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标题: Businessweek 2010 MBA 就业统计数据(附来自校友的心声) [打印本页]

作者: myice    时间: 2011-1-17 12:07     标题: Businessweek 2010 MBA 就业统计数据(附来自校友的心声)

本帖最后由 myice 于 2011-1-17 14:02 编辑

数据引自 ... s2010114_039499.htm

残酷的就业形势,可以通过Ross, Fuqua, Johnson等一流商学院的就业数据来体会。


1. MIT

2. HBS

3. Stanford

4. ChicagoBooth

5. Wharton

6. Kellogg

7. Columbia
Top 16档次:

8. Yale / Hass

10. UCLA

11. Darden

12. Tuck

13. NYU Stern

14. Johnson

15. Ross

16. Duke Fuqua

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作者: myice    时间: 2011-1-17 12:10

#1 MIT
作者: myice    时间: 2011-1-17 12:10

1. case method。这是个很有趣的事情,因为似乎Darden也有人不满这个。
2. 氛围。可能不是每个人都适合激烈的竞争环境。


-Harvard Business Schoolsocial experience is awful, but I am definitely more prepared todeal with the real world now.

-The experience can be impersonal and we don't get to visit companies as part of the tuition/feeswe pay, which is what I wanted most out of the experience.

-Overall Harvard Business School was a greatexperience; my only substantial complaints would deal with their occasionallyinappropriate unyielding adherence to the case study method and the frustratingsubjectivity of their grading. Having come from an undergraduateexperience majoring in the sciences (physics), the relative lack of feedback inconjunction with forced grading curves proved quite difficult to adjust to.
作者: myice    时间: 2011-1-17 12:11

3 Stanford


-Whilethe quality of teaching in the first year at Stanford is not excellent, Isuspect this is the case at most of the top research universities. Iused to gripe about this, but the second year has far exceeded my expectations.The electives at Stanford are excellent as are the extracurricular activities.I went on FIVE business school trips that opened my eyes and my network. Thisincludes examining the coffee supply chain in Guatemala,exploring healthcare innovations at the bottom of the pyramid in India, meeting with a diversity of C-levels inluxury in Paris, and debating with activists,politicians, financiers and managers in China on energy supply and demandand the environment.

-The program was extremely disappointing but at the same time, people viewStanford as so elite the brand alone is worth it. Was better for me than someof my friends because of personality and geography. And frankly I doubt any of theother top programs are much (or any) better based on talking to peers.MBA is a racket, but since everyone believes in it it's a valuable way to takea quasi-vacation.
作者: myice    时间: 2011-1-17 13:44

4 Chicago Booth


-The financial crisis completely blindsided career services. They did notexpect the tightening up in the job market. Although job and internshipplacement remained somewhat close to previous years, it did not show how manypeople had to take second or third choices

-In a poor job market the recruiting process is overly competitive andstressful, to the point where it compromises learning in the classroom.Unfortunately, this year it felt like an intense job placement process with afew free lectures thrown in.
作者: myice    时间: 2011-1-17 13:45


-I was surprised that the curriculum was not as strong as I expected. Iexpected that the core courses would be a very efficient, integrated “Cliff’s notes”version of everything I needed to know about starting and running a business,but it’s not there. Offsetting my disappointment with thecurriculum, however, was the opportunity to interact with students from aroundthe world. My career plans are very US-centric, but I’m very happythat I’ve been able to learn so much about the rest of the world.

-Wharton needs help with branding because it cannot leverage its undergradinstitutions the way Harvard and Stanford can. Wharton appeared to be veryacademic and quantitative before I arrived at school but during my experience,I have pursued so many leadership and student life activities that were aboveand beyond my expectations.

-I would not recommend Wharton for those seeking a purely general managementposition, however. The course offerings and expectations of employers (andcompanies interviewing on campus) are few.
作者: myice    时间: 2011-1-17 13:45

6 Kellogg

-I don't believe the Kellogg brand was enough to leverage me into a careerchange in a tough economic environment. Moreover, the Career Centerstaff is downright incompetent.

