Analyzing campaignexpenditures, the media has had as a focus the high costs and low ethics of campaignfinance, but they have generally overlooked the cost of actually administeringelections, which includes facilities, transport, printing, staffing, andtechnology.
A. Analyzing campaign expenditures, the media has had as a focus
B. Analyses of campaign expenditures by the media has been focused on
C. In analyzing campaign expenditures, the media have focused on
D. Media analyses ofcampaign expenditures have had as a focus (C)
E. In their analysis of campaign expenditures, the media has been focusingon
A选项中 prep笔记这么写:analyzing表示同时发生,与主句的hashad表示现时已经完结不一致。刚看了版主对此题的回复写道:本句有media集中于。。。,同时analyze。。。的意思
但是在og中 有2题
25 Using accounts of various ancient writers, scholars have painted asketchy picture of the activities of an all-female cult that, perhaps as earlyas the sixth century B.C., worshipped a goddess known in Latin as Bona Dea, "thegood goddess".
15 Warning that computers in the United States are notsecure, the National Academy of Sciences has urged the nation to revamp computersecurity procedures, institutenew emergency response teams, and create a special nongovernment organization to take chargeof computer security planning.