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标题: Cornell R2 Alumni Interview [2010-12-14]zz [打印本页]

作者: myice    时间: 2011-1-25 17:32     标题: Cornell R2 Alumni Interview [2010-12-14]zz

下午3点面了Cornell。 想说的有以下几点:

一、我在香港工作,所以可选的校友还比较多,同时发给了三个人,当时也没想到做什么background check, 就是找了前面三个试着send了email, 三个都有回复,但已经和第一个预定了(第一个是在我的邮件send出去一个小时左右打电话给我的)。所以,如果大家不怕麻烦的话,来香港面试是个不错的选择,因为个人觉得面对面的互动会好一些,而且校友和我们的共同点比较多,这样沟通起来比较有认同感。

二、当时我的interviewer要出去,他说回来给我电话和我定具体时间地点,但是他希望可以先收到我的材料,这样他好有准备。但adcom坚持要定好时间才给他发。我觉得很多事情其实都是可以商量的,就send了一封邮件给她,她就同意了。规矩是死的,人是活的,只要你言之有理,他们也是会通融的。所以,大家遇到一些情况,都可以想办法和adcom沟通,如果实在不行,再走plan B. 以下是我和adcom同的邮件,希望有帮助:

Me: I will schedule an interview with XXX after he's back in town. Please register XXX as my interviewer and send him my materials. Thank you very much!

AdCom: I cannot until it is set up.  Please let me know when he schedules.  The date, time and his name.

Me: Will keep you posted. However, as XXX will be out of town since tomorrow and conduct the interview soon after he's back, he hopes that he could receive my materials before he leaves so that he could preview them on the way. For the time being, we hope to conduct the interview on 14 Dec 2010 or any other day after 13 Dec of that week. I know the policy is to send out the material after date and time is confirmed, but that would make him lack of enough preview time to be well prepared for the interview, which might affect his judgement and the usefullness of the interview. I would greatly appreciate if you could make an exception this time and send out my materials to him soon. Sorry for any inconvenience that might cause and thank you very much for your
help in advance!

AdCom: Ok I have sent your info.  You should be all set .


1) 一些基本情况;
2) 之后问了一些其他申请的学校;
3)  然后他问了我现在的工作,问我为什么会比较快被promot;
4) 之后问到为什么要读MBA,我说现在也有在part-time start up一个公司;
5) 他就问了问公司的情况,问我怎么保证可以比别人有优势做这个东四,同时也问了在这个过程中有没有什么遇到一些困难,同时是怎么解决的。之后他就说他问完了,
6) 让我问问题。

我就问了他关于immersion, 平时上课,找工作,课余活动,住宿,那边的中国人,Cornell在亚洲的发展,和其他学校比较,读MBA有多大value, 应不应该读,他读MBA的情况,香港和国内城市规划,工作,人文方面的比较,北京的房价,美国的生活,等等。后面其实就是聊天。。。由于我之前在Fudan呆过一年,而且这个校友现在住的地方离我们家很近,所以聊得很放松。。。期间碰到他以前的同事,那个人竟然也是Johnson毕业的,就打了个招呼。总长度大概一个小时左右吧。

祝大家好运~ 大家加油!

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