标题: [语法资料] 5月3日换题库了——5月GMAT语法新题答案汇总(58-80) [打印本页]
作者: chili 时间: 2011-5-30 10:47 标题: 5月3日换题库了——5月GMAT语法新题答案汇总(58-80)
考点有not only for but also for , integrate to/for/of
[ by cassiemy]
(1) 记得有个Thank you for giving the highest rates if you can;if you cannot,please inform the manager before leaving。这是A选项,我觉得是对的啊,但是额语法不怎么好。
(2) 还有一个就是最后一个,B选项是The atmosphere is a more inefficient producer of thunder什么 than with the star什么。(这里with好像没有比较对象,前面没出现过with,不知道可以这样用否 )
E选项是The atmosphere produces less efficiently if it 什么star的。我在这两个选项里犹豫啊,想请问下less可以没有than单独出现么?????(我在这题想了好久,最后改来改去,也不知道选的啥)
作者: chili 时间: 2011-5-30 10:48
60. GWD原题
More than fifty years after the Second World War, a number of African American soldiers were awarded ― some of them posthumously ― with the Congressional Medal of Honor, which was the nation’s highest military award, and which was long overdue in recognition of their outstanding bravery.
A. with the Congressional Medal of Honor, which was the nation’s highest military award, and which was long overdue in
B. with the Congressional Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award for long-overdue
C. the Congressional Medal of Honor, which was the nation’s highest military award, long-overdue in
D. the Congressional Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award for long-overdue
E. the Congressional Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award, in long-overdue
61. 语法:
1.有一道not only,but also的题,also省略掉了,但只有这个选项前后并列是并列的。
2. 有一道考逻辑主语的。 in addition to protein ,维他命..., human milks have antibiotic 什么什么的,因为后半句没划线的是are复数,所以选human milks 而不是 the human milk
[by whopawo ]
总结in addition to的比较情况
注意:In addition to 在句首,后面比较的名词 可以跟addition to 后面的一致也可以不一致。
例句:In addition to taxes, death is inevitable.
In addition to Munster cheese, I like Swiss.
作者: chili 时间: 2011-5-30 10:48
62. 语法就没什么可以说的了。不过碰到了thank you for那题,选的A也就是JJ上的答案。语法其实也不全看不出考点,不过LZ就前面有几个长句子,后面就比较短了,所以应该没有发言权吧。
[by juliali0425]
63. 愈发
(1) 语法有遇到那个thank you for的题目,果断选了各位大牛的答案,A
(2) 确实遇到几个破折号的题,但楼主觉得都不影响做题~不要太在意啦~
(3) 记得有一道题,选的选项是前面一个完整句子,然后冒号,再接since怎么怎么样~冒号的用法是啥米?不太确定呃。。。
(4) 有考到平行结构,maintain什么什么,and 又接了个动词原形
[by sunxiaoyue118]
~~~~maintain 后面是 to do~~, do~~, and do~~~。我记得好像这个题目是考了三个动词的并列。所以当大家万一遇到这个题目的时候,提醒去看看是不是maintain后面还有to do。有可能是三个to do结构并列但是后面两个的to省略了啊。 所以要记得double 确认一下噢~
作者: chili 时间: 2011-5-30 10:48
64. 语法:没有开始大家说的那么恐怖,有遇到破折号,但是只是插入语,不影响主语谓语的判断,不要心慌。
(1) 大致意思:(50%题干回忆正确率)城市什么什么upheavals.....when, with.......and increasing number of people who leaving, 没受教育的boys就是upheavals的generation. 结构奇怪。
(2)(题干50%)考到so strong as to 动词,没问题。但是后面好像make either 名词.....or against to 用法逻辑语义不对,没太看懂这里的逻辑意思。我还是选了SO THAT,.....EITHER FOR OR AGAINST... 选择for ,against介词平行。 诶……这点很不确定,大家考到一定要看EITHER OR那句的语义
[ by fatdudu]
Aimeedoudou在考场也遇到狗主人的第2题。个人意见是for 和 again的平行。for 和again分别表示的意思是支持和反对。所以放到句子里就变成:或者支持或者反对。
65. 愈发
(1) 第一题很奇怪,记得很清楚,开头给了一堆修饰词,其实主语就是earning 题目好像是 although the **** earning what what之类的,然后逗号,之后划线,第一个选项是its warning what what 的,第二个也是以it warning 开头,第三四五都是以 warning is what what,我很认真的读了几遍,判断主语是earning没错, 所以首先排除了AB,然后有个 aim at doing 的选项,其他的有个aim to do,所以楼主就选了那个,也不知道对不对,
(2) 第二题是 一个 某sea do sth as sth separate sth 划线是separate,这个题我没能判断出来的,到底是想表示并列还是主语一直就是开头的那个sea,所以答案就不说了,因为楼主verbal拉分了,虽然感觉很好,但是很可能是错了不少,呜呜。
(3) 最后一题好像是GWD原题,就是 the survive of sth 中间很长的东东,然后划线是 both because its and because its的那道,答案是这个吧,就这个平行好像,这个是原题吧?我觉得愈发除了看不懂的就是跟GWD好像的
[by yangmars]
The survival of a rare New Zealand species of mistletoe that produces spectacular sprays of scarlet flowers is threatened both because their leaves are extremely tasty to a voracious opossum species and also because their flowers are pollinated by two species of birds whose populations are in decline.