-Not enough career support for international students.
作者: myice    时间: 2011-1-17 13:46

7 Columbia

-Living as a student in NYC is painful unless you're (1) rich, (2) trust-fundbaby, or (3) company is paying for it.

-Overall, it's a very good program although some of the core classes are notvery good. But the experience, exposure, network and location are the key atCBS.

-Core curriculum was a complete waste of time/money. Far too much of a focus onalcohol-infused events loosely masked as "networking" instead ofactually learning. Far too much of a focus on I-banking and consulting, and ifneither are of interest to you (I came from I-banking and would NEVER return)you're on your own. Academic rigor was laughable, and forced "teamprojects" were usually unnecessary and after first semester simply becameexercises in delegation/taking turns. WAY too much overlap in certainclasses/concepts (this was a huge disappointment to me).

-Columbia hadfar less community than I expected and hoped for--a lot of students seem todisappear into the city on weekends, especially if they lived here beforeschool. The quality of students in the admitted body is uneven--I've dealt witha large number of students on team projects that do not seem to be responsible,motivated or intelligent. The business school seems to devote few resourcesoutside of finance and banking as career paths. If you want to start a businessor study strategy, the course offerings are slim.

-I find it a shame that ethics and FUNDAMENTAL economic principles were not afocus. Instead of requiring "plant operations" and marketing conceptsas core classes, how about providing all future business leaders with afoundation in various economic schools of thought!? Columbia prides itself as a prestigeinstitution, but my impression is one of a glorified trade school. My mostintellectually stimulating classes were the electives I took outside thebusiness school in other Columbiagraduate schools (and the amount of work in such classes was WELL beyond thatrequired by the b-school classes...go figure).
作者: myice    时间: 2011-1-17 13:48

8 Yale / Hass
作者: myice    时间: 2011-1-17 13:49

10 UCLA Anderson


-The career center could use a bit of improving - but this may be because thejob economy is in a slump right now, and I'm sure if UCLA Anderson receivesenough funding, it can improve many aspects of its program. However, it IS astate school - and I feel that for what I paid for, my expectations were metand exceeded.
作者: myice    时间: 2011-1-17 13:50

11 UVa Darden

还有人对于case method不怎么match的。

-Darden is a challenging program from both a time and intensity perspective.Although I have also had a lot of fun experiences while at Darden and have metamazing people, I would not urge someone to attend if he is looking for atwo-year vacation or a return to an undergraduate college lifestyle.

-The load of coursework and time spent preparing for classes hamper studentsinterested in entrepreneurial projects.

-Despite being a case method school, the best classes were the ones where theProfessors did a lot of teaching. The downside for me especially in the firstyear was dealing with class participation, which counted for 40-50 percent ofthe total grade. The topics were very new to me and I did not contribute wellenough. This made my grades bad and was sincerely disappointing since classparticipation was a subjective experience and students found ways to game theprofessors.
作者: myice    时间: 2011-1-17 13:50

12 Tuck

-Tuck is not a school for everyone. If you like small communities and enjoy anoutdoor place like Hanover,this is perfect. But for someone who prefers city life, it will be adisappointment.

-If you want to work in finance, our career development office is not ashelpful for positions in finance other than investment banking.

-I loved Tuck, but I would have loved it more had the career development officebeen more helpful in sourcing jobs in investment management and research. Thereneeds to be more than one person working in the Career Development Office whocovers finance career opportunities and summer opportunities for both classes.
作者: myice    时间: 2011-1-17 13:51

13 NYU Stern

-I think Stern is a strong MBA program, and I did get a lot out of it, but I dowish the school had a slightly better reputation. Some of my frustrations withbusiness school revolve around the fact that I came to business school notwanting one of the traditional CPG marketing careers and I found that NYU'scoursework and career services were not really geared towards my interests. HadI known more about business school in general prior to going, this wouldprobably not have been a surprise to me. I did get out of it what I wanted inthe end, but it took some navigating.

-Largely worthless experience. The curriculum and course quality is awful,recruiting program is poor, student body is unexceptional. Very disappointing,would absolutely not make the same choice again.

