标题: 2月25号换题库-GMAT阅读新题答案整理贴(52-61篇) [打印本页]
作者: jeanyy426 时间: 2011-3-14 17:27 标题: 2月25号换题库-GMAT阅读新题答案整理贴(52-61篇)
by elaineliang
680,Q50, V31
关于公司对公共事业的关注会影响financial profit. 文章非常非常长,但是论证很严密逻辑性很强,很容易读懂。大概分为三段,第一段提出这个主题,中间一段提到investment有增加,貌似在论证人们对这类关注公众利益公司的关注。最后一段是对survey的论证,认为结果未必可信。
考古 by rebecca_wang
作者: jeanyy426 时间: 2011-3-14 17:27
V1 by candice1989 3/8/2011 v35
V 我的V只有80%,大家凑合看~
P3.第二种方法也有局限性。1,是否适合于所有的树种;2,是否能在热带地区推广。In conclusion,还需要做更多的研究。
V2 by lxy4tc 3/10/2011
还有一篇是介绍年轮的,说是因为大部分树的年轮都看不清楚,科学家只能用同位素的方法来确定树的年龄,然后研究湖里的化石来研究气候变化,但是化石不能提供很精确到年得变化。所以有个科学家发明了一个用X光照年轮的方法来推断树的钙化程度,用一种泰国的树。这样只要一个下午就可以判断树的年龄了。第三段说了这种方法的一些不确定性,比如说是不是只有这种树可以用x ray啊,是不是像同位素一样精确啊,然后这个科学家还在找别人合作来确定这个X光的适用范围。 题目里面有问说主题,我觉得是介绍这种新方法咯,作者的意见是还要进一步develop这个thesis咯,还有一个是哪种提供了support,跟logic题差不多,具体答案忘记鸟
作者: jeanyy426 时间: 2011-3-14 17:28
by Laurieyy 2/25/2011
阅读只记得一个5段的 关于dreams的
我找了个类似的 但是不是原文 给大家参考下
Dream Theories
First and foremost in dream theory is Sigmund Freud. Falling into the psychological camp, Dr. Freud's theories are based on the idea of repressed longing -- the desires that we aren't able to express in a social setting. Dreams allow the unconscious mind to act out those unacceptable thoughts and desires. For this reason, his theory about dreams focuses primarily on sexual desires and symbolism. For example, any cylindrical object in a dream represents the penis, while a cave or an enclosed object with an opening represents the vagina. Therefore, to dream of a train entering a tunnel would represent sexual intercourse. According to Freud, this dream indicates a suppressed longing for sex. Freud lived during the sexually repressed Victorian era, which in some way explains his focus. Still, he did once comment that, "Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar."
Carl Jung studied under Freud but soon decided his own ideas differed from Freud's to the extent that he needed to go in his own direction. He agreed with the psychological origin of dreams, but rather than saying that dreams originated from our primal needs and repressed wishes, he felt that dreams allowed us to reflect on our waking selves and solve our problems or think through issues.
¬More recently, around 1973, researchers Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley set forth another theory that threw out the old psychoanalytical ideas. Their research on what was going in the brain during sleep gave them the idea that dreams were simply the result of random electrical brain impulses that pulled imagery from traces of experience stored in the memory. They hypothesize that these images don't form the stories that we remember as our dreams. Instead, our waking minds, in trying to make sense of the imagery, create the stories without our even realizing it -- simply because the brain wants to make sense of what it has experienced. While this theory, known as the activation-synthesis hypothesis, created a big rift in the dream research arena because of its leap away from the accepted theories, it has withstood the test of time and is still one of the more prominent dream theories.
Let's look a little deeper into what actually happens in the brain when we dream.