A. is threatened both because their leaves are extremely tasty to a voracious opossum species and also because their
B. is threatened both because its leaves are extremely tasty to a voracious opossum species and because its
C. is threatened both because its leaves are extremely tasty to a voracious opossum species and also its
D. are threatened both because its leaves are extremely tasty to a voracious opossum species and its
E. are threatened both because their leaves are extremely tasty to a voracious opossum species and because their
作者: chili 时间: 2011-5-30 10:48
2.还有一题比较两个作家的theory,划线句的选项有的是以theory作主语,有的是以那个作家作主语,这里要注意后面有个preferring伴随状语,它的逻辑主语应该只能是人吧我想~ 所以应该排除用物作主语的选项。
3.not only…but 语法点,这里also省略了。比较简单,not only和but后的词形式一样,就可以直接横扫四个选项。
[by 小麦子臻]
作者: chili 时间: 2011-5-30 10:49
有一个是 the workings of xxx is not as famous as authors, xxxx,but ,whose style is unique
有一个选项是, the workings of famous writers, among them p and s in particular, but whose style is a unique one.
还有 the workings of famous writers, p and s in particular, but his style is unique.就这两个我比了好久,最后选了后者,还是请教NN.
有一个是protect 和block from,我选了前者,我慢慢想想还有没有其他的。
[by xiaxiaer]
2、as as 成对出现,见到as many这样背叛型自己出镜的果断pass。
3、平行结构优选,同位语优选。对and but or 这样的词要敏感,前后要平行
4、有名词形式优选~不选动词ing。e.g excavation>excavating。经常考~!
6、which非限定修饰前有逗号 that限定修饰前无逗号
this/that dog+,+which(因为已经说明就是这条或那条狗)
the/a/two/three+that(限定修饰 必须说明哪条狗)
7、but 前有逗号切记加主语,前无逗号(省略主语)看前面主语是否也是后面句子的主语
8、both and,not only but(also),这样的热门组合不说了~
-ing分词/-ed分词,谁(sb.or sth.),同位语,做了什么(经常爱用that 一个句子加一个句子的),ing(伴随结果咋样)
[by 好想有个农场 ]
作者: chili 时间: 2011-5-30 10:49
[by 玉兰情结]
题目来咯~~感谢 fyx76794321 提供这个题目~
Researchers have found that individuals who have been blind from birth, and who thus have never seen anyone gesture, nevertheless make hand motions when speaking just as frequently and in virtually the same way as sighted people do, and that they will gesture even when conversing with another blind person.
