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标题: 请大家给点申请学校定位的意见 [打印本页]

作者: michelle76by    时间: 2011-9-6 06:52     标题: 请大家给点申请学校定位的意见

本人目前在国内biotech做BD,主要工作是project management, licensing,和alliance management,另外参与一些pre-IPO的准备工作, 到明年9月入学之前工龄3年(不算之前上学intern, part-time)。
我undergrad 是biochem major(UT-Austin, GPA 3.72), master 也是学biochem(Columbia, GPA3.74),GMAT正复习还没考,有点没底。我准备将来转行做i-banking/PE或者consulting,不知道我这种背景应该定位什么样的学校?我已经决定破釜沉舟去上学了,所以至少得保证有个差不多的学校收我...请大家给点意见,我想最多申请10所学校,怎样选比较保险?谢谢!
作者: wadsoda    时间: 2011-9-6 21:00


作者: zjhzkingsam    时间: 2011-9-7 06:41

作者: michelle76by    时间: 2011-9-7 20:29

多谢指点,不过分批分轮次申请比较tricky, 我主要目标是top10的学校,但是不知道申请round1或者early bird会不会向千军万马过独木桥一样?本来我是打算round1申请top10的,等结果出来的时候万一不好也有时间再申其他学校的round 2,但毕竟申请round1的人一般都比较serious而且综合素质都不错,在大家水平都差不多的情况下扎堆申请是不是比较危险呢?
作者: michelle76by    时间: 2011-9-8 06:36

工作方面其实还好,我直接report給几个VP,手底下的project也都是公司最重要的项目;我几个老板都是MIT, Darden, Harvard毕业的,推荐信方面也不用太担心...
作者: lovesiqi4665    时间: 2011-9-9 06:33

Hey there!  Great questions, and congrats on doing so well in school in the US!  Now, what you are attempting is going to be VERY difficult.  No schools like to hear, in their applications, about career changes.  Why?  Because it is RISKY to them.  That is, if you have a background in biochem, and NO background in PE or IB…why should they believe that you will like your new career?  Or more to the point, why would they think that youd get a JOB in this new career?  That’s the key—career transitions are very difficult to prove.  You need to try harder to link your future goals (at least as far as the adcom is concerned) to your background in biochem.  Most career change applications will be unsuccessful, every year.  So be careful dude!  Now, assuming that you get a good score on your GMAT, you should apply to the Magic 7 for sure, and sprinkle in some safeties as well.  All programs will be just fine for PE and IB—we tell everyone to simply “go to the best program you can get into.”  Keep it nice and simple, and get into a great program.  Once you get in, you will be able to attempt your career transition.  But don’t write about it in your apps!  J  Hope this makes sense my friend…
作者: michelle76by    时间: 2011-9-9 21:50

Thank you soooo much, Jon!  Your advice is really helpful!  I

will take GMAT next month and hopefully I will have a better idea

about school selection when I get my score.  Thanks again, and stay

in touch!
作者: DayDreamings    时间: 2011-9-10 08:32

话说 大家的GPA都是按照4分制算的吧.....我们学校平均都很低...怎么办啊...

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