标题: [求助]关于狒狒逻辑第10题 [打印本页]
作者: finnlijing 时间: 2011-10-14 21:14 标题: [求助]关于狒狒逻辑第10题
10. In order to pressure the government of Country S to become less repressive, some legislators in
Country R want to ban all exports from R to S. Companies in R that manufacture telecommunication
equipment such as telephones and fax machines have argued that exports of their products should be
exempted from the ban, on the ground that it is impossible for a country to remain repressive when
telecommunication equipment is widely available to the population of that country.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument given by the manufacturers depends?
A. The government of S has recently increased the amount of telecommunication equipment it allows to be imported into the country.
B. The telecommunication equipment that would be imported into S if the exemption were to be granted would not be available solely to top development officials in S.
C. A majority of the members of R’s legislature do not favor exempting telecommunication equipment from the ban on exports to Country S.
D. Of all exports that could be sent to Country S, telecommunication equipment would be the most effective in helping citizens of S oppose that country’s
repressive government.
E. Without pressure from Country R, the government of S would be able to continue repressing its citizens indefinitely.
作者: hjbb1027 时间: 2011-10-15 06:28
作者: finnlijing 时间: 2011-10-15 19:55
我自己理解是因为它好像是Of all exports that could be sent to Country S这句出了问题,这句话意味着其他的产品也能helping citizens of S oppose that country’s repressive government,假如这样那那么多产品都不需要禁运了,大家觉得我自己的理解正确吗?
作者: fyf19871214 时间: 2011-10-17 06:19
作者: cyvivi 时间: 2011-10-18 20:37
请注意题目中的population of that country
而B中,写的是top development officials in S
作者: longshort 时间: 2011-10-20 06:28
我觉得不能只凭most就排除吧 看来看去我还是觉得B和D都对 还是很难比较
作者: xyxxyxxyx 时间: 2011-10-21 06:32
D项我开始也选了,但of all……这句太绝对。而且说的是反对政府,和原题的减少政府控制什么的意思还是不太一样。
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