(A) who thus have never seen anyone gesture, nevertheless make hand motions when speaking just as frequently and in virtually the same way as sighted people do, and that they will gesture
(B) who thus never saw anyone gesturing, nevertheless make hand motions when speaking just as frequent and in virtually the same way as sighted people did, and that they will gesture
(C) who thus have never seen anyone gesture, nevertheless made hand motions when speaking just as frequently and in virtually the same way as sighted people do, as well as gesturing
(D) thus never having seen anyone gesture, nevertheless made hand motions when speaking just as frequent and in virtually the same way as sighted people did, as well as gesturing
(E) thus never having seen anyone gesture, nevertheless to make hand motions when
speaking just as frequently and in virtually the same way as sighted people do, and to gesture
71.语法感觉还可以,可能我这水平的,考点也挺清晰的吧,有transpiration的题,还有两道GWD,想不起来了。大家看SC一定看清主谓一致的问题,一般都是在句中加好多好多修饰和从句,然后一个逗号,逗号后有动词的,要看清啊。。。出了两道这样的题。。。还有个so much as being removed的,因为是否定句,所以排除后剩下两个so开头的,so much as removal神马的记不清了,我最后选了这个being的,但是真的纠结啊纠结。。。总之今天的语文部分,感觉题目比想象的都要长,大家做好准备哈。。。
作者: chili 时间: 2011-5-30 10:50
72. 雨筏(比较细节,能记住的很少):1. unlike ,对称:描述一个交通道路;
[by cherrypeng2010]
73. 语法
An earthquake strike not California but instead other eastern coastal areas.
A. not California but instead
B.not California but rather
C. not in California but
D.not in California but
E.not in California but in
感觉五个选项都不是太好,因为正确的搭配应该是strike + someplace. not/but 平行
所以最好是not California but
我靠平行选了最后一个,现在想想应该是做错了。。。因为strike in 是绝对级错误,而平行估计可以违反的。否则还可以考得更高吧
[by mingda99]
此题是770牛牛的回忆。Aimeedoudou帮大家查过字典,果然strike做动词 是没有加介词的喔。我个人感觉是选择B。选项A中的but instead也是错误的用法。但是答案不确定喔。
作者: chili 时间: 2011-5-30 10:50
74. 语法要弄清题意,逻辑为王。一定要整理,记熟每个语法点。然后再带到题目里面做,吃透它。og真的很宝贵!
[by 夏沐清风]
75.语法 unlike和as的用法。。平行关系和代词的用法也考了。。。还有until的用法。。thus。。还有一个考的是1988saw什么什么的变化。。选项有in 1988…. With 1988….的变化。。。想不起来了。。MS是考年代能否做主语的。
[by hisoya]
总结比较中的as /like
总结“比较”的考点 as 和 like: Like和As的混合考题
A do ***, as B do A can *** as B can A is *** as B and C are
A do *** as B did ten years ago.
Like A’s Book, B’s Book is red.
典型的错误为:Like A, B’s book is red.(人和人比,书和书比)
三、典型的干扰选项 详见og12-9/20/31题
similar to contrary to(但在like/unlike题型中有可能成为正确答案)
contrary to:一般接抽象名词(ideas/opinions/actions),在句首的时候不需要逻辑主语
in contrast with: 后面接抽象或者具体名词都可以(a difference between people, ideas, situations, things 等)
unlike /like: 接抽象或者具体名词都可以,但是需要平行的结构。
similar=like, different from=unlike, 但是similar to 和 different from一般不可放在句首。
1) in contrast with X, Y~~~
2) in contrast to X, Y~~~
3) unlike X,Y~~
4)contrary to X,Y~~
要注意 3/4都有很坚决的表示:与X不同,Y怎么怎么样
但是1/2都只是在比较:与X比较起来,Y怎么样 说明XY不一定完全不同 只是比较哪个更怎么样
作者: chili 时间: 2011-5-30 10:51
47. (27021-!-item-!-188;#058&003068)
1998 saw several new ventures promoting online distance learning both at the college and graduate level, but also faculty members in large numbers began questioning whether the computer screen was an adequate replacement for the classroom.
(A) 1998 saw several new ventures promoting online distance learning both at the college and graduate level, but also faculty members in large numbers began
(B) In 1998 several new ventures were promoting online distance learning for both college-and for graduate-level courses, but it was also a year for a large number of faculty members who began
(C) With several new ventures promoting online distance learning both for college and graduate courses in 1998, it was also a year when a large number of faculty members had begun
(D)Although 1998 saw several new ventures promoting online distance learning for both college- and graduate-level courses, it was also a year when a large number of faculty members began
(E) Several new ventures were promoting online distance learning in 1998, at both the college level as well as the graduate, but it was also a year for faculty members to begin in large numbers
(1) 我的语文第一道题语法姐就悲催了呀,由于没被单词的缘故,偶没有准确掌握cater(貌似这个长相左右。。)的意思啊,不知道是
Shakespeare’s play…… cater the taste of … 还是
Shakespeare ……..cater the taste…..
