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标题: 求解Prep 1-16 [打印本页]

作者: timothyyung    时间: 2011-6-2 07:03     标题: 求解Prep 1-16


Most of the world's supply of uranium currently comes from mines.It is possible to extract uranium from seawater, but the cost of doing so is greater than the price that uranium fetches on the world market.Therefore, until the cost of extracting uranium from seawater can somehow be reduced, this method of obtaining uranium is unlikely to be commercially viable.

Which of the following would it be most useful to determine in evaluating the argument?

(A) Whether the uranium in deposits on land is rapidly being depleted

(B) Whether most uranium is used near where it is mined

(C) Whether there are any technological advances that show promise of reducing the cost of extracting uranium from seawater

(D) Whether the total amount of uranium in seawater is significantly greater than the total amount of uranium on land

(E) Whether uranium can be extracted from freshwater at a cost similar to the cost of extracting it from seawater

解答是A,我选的是B,因为如果是要evaluating the argument不就是要判断有无其他影响因素吗?如果选A那跟选C有何差异,我觉得两者都关系到成本或价格

作者: philipyu1025    时间: 2011-6-2 20:25

A选项 如果回答YES,说明只能用extracting uranium from seawater 的方法,削弱文章;如果回答NO,支持文章。

B我应该是无关,回答YES/NO ,对文章起不到效果。
作者: thinkingape    时间: 2011-6-3 06:38

而A之所以能够评价,因为 如果陆地的铀即将枯竭,那么价格会因为稀缺性而上涨,从而超过现有的从水中提取铀的成本,从而使其可行。(但是这却反驳了文章结论中的“直到”)


作者: timothyyung    时间: 2011-6-4 07:12

作者: ozymendias    时间: 2011-6-6 09:07

而A之所以能够评价,因为 如果陆地的铀即将枯竭,那么价格会因为稀缺性而上涨,从而超过现有的从水中提取铀的成本,从而使其可行。(但是这却反驳了文章结论中的“直到”)


    绿色部分的~~ 你咋说得那么抽象呢?!能具体点吗?我这题选了C。。。不懂捏~~~~


然后C选项,回答是,那就是有这样的技术,那就有经济效益啦。 削弱


作者: socool1990    时间: 2011-6-7 06:33

Therefore, until the cost of extracting uranium from seawater can somehow be reduced, this method of obtaining uranium is unlikely to be commercially viable.


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