标题: 求帮助Prep中一题 [打印本页]
作者: chchencheng 时间: 2011-9-6 06:41 标题: 求帮助Prep中一题
A study on couples' retirementtransitions found that women who took new jobs after retiring from
their primary careers reported highmarital satisfaction, more than when retiring completely.
(A) more than when retiring
(B) more than if they were to retire
(C) more so than those who retired
(D) which was more so than those retiring
(E) which was more than if they hadretired
作者: wenbowei911 时间: 2011-9-6 20:56
体是两种人,第一种是women who took jobs after retiring from their
primary careers(以后简称再就业女)第二种是women who retire
而这两者所比较的对象是 report high marital satisfaction。然后再来看
A,more than when是一个部分比较,前文需要有紧邻的时间状语,而此处没
时间部分比较例句:I eat more apple in the morning than at night
B,很awkward,were to 是虚拟语气表示未作要做,而且比较对象模糊
作者: michellehoS 时间: 2011-9-7 06:30
C,so代指了比较对象report high marital satisfaction这个动作,those who指代下岗女,比较双方清晰,所比较内容明确。
同时,D中satisfaction是不能more so的,more so的是report...这个动作,
E好像要说satisfaction reported by再就业女more than satisfaction reported by下岗女,那么两边就需要补全这个结构,显然E后半部分没有补全比较satisfaction的想法。
作者: chchencheng 时间: 2011-9-7 20:16
能解释下more so的用法吗?好陌生啊
作者: wenbowei911 时间: 2011-9-8 06:23
这里more so不是一个idiom啊,当比较内容不容易用代词指代出来时,而重复写一遍比较内容又很awkward的时候,用so来代指比较内容,比如:
Doing business in China is just as difficult as always, and perhaps even more so.(来自FORBES)
这里想说的启示是perhaps even more difficulat,但是在这里没有很好的代词可以指代这一意思,用so指代,再比如:
Air traffic controllers complain that they're already overstretched, and in danger of becoming more so(来自BBC)
这里想表达的意思是more overstretched (than they are now)。
作者: sjmdlycs 时间: 2011-9-9 21:31
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