239. Despite its attractiveness, investing abroad can still pose big risks, ranging from the potential for political instability in some countries to the shortage of regulations to protect investors and a serious lack of information about investments in others.
(A) to the shortage of regulations to protect investors and a serious lack of information about investments in others (答案A)
(B) to the shortage of regulations to protect investors and in others a serious lack of information about investments
(C) and the shortage of regulations to protect investors and a serious lack of information about investments in others
(D) and the shortage of regulations to protect investors to a serious lack of information about investments in others
(E) to the shortage of regulations to protect investors in others and a serious lack of information about investments
我原来选的D,大全的解释是“D) the potential和the shortage内容上不平行; from….to….的结构不对称。”
我还不太明白,是不是说potential和shortage意思差太远,而shortage和lack接近 ---- 难道只有同近义并列才算平行?--- 我不想走入误区,所以还得NN帮忙啊
还有,D中间的from ... to ... 结构有什么不平行呢 --- 难道非要是from the potential 介词X to a serious lack 介词X ?? --- 我可不想给自己提前下陷阱,所以求救啊作者: 778879147 时间: 2011-10-19 20:56
Gmat 语法题 我觉得有一个很重要的思想 就是 不能光看语法 很主要的
像这道题ranging X from Y X,Y是在说某个国家的政策法规有关的东西
and 连接 lack of information in others不同方面的risks
我是这么理解的作者: cuixiangmei84 时间: 2011-10-20 06:30
如果一定要选D,in some countries应该放在to protect investors的后面作者: hjbb1027 时间: 2011-10-20 21:08
因为the shortage 和a serious lack在意思上更为接近,这二者应该在from...to...结构中看做一个整体,与前面的potential for political instability 平行。所以D错,D将potential for political instability 与the shortage 看成一个整体,同serious lack平行。所以就造成了平行结构的不对称。
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