4 卡车GWD变体
卡车的维护者:在这三个州中三节卡车事故低于(not greater than)普通的卡车,中间有一句挺关键的没看懂,所以不应该禁止
In the nation of Partoria, large trucks currently account for 6 percent of miles driven on Partoria’s roads but are involved in 12 percent of all highway fatalities. The very largest trucks – those with three trailers – had less than a third of the accident rate of single- and double-trailer trucks. Clearly, therefore, one way for Partoria to reduce highway deaths would be to require shippers to increase their use of triple-trailer trucks.作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-12-10 14:14
5 引狼入园
某公园自从引入了wolf,另一x动物的存活高了,原因是wolf吃elks,恰恰elks是feed on x 动物,strengthen题
选A.引入wolf后,elks数量decrease dramatically.作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-12-10 14:14
6 市政建设
有一些VOTER 投了市政建设的票,说明他们还是支持convention center 的expansion的,但是这个议案fail了,说明大多数人不希望在市政建设上花钱,
答案应该是说,虽然人们否定了convention center 的expansion,但是人们并不希望所有建设停止。作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-12-10 14:14
9 male or female fish
这样变成male的鱼 有点苦不好吃作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-12-10 14:17
GWD-24-14 题干类似,选项不同,大家小心
In 1983 Argonia’s currency, the argon, underwent a reduction in value relative to the world’s strongest currencies. This reduction resulted in a significant increase in Argonia’s exports over 1982 levels. In 1987 a similar reduction in the value of the argon led to another increase in Argonia’s exports. Faced with the need to increase exports yet again, Argonia’s finance minister has proposed another reduction in the value of the argon.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the prediction that the finance minister’s plan will not result in a significant increase in Argonia’s exports next year?
A. The value of the argon rose sharply last year against the world’s strongest currencies.
B. In 1988 the argon lost a small amount of its value, and Aronian exports rose slightly in 1989.
C. The value of Argonia’s exports was lower last year than it was the year before.
D. All of Argonia’s export products are made by factories that were operating at full capacity last year, and new factories would take years to build. 虽采用该计划,惟有利结果已到达极限无法再增加
E. Reductions in the value of the argon have almost always led to significant reductions in the amount of goods and services that Argonians purchase from abroad.作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-12-10 14:28
The emission of sulfur dioxide when high-sulfur coal is burned is restricted by law. New coal-burning plants usually comply with the law by installing expensive equipment to filter sulfur dioxide from their emissions. These new plants could save money by installing instead less expensive cleaning equipment that chemically removes most sulfur from coal before combustion.
Which of the following, if known, would be most relevant to evaluating the claim above about how new-coal burning plants could save money?
A. Whether existing oil-burning plants are required to filter sulfur dioxide from their emissions.
B. Whether the expense of installing the cleaning equipment in a new plant is less than the expense of installing the cleaning equipment in an older plant.
C. Whether the process of cleaning the coal is more expensive than the process of filtering the emissions
D. Whether lawful emissions of sulfur dioxide form coal-burning plants are damaging the environment.
E. Whether existing plants that use the filtering equipment could replace this equipment with the cleaning equipment and still complete with new plants that install the cleaning equipment.作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-12-10 14:29
说由于油价上涨,导致一家automobile公司生产的一种型号汽车销量下降,所以为了提高销量,这家公司生产出这种新SUV,有更好的mileage for its size。但该汽车销量反而很低(新SUV的销量比A公司的其他SUV低),问explanation。
mileage is not a determining factor for the buyers of the other SUV of A作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-12-10 14:48
40% of the 10.6 million students graduated from US last year were above 25 years old, two thirds of them have had some kind of interruption during their education.
Which of following can be concluded for the information above:
maybe正确选项A.at lease 40% of all the graduates have entered college after 21 years old, or they have dropped out for as least one year, or have done both.
“另外的1/3要么是20岁之后入学,要么是在学校呆了超过四年。”作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-12-10 14:48
一道boldface题: 变体题,曾在PREP或GWD碰见类似题,确定不是原题。第一部分黑体讲企业管理人员培训后的attrition率增高,第二部分黑体讲企业应该对此问题进行评估(第二部分黑体的回忆可能有一些出入)。问作用:我记得我选的选项是“前者讲了一项政策的drawback;后者是一个claim,需要对它的accuracy进行evaluate”。
As a large corporation in a small country, Hachnut wants its managers to have international experience, so each year it sponsors management education abroad for its management trainees. Hachnut has found, however, that the attrition rate of graduates from this program is very high, with many of them leaving Hachnut to join competing firms soon after completing the program. Hachnut company will not delete the program, why?
因为这个program要拿来assess员工们。作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-12-10 14:49
宇航局认为rocket运输的cost和什么太高,反正就是不划算吧。然后想研究新的航天运载技术,是航天飞机还是什么吧。然后说,however, the decision made by congress is disappointing(非原文,但是是这个意思没错)。问解释作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-12-10 14:50
45 boldface 结论
boldface题,讲一个结论,然后说它unacceptable,接着讲原因,接着讲there is no information to support前面的原因。问这两段划线关系,这个我确定没错,前面一句是对一个结论的反对,后句表明作者支持这个结论。作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-12-10 15:04
At present the Hollywood Restaurant has only standard-height tables. However, many customers come to watch the celebrities who frequent the Hollywood, and they would prefer tall tables with stools because such seating would afford a better view of the celebrities. Moreover, diners seated on stools typically do not stay as long as diners seated at standard-height tables. Therefore, if the Hollywood replaced some of its seating with high tables and stools, its profits would increase.
The argument is vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that it gives reason to believe that it is likely that
(A) some celebrities come to the Hollywood to be seen, and so might choose to sit at the tall tables if they were available
(B) the price of meals ordered by celebrities dining at the Hollywood compensates for the longer time, if any, they spend lingering over their meals
(C) a customer of the Hollywood who would choose to sit at a tall table would be an exception to the generalization about lingering
(D) a restaurant's customers who spend less time at their meals typically order less expensive meals than those who remain at their meals longer
(E) with enough tall tables to accommodate all the Hollywood's customers interested in such seating, there would be no view except of other tall tables作者: babyboy 时间: 2010-12-10 15:06
V1 from calvin1983
V2 from 海诺薇拉
V3 from yuerfu (720)
68 boldface音乐家
开篇就提出一个point: 好像是说那些单独创作的音乐家是最勇敢的(有一个词是most brave)?然后解释,说为什么呢?因为他们创作的时候别的人不会去检查他们创作的作品是不是不好之类的。From this point: balabalabala…,也就是把为什么单独创作的音乐家勇敢概括了下吧。
问两段黑体的作用,我选了第一段是提出一个point,第二段是得到一个conclusion account for the first point。
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