我那五段也基本上是介绍原理 然后反对 然后介绍新原理 名字跟段中的又相似的
文章逻辑很清晰 其实长的更好把握 基本上都是些细节题 建议稍微做下记录
V2 by左岸的烟火 3/12/2011
第二段:介绍另外两个researchers Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley的理论
作者: jeanyy426 时间: 2011-3-14 17:28
by milk0709 3/10/2011
有一篇说的是考古的, 说一个method 可以更精确的推算出事物发生的时间
作者: jeanyy426 时间: 2011-3-14 17:28
by lilpurple 3/9/2011
月度:四篇至少看到三篇,common tragedy,森林吸收CO2,还有一个不记得了囧…反正肯定有。最后一篇觉得有狗提了一句,非常模糊,但是灰常长,至少一屏半,分了四段,没有见过有考古,所以在出租车上就把回忆的写在笔记本上了,不过刚才发现竟然是JJ整理的前几篇比较囧
第一段:说一个神马小说(书名很诡异,前两行有括号,说小说英文名字是inner yard)是一个神马斯坦的女作家写的。这本小说的historical value一直被人重视,高度表扬。但作者认为其文学价值也很大,应该得到重视。
第二段:介绍了一下小说内容,说是写在一个inner yard里面的事情,并且也反映了神马斯坦当时的political affiliation of family members(说实话看的不是很明白,有考题,我选的是说这个inner yards是一个micro神马的,见微知著的感觉)
第三段:说这个小说运用的文学手法也很独特,融合了(原词subvert,有考题,问神马意思)印度的史诗(后面一个破折号介绍到底是神吗,不重要,可以略读,无考题)和当地的一个oral narration,创造出 a sense of dispossession and lost (subvert考题的定位,选一个开头是adapt的选项)
1 主题题:不是很记得了
3. 者觉得不能决定以下哪个结论:选说英国女作家和斯坦女作家的相似是不是coincidental
作者: jeanyy426 时间: 2011-3-14 17:29
by Gratuitous 3/9/2011
P1 非洲钻石生产占到世界的很大比重,但是他只是出口一些rough diamond。以某国为例,该国的diamond cutting and polishing切割和洗矿业总共才有2000个empolyees因而Gov决定对钻石进行出口限制,对出口征收高税负,这样来促进就业发展本国钻石业。
P2 industry觉得这不是个好招。因为出口限制后do little good to the downstream industry(高亮)同时副业每5%的就业增长就会造成15%的mining业的失业,同时不像china india有很廉价的劳动力,因而这个招不成。
Q1 主旨:有两个很像1.讲一个政策的后果 2,对比两种观点(本人当场叫了声crap!然后被警告了)
Q2 高亮:能infer啥?选那个polishing and cutting那个
Q3 细节:那个为真?该国大量出口毛矿
(说到钻石了,有个电影叫blood diamond,Leo主演73届奥斯卡最佳男配角,值得一看)
作者: jeanyy426 时间: 2011-3-14 17:29
1.2.18 ceo的职责
by 大智不愚 3/9/2011
最后一篇 是ceo的职责 很短的
作者: jeanyy426 时间: 2011-3-14 17:31
1.2.19 Household savings V.s. Business savings
by yiw006 3/12/2011
4. Household savings V.s. Business savings(GWD-12-Q35 to Q37)
Many economists believe that a high rate of business savings in theUnited States is a necessary precursor to investment, because business savings,as opposed to personal savings, comprise almost three-quarters of the nationalsavings rate, and the national savings rate heavily influences the overall rateof business investment. These economists further postulate that real interestrates—the difference between the rates charged by lenders and the inflationrates—will be low when national savings exceed business investment (creating asavings surplus), and high when national savings fall below the level ofbusiness investment (creating a savings deficit).
However, during the 1960’s real interest rates were often higher whenthe national savings surplus was large. Counter-intuitive behavior alsooccurred when real interest rates skyrocketed from 2 percent in 1980 to 7percent in 1982, even though national savings and investments were roughlyequal throughout the period. Clearly, real interest rates respond toinfluences other than the savings/investment nexus. Indeed, real interestrates may themselves influence swings in the savings and investment rates. As real interest rates shot up after 1979, foreign investors pouredcapital into the United States, the price of domestic goods increasedprohibitively abroad, and the price of foreign-made goods became lower in theUnited States. As a result, domestic economic activity and the ability ofbusinesses to save and invest were restrained.
Q35: The passage is primarily concerned with
A. contrasting trends in two historical periods
B. presenting evidence that calls into question certain beliefs
C. explaining the reasons for a common phenomenon
D. criticizing evidence offered in support of a well-respected belief
E. comparing conflicting interpretations of a theory
According to the passage, which of the following resulted from foreign investment in the United States after 1979?
A. An increase in real interest rates
B. A decrease in the savings rate of certain other nations
C. An increase in American investment abroad
D. An increase in the price of American goods abroad
E. A decrease in the price of domestic goods sold at home
Q37: The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements regarding the economists mentioned in line 1?
A. Their beliefs are contradicted by certain economic phenomena that occurred in the United States during the 1960’s and the 1980’s.
B. Their theory fails to predict under what circumstances the prices of foreign and domestic goods are likely to increase.
C. They incorrectly identify the factors other than savings and investment rates that affect real interest rates.
D. Their belief is valid only for the United States economy and not necessarily for other national economies.
E. They overestimate the impact of the real interest rate on the national savings and investment rates.
作者: jeanyy426 时间: 2011-3-14 17:32
2.1.6讲金星上 有岩浆的轨道
by opensmiling 680
讲金星上 有岩浆的轨道, 一开始科学家说金星上的熔岩轨道和一般的差不多。 后来其他科学家说不是的, 金星上的岩浆轨道是得经过 两种岩浆经常性喷发才能喷出来的
可是! 1 如果是这两种岩浆喷的轨道,要喷出这么长的轨道需要的量,这两种岩浆很快就冷却了,实际上是无法喷出来这么长的轨道的
2 这两种岩浆 虽然理论上 也可以喷出这么长的轨道,但是 需要的量很大, 多大量呢? 已经超过了这些轨道的容积
然后说地球上却有一种贼牛逼的碳基岩浆 能满足上述两种情况
作者: jeanyy426 时间: 2011-3-14 17:33
by messiliu 3/8/2011
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