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标题: [GMAT逻辑学习笔记]OG12中的削弱题总结 [打印本页]

作者: 飞飞鱼    时间: 2011-6-13 14:56     标题: [GMAT逻辑学习笔记]OG12中的削弱题总结




A drug that is highly effective in treating many types of infection can, at present, be obtained only from the bark of the ibora, a tree that is quite rare in the wild. It takes the bark of 5,000 trees to make one kilogram of the drug. It follows, therefore, that continued production of the drug must inevitably lead to the ibora’s extinction.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?



2.Therefore点出了结论:continued production of the drug must inevitably lead to the ibora’s extinction. 看到结论直接默认,持续的drug生产不会导致ibora灭绝。


生产1kg某种drug需要5000棵稀有的wild ibora为原料à持续的drug生产则ibora灭绝


从后往前倒推:持续的drug生产不会导致ibora灭绝à原料不仅限于wild ibora


(A) The drug made from ibora bark is dispensed to doctors from a central authority.

(B) The drug made from ibora bark is expensive to produce.

(C) The leaves of the ibora are used in a number of medical products.

(D)The ibora can be propagated from cuttings and grown under cultivation. D

(E) The ibora generally grows in largely inaccessible places.

关于E选项为什么错。个人感觉因为是continued production意思就是已然在生产了,和能不能取得无关了。


作者: 飞飞鱼    时间: 2011-6-13 14:57


Robot satellites relay important communications and identify weather patterns. Because the satellites can be repaired only in orbit, astronauts are needed to repair them. Without repairs, the satellites would eventually malfunction. Therefore, space flights carrying astronauts must continue.

Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the argument above



2.找结论:space flights carrying astronauts must continue

3.将结论否定之:space flights carrying astronauts may not continue

4.逻辑链:satellites只能在轨道上修理不修就坏了à astronauts are neededà space flights carrying astronauts must continue

5.反推:space flights carrying astronauts may not continueà astronauts are not needed

6.找到最终需要反驳的源头了:astronauts are not needed,找个理由说明为什么astronaut不需要呗。


(A) Satellites falling from orbit because of malfunctions burn up in the atmosphere.

(B) Although satellites are indispensable in the identification of weather patterns, weather forecasters also make some use of computer projections to identify weather patterns.

(C) The government, responding to public pressure,has decided to cut the budget for space flights and put more money into social welfare programs.

(D) Repair of satellites requires heavy equipment, which adds to the amount of fuel needed to lift a spaceship carrying astronauts into orbit.

(E) Technical obsolescence of robot satellites makes repairing them more costly and less practical than sending new, improved satellites into orbit.
作者: 飞飞鱼    时间: 2011-6-13 14:57


In the last decade there has been a significant decrease in coffee consumption. During this same time, there has been increasing publicity about the adverse long-term effects on health of the caffeine in coffee. Therefore, the decrease in coffee consumption must have been caused by consumers’ awareness of the harmful effects of caffeine.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously calls into question the explanation above?


2.找结论:the decrease in coffee consumption must have been caused by consumers’ awareness of the harmful effects of caffeine.

3.否定结论:the decrease in coffee consumption may not have been caused by consumers’ awareness of the harmful effects of caffeine.

4.逻辑链:increasing publicity about the adverse long-term effects on health of the caffeine in coffeeàconsumers’ awareness of the harmful effects of caffeineàdecrease in coffee consumption

5.反推,其实这一题不需要反推,很容易,甚至连逻辑链都不需要推,既然否定完结论后出现的结果是:the decrease in coffee consumption may not have been caused by consumers’ awareness of the harmful effects of caffeine,那就必然寻找他因了。找到别的原因说明the decrease in coffee consumption咯。


(A) On average, people consume 30 percent less coffee today than they did 10 years ago.

(B) Heavy coffee drinkers may have mild withdrawal symptoms, such as headaches, for a day or so after significantly decreasing their coffee consumption.

(C) Sales of specialty types of coffee have held steady as sales of regular brands have declined.

(D) The consumption of fruit juices and caffeine-free herbal teas has increased over the past decade.

(E)Coffee prices increased steadily in the past decade because of unusually severe frosts in coffee-growing nations.

