坐稳: AA university hopsitals are less better than other hospitals. 说university hospital 医生少20%,治愈率也少百分之多少,还说医生干了别的很多什么事之类的。(不知道是不是新的,因为一直觉得会换库,所以没怎么看寂静。。)
AI finacil gain should be the most important factor in choosing a career. (这个看到了!但是没写过,觉得写得无比的差。。十分担心坐稳成绩。。。)
愈发 有一道是。。are putting a safety risk to themselves and other
B a risk to themselve's safety and others
D themselves and others at risk 我选的这个。。。
还有平行的not 。。 but。。
有个complied by。。。。我选的是加with的
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