try totch into a foreign bank at your city. Then you have more stories to tell. Also, if your goal is to build up long term carrer path, you even can think about to apply a phd or master program, such as economics or finance in the states and then, if you still want, go to apply b'school severeal years later after your graduation. In addition, if your targets includes those second tier schools, i believe you have enough credentials, top school in China as you said, icbc is also a recognized name to some schools. Just try to get a higher gmat and tofel score and you have a very high possibility to get into some schools as long as your essays don't screw up the admission offers. Best luck.
I think to get prepared as early as you can is definitely not a bad thing. Set your goal and try to achieve it in the coming years. As admit also from "big four", i think our experience does have its own two sides of the same coin.
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