作者: 飞飞鱼    时间: 2011-6-13 14:58


整体的做题过程就是:1. 看问题,注意题型,有没有关键信息

2. 找结论

3. 自动否定找到的结论

4. 推理逻辑链

5. 用否定的结论反推,找到出问题的源头,也就是weaken point

6. 找到了weaken的点,看选项



A major chemical spill occurred five years ago at Baker’s Beach, the world’s sole nesting ground for Merrick sea turtles, and prevented nearly all the eggs laid that year from hatching.Yet the number of adult female Merricks returning to lay their eggs at Baker’s Beach has actually increased somewhat since five years ago.Clearly, environmentalists’ prediction that the world’s Merrickpopulation would decline as a result of the spill has proven unfounded.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the argument offered in refutation of the environmentalists’ prediction?
作者: 飞飞鱼    时间: 2011-6-13 14:58

1. 看问题,削弱题,但是有关键信息,要看懂:反驳对于环境学家预测的反驳,也就是说支持环境学家的结论

2. 找结论:environmentalists’ prediction that the world’s Merrick population would decline as a result of the spill has proven unfounded

3. 否定结论:environmentalists’ prediction that the world’s Merrick population would decline as a result of the spill has proven founded

4. 逻辑链:(1)5年前的污染导致唯一的海龟产卵地的蛋不能孵化


5. 反推:出现了两个原因,(1)(2)两个原因是相冲突的,由(1)推出了结论,现在要反驳结论,结论取非后必然是可以直接推导到(2)也就是:因为污染海龟数量减少的预测是对的à5年前的污染导致唯一的海龟产卵地的蛋不能孵化

6. 找答案,为什么受到污染了,母海龟数量还会增加呢

A.The chemical spill five years ago occurred at a time when there were neither Merrick sea turtles nor Merrick sea turtle eggs on Baker’s Beach.

B.Female Merrick sea turtles begin returning to Baker’s Beach to lay their eggs when they are ten years old.

C.Under normal conditions, only a small proportion of hatchling female Merrick sea turtles survive in the ocean until adulthood and return to lay their eggs at Baker’s Beach.

D.Environmental pressures unrelated to the chemical spill have caused a significant decline in the population of one of the several species of sea birds that prey on Merrick sea turtle eggs.

E.After the chemical spill, an environmental group rejected a proposal to increase the Merrick sea turtle population by transferring eggs from Baker’s Beach to nearby beaches that had not been affected by the spill.

作者: 飞飞鱼    时间: 2011-6-13 14:58

83. Journalist: In physics journals, the number of articles reporting the results of experiments involving particle accelerators was lower last year than it had been in previous years. Several of the particle accelerators at major research institutions were out of service the year before last for repairs, so it is likely that the low number of articles was due to the decline in availability of particle accelerators.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the journalist’s argument?
(A)  Every article based on experiments with particle accelerators that was submitted for publication last year actually was published.
(B)  The average time scientists must wait for access to a particle accelerator has declined
over the last several years.
(C)  The number of physics journals was the same last year as in previous years.
(D)  Particle accelerators can be used for more than one group of experiments in any given year.
(E)  Recent changes in the editorial policies of several physics journals have decreased the likelihood that articles concerning particle accelerator research will be accepted for publication.

像这种题,如果 自动否定找到的结论,能不能是 so it is likely that the HIGH number of articles was... 我知道在这个题目里这么改不太合适,我的意思就是 自动否定结论的时候 能把题目中decrease 之类的词语改成相反的意思吗?
像这道题,B,D选项按照OG的解释都是会使articles增加的,那结论问的low no. of articles,是不是这样的事实是不能改变的?(因为我觉得如果题目里说low,选项里是high的话也算是削弱啊?)


那么这道题的结论是:the low number of articles was due to the decline in availability of particle accelerators

很明显,这里取非否定的是was,那么否定后就变成了:the low number of articles was notdue to the decline in availability of particle accelerators

实际上,这道题和我上面说的例题3思路是一致的,due to表示原因,取非之后,很容易发现,was not due to(不是因为这个,那肯定是因为别的),指引你去寻找他因咯。

找一个原因去说明:文章的减少不是因为availability of particle accelerators,是别的原因导致了这个情况的发生

同时,请注意,题干说的文章减少,是In physics journals,articles decline,刊登的文章减少了!

作者: pansy    时间: 2011-6-15 10:15

作者: bolococo    时间: 2011-6-17 06:24

many     thanks @
作者: newcentury    时间: 2013-2-7 12:46

作者: psycheps    时间: 2013-3-30 07:55

many thanks
作者: lanshi    时间: 2013-4-2 06:29

many thanks @@@
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many thanks @@
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作者: Shaple    时间: 2013-4-6 20:33

thanks !
作者: calvinmonkey    时间: 2013-4-7 07:30

thanks  a  lot @#
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many thanks
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作者: xiaoxuanchu    时间: 2013-4-11 06:26

thanks !@@@@@@@
作者: jingjane    时间: 2013-4-15 06:18

thanks a lto @#
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thanks for sharing
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作者: Caroic    时间: 2014-12-9 10:20

回复 1# 飞飞鱼

作者: Axandorza    时间: 2015-1-9 10:50

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顶!d=====( ̄▽ ̄*)b
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