The electronics company has unveiled what it claims to be the world’s smallest network digital camcorder, the length of which is that of a handheld computer, and it weighs less than 11 ounces.
A. to be the world’s smallest network digital camcorder, the length of which is that of a handheld computer, and it weighs
B. to be the smallest network digital camcorder in the world, which is as long as a handheld computer, weighing
C. is the smallest network digital camcorder in the world, which is as long as a handheld computer, and it weighs
D. is the world’s smallest network digital camcorder, which is as long as a handheld computer and weighs
E. is the world’s smallest network digital camcorder, the length of which is that of a handheld computer, weighing
weighing is wrong, because the final phrase can be understood to modify " the company".作者: endless1990 时间: 2011-1-6 21:00
The electronics company has unveiled what it claims to be the world’s smallest network digital camcorder, the length of which is that of a handheld computer, and it weighs less than 11 ounces.
A.略. be the smallest network digital camcorder in the world, which is as long as a handheld computer, weighing
1 由于in the world修饰camcorder,因此which可以指代camcorder,weighing现在分词做状语修饰camcorder;
2 to be the smallest camcorder in the world,不如world's smallest camcorder简洁。
3 平行结构:which is … and, weighs …平行。
[1] It claims为插入成分,这一现象大多数考生在此处为第一次遇到,因此很多考生会认为claim的正确搭配为claim to do something,因而排除BCD选项。实际上is和to be在选项中都是正确的表达:若为is,可理解为it claims是插入成分;若为to be,则可理解成what it claims to be…这一大家都很熟悉的表达。此题难度确实比较高,这个考点在此题中起到了不小的迷惑考生的作用。但是,通过以上各选项的分析不难看出,即使不考虑is和to be的区别,通过其他考点,我们也可以排除掉ACE。在实际考试中,如果考生遇到不熟悉的考点,尽量不要依据这一单一考点作判断,应比较选项中的其他差别,综合比较后再做出选择
what it claims 是名词从句(nominal relative clause, this kind of clause functions like a noun group),是 is 的主语。what=the thing(s) which, 后面常跟 be(is or was)
[2] A选项所分析的句子层次的问题,在本书P2-94题当中也有比较详尽的解析,希望考生仔细体会
[3]此题比较明显能够首先排除ACE选项,判断主要在BD当中进行。我们分析BD选项不难看出,BD之间的区别主要体现在修饰和指代上。回忆OG里关于修饰和指代的描述,我们可以得知,GMAT要求修饰成分与被修饰对象在位置上紧密相邻、指代清晰、句子平行对称。既然出题者意在考察这两点,那么我们就选择修饰最紧密、指代最清晰的选项!本题的B选项虽如上述分析,不能轻易认为其错误,但是D选项的which只能修饰camcorder,不存在修饰world这一潜在的歧义,又紧跟在其先行词之后,同时is and weighs平行对称,因此相较B而言,是更加好的答案。故此题选D。
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