(2) 也碰到了所谓do so OR do it 的题。前面有doctors who do so do believe 什么的…..说实话介题看了半天,对各个选项理解无能。。所以偶跟风选do so
(3) 很多平行,两个所谓插入语,考了一个……all employees: the pilots, the地勤,and theXX.从all employees 一直划到and。我觉得冒号还挺神奇的。最后选了介个普通的选项。正确与否有待考证。
[by yangmili]
(1)cater ( for sth/sb) 提供饮食及服务; 由某人或者某事物提供,迎合
(2)cater to sth 满足某种需要或者要求
作者: chili 时间: 2011-5-30 10:51
77. 语法题,基本上都是凭感觉,排除了三个选项,在2个里面挑,
(1)有题目是:being XX inexpensive,——东西就要XXXXX的,逗号后面直接选price的选项,其他的逻辑主语都不对;
(2)有题目是神马电加热的价格如果上升,居民就要选择别的价格便宜的能源,我选了个 price of heat ,因为能和后面的cost of 某能源对应。
(3)最后一题记得蛮清楚,是althoug--(杀虫剂)shown that have no use, it will remain the 统治地位,还是市场地位的,括号里面我选了(pesticide单数,神马的),因为和后面的it对应,其他选项还有use of pesticide神马的;(4)还有一题是某个诺贝尔获奖者,XX,里面有破折号,advocate神马人权的,大家做的时候把破折后里面的慢点看,我选的是,其中两个破折号,后面一根有个of的,能和前一个破折后的动词对应的,就是do --XX--of 啥的,不知道大家能理解不
(4)还有一道非常非常ws的题目,说的是某个科学家discover了神马东西,--XXX(补充解释这个发明的),初看有三个discovery that做同位语的,其实和discover重复了,最后貌似选的是个v-ing形式,做伴随状语的,大家到时仔细看吧。
[by carfield365]
78.语法有考到Thank you for...的那题,答案是A没错,其实没觉得有很多标点符号,而且那些标点也不会造成困扰的~大家不要紧张~,考点有,that so as to 和so that not only... but unlike 具体的也记不清了,就不误导大家了~
作者: chili 时间: 2011-5-30 10:51
1. aim at blocking xxx-rules changes from XXX
aim at protecting XXX-rules XXX 我选了这个
2. unlike
3. not only ... but also
4. knew either.... or.... 通过某个RESEARCH什么的,发现土著不仅知道什么还知道什么。 注意: 有些选项是 either knew... or...., knew either...knew or.....
5. a suggestion to her that , 我基本个没看那个题目,按其他NN的选择
6. 考了平行, to approach XXX(名词), locate, and identity object of, for example, 其它有个选项是to approach XXX (名词) and location and identify object of, ...., 我觉得approach location 怪怪的,没选这个
7. within highway systems, NE highway has less snow than SW highway, which takes less time to clear (it). 在A和E中,就差那个IT。
8. 还考了逻辑主语, 有一道是 the author's book, 是不对的, 我记的作者在这里是做形容词, 不能做为主语。
[by nickmartin]
关于a suggestion 那条在第49条提到过
作者: chili 时间: 2011-5-30 10:51
81.澄清下破折号的问题 其实只用理解破折号后面一般是什么成分 比如是名词短语、句子、 还是什么的; 考点不在破折号 在其他成分, 是可以清楚排出的~ 筒子们不用担心啦
[by troypei ]
(1)Anthropologist 动词,among other things, M物,as well as B物 among ath
(2)考了分号的那道题,分号后面直接跟since的是错的,因为分号本身具有解释功能,选的是, a tendency that那个表同位语的
(3)考了之前有的 , suggestion。。。的那题,我选的就是A
(4)这次考试中遇到一题举例,A,B,C,E都都是用like的,D用such as ,但是d选项肯定是错的,因为又啰嗦又不必要的引入ING作主语。大家注意啊,有很多以前必错的选项现在可能是对的了。
(5)A do sth to damage the marine system, to uproot B and C that are very old. 选项有 uprooting, in uprooting 什么的,最后我选的是uprooting,因为我认为uproot 和前面的damage之间存在的是解释关系而不是并列关系。
[by lshtao08]
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