-While the experience has been amazing (academically, professionally, andsocially), the cost of my MBA was exorbitant and my career, being anon-traditional MBA path, will not cover the loan payments. For people like mewho aren't seeking a career in finance, I would advise them to think VERYCAREFULLY before deciding to pursue an MBA because the salaries just don't payfor the education. Perhaps the payoff will be apparent several years down theline, which is what I'm hoping.
作者: myice    时间: 2011-1-17 13:51

14 Cornell Johnson

-During my time at the Johnson School, I've noticed adisparity in resources that the school has compared to some of the other highlyranked MBA programs.

-Cornell is not at all good for banking or private equity. I did not reallyknow that. I think it is also not good for international [students]. I thinkCornell is a great undergrad school but an average MBA school.

-Cornell's biggest issue is its location, and it is very surprising to me thatthe school doesn't do more with its career services office to overcome thatissue. There is--from my perspective, anyway--a complete lack of marketing toalumni and prospective recruiters in non-[Investment Banking] finance roles.For a school with its own hedge fund and an immersion program dedicated to"capital markets and asset management," I would expect more of anemphasis on placement within research positions on both the buy-side and thesell-side.
作者: myice    时间: 2011-1-17 13:52

15 UM Ross

-I was enrolled in a three-year dual degree program focused on sustainableenterprise, and I would 100 percent encourage friends with similar interests toenroll at Michigan. If I had a friend who was interested in, say, finance andreally wanted to work on Wall Street, I would not recommend Michigan asstrongly just because Ross is known for having strengths in leadership,operations, marketing and general management, and less of a strength infinance.

-Michigan isneither a place that will present you all the resources on a platter, nor is ita name that can open doors for you by itself. While all the resources are here,it requires heavy self-initiative, which not all students have. But for thosethat like this, there's no lacking in what is available here. Michigan truly is for those who areaction-based and like everything student-initiated.

-While I enjoyed many aspects of my experience at Ross, there were some thingsthat I am concerned about; most importantly the quality of the career servicesdivision, and its efforts. Clearly, the office of career development could havedone more to further the cause of students in this tough year (While manyequally ranked and lower ranked schools did much better in terms of placements,the Ross numbers were not great).

-My MBA experience was spoiled due to bad economy and not being able to makethe career shift I wanted. Besides, I had to take a pay cut post-MBA. I wouldnot suggest MBA for a person with as much experience as I had (seven years postMS in Electrical Engineering).

-I doubt the incremental value that MBA will bring given the super-expensivetuition.
作者: myice    时间: 2011-1-17 14:02

16 Duke Fuqua
很少见到Top MBA的学生如此抱怨他们学校的。考虑到Duke今年在BW的排名飙升,更让人觉得,神马“数据”,都tmd是浮云,可能还是我这个主观的更靠谱。

The career services at Fuqua are extremely poor. Students are attracted intothe program by advertising a strong network and outstanding relationships withtop companies. As soon as the recruitment season begins, students come torealize that the number of companies coming to the campus is much much smallerthan advertised, students are encouraged by the schools Career ManagementCenter to look for jobs off campus and the much advertised career counseling isdone by second-year students, not professionals, but second-year students(often students with no U.S. job market experience).

-Simply put, whether you're an American or international student, if you wantcareer services, including counseling, strong connections to top companies, andsuccessful job placement, Fuqua is NOT for you!

-I truly enjoyed Fuqua, but sometimes I found that the social atmosphere can bevery much like college or high school.

-My biggest critique of the program has to do with the alumni network. They areextremely enthusiastic and helpful, but simply due to the age of the program(less than 40 years old) it is not as robust as I would have liked. It wasdifficult to make connections at organizations outside of the mainstream onesthat recruit on-campus. My career goals lie in sustainability, where jobs areall about networking.

-[It's] a great school, but it needs to focus more on the full-time MBAprogram, rather than opening campuses in other countries or other degreeprograms. It distracts the school from its core mission.

-My program is fast--six week courses per term. With the speed of lectures, theshorter time period to learn the material, and the structure of groupassignments, it wasn't the best way for me to grasp the information. Thissituation would leave me frustrated and sometimes questioning my decision totake the class.
作者: myice    时间: 2011-1-17 14:45

作者: 草莓圣代    时间: 2011-2-22 11:13


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