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标题: [录取分享] NYU Stern MBA(Round 2)录取汇总(共3个人) [打印本页]

作者: s    时间: 2011-3-31 16:04     标题: NYU Stern MBA(Round 2)录取汇总(共3个人)

NYU Stern MBA总是比其他学校慢一步,终于发了offer了,给大家分享三个NYU Stern MBA大陆录取人背景:

1.In@NYU Stern R1
Male,Top 4 University in China, GMAT:730, TOEFL: 106. 3 years big 4 audit+2 years top US company internal audit. Extensive international exposure and community work. Strong committment to NYU Stern (Visit campus twice, fly from SH to BJ to attend round table discussion with adcom, attend MBA fair, information session, talk to over 6 current students and alumni, contact 3 student clubs)......
March 18th in SH做的interview

2.In@NYU Stern (R1) + 面经
在被Columbia, Wharton, MIT, Tuck, Booth, Kellogg无情地ding后,没想到现在我却幸福却更痛苦地纠结于LBS和NYU之间。。。(Fatass, convince me to go to NYC!)
1)Adcom hub interview不是blind interview,在面试前已经认真看过了申请人的package。
3)hub interview虽然只有一个面试官,但看来问每个人的问题可能会很不一样,所以还是把general questions都准备一下才是王道。
4)个人感觉NYU在面试时比较关注未来的就业情况,会问申请人对未来计划从事的职业现在已经有了什么了解和认识、如果找不到internship有什么backup plan、如果毕业没找到career goal里写的工作有什么backup plan等。这是我面其他adcom interview没有被问到过的问题。个人建议着重准备一下。

我的背景:Male/top 2 undergrad in China/750+/105+/3Y big4 audit + 3Y big4 advisory by matriculation/weak community service/almost zero international experience

3.In @ NYU Stern (R2) + 面经
先说NYU的面经。我是最后一天的下午1:45分,听其他同学说那一天是给中国以外的亚洲人准备的.....如其他interviewee所说,NYU的Admission officer也就是James确实很专业,面试之前看过很多你的资料,能够在面试你的过程中随时见缝插针,结合你的其他经历问问题,一准备不足就容易被问懵了。
1. Is there any update since you submitted your application; and some follow-up questions about the updates.
2. Why did you make a decision to go to UK after your undergraduate? (I spent a year in UK and was rewarded a master degree there.) 3. What's the largest challenge during your life in UK?
4. Why is MBA program so critical to you? I answered "Why Now" as well, spontaneously. 5. What is your performance compared with others during your first job?
6. Why Stern?
7. What's the most constructive criticism you received?
8. What do you expect your classmates will describe you upon graduation from Stern?

语速越来越快,聊了很多内容,还有很多琐碎的问题不具参考性的就不放上来了。James对commitment非常非常看重,我最喜欢NYU Stern的就是他在金融领域的网络,不断和他表达我对这个优势的无比敬仰之情,我觉得都把自己感动了,他还是在问,NYU Stern怎么具体能帮到我,各位同学要多准备这个问题。

我的背景是国内一类重点的本科,英国Top5学校的Master, 1年的management consulting, 2年的M&A, 1年的Investment Banking. GMAT 770/6.0, Toefl Waived.
另外,看到很多人纠结于Chicago, Columbia, NYU之间的选择,给大家一个参考(当然是偏向NYU)。首先声明是有偏差的,仅供参考。我做过一个抽样调查,涵盖各大投行,PE,VC,Mutual Fund, Hedge Fund。金融领域Stern的校友是最多的,约是Wharton的1.3倍, CBS的1.9倍, HBS的2.5倍, Booth的2.8倍。当然这个涵盖了本科生和part-time MBA,但对于找工作还是很有参考性的。
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