狗主人的话:我现在看到也确定原题有提到SUV,但除了mileage for its size没有很深的印象。。。可能当时没来得及看很清楚。。不过应该就是这题的~
油价上涨。公司A, 本来生产truck, 现在生产新型hybrid SUV(应该就是那种油电混合的SUV吧)。这种新SUV,有更好的mileage for its size. 但是A公司年底销量报告不好,说新SUV的销量比A公司的其他SUV低。问explanation.
A. SUV的大势不好。
B. A 公司这新的SUV的mileage is inferior to the mileage of smaller size SUV from competitor
C. mileage is not a determining factor for the buyers of the other SUV of A (选这个)
(注意mileage的意思:The mileage of a vehicle is the number of miles that it can travel using one gallon or litre of fuel-楼主注)
版本三:油价上涨。公司A, 本来生产truck, 现在生产新型hybrid SUV(应该就是那种油电混合的SUV吧)。这种新SUV,有更好的mileage for its size. 但是A公司年底销量报告不好,说新SUV的销量比A公司的其他SUV“增长的更慢”(JJ原作者写的是“低”)。问explanation
A SUV的大势不
B A 公司这新的SUV的mileage is inferior to the mileage of similar (原JJ作者写的是smaller size) SUV from competitor
C mileage is not a determinant for customers of other SUV of company A (原JJ作者选这个)
(这里我同意此人的观点,要解释的对象是为何A公司这款Hybrid SUV和其它SUV相比销量不好。那么B选项是无关的,因为他解释的是A公司的产品和其它公司相比有何缺陷导致销量出问题。我支持原JJ作者的看法,选C,大家自己斟酌)作者: wang927 时间: 2010-12-1 14:14
40% of the 10.6 million students graduated from US last year were above 25 years old, two thirds of them have had some kind of interruption during their education.Which of following can be concluded for the information above:40%的人毕业的时候大于25岁,其中2/3的人有中断教育,不能说40%的人都是21岁后进大学的,可能20岁进大学的,中断教育4年了阿。。。
maybe正确选项A.at lease 40% of all the graduates have entered college after 21 years old, or they have dropped out for as least one year, or have done both.
As a large corporation in a small country, Hachnut wants its managers to have international experience, so each year it sponsors management education abroad for its management trainees. Hachnut has found, however, that the attrition rate of graduates from this program is very high, with many of them leaving Hachnut to join competing firms soon after completing the program. Hachnut does use performance during the program as a criterion in deciding among candidates for management positions, but both this function and the goal of providing international experience could be achieved in other ways. Therefore, if the attrition problem cannot be successfully addressed, Hachnut should discontinue the sponsorship program.
In the argument given, the two boldfaced portions play which of the following roles?
A. The first describes a practice that the argument seeks to justify; the second states a judgment that is used in support of a justification for that practice.
B. The first describes a practice that the argument seeks to explain; the second presents part of the argument's explanation of that practice.
C. The first introduces a practice that the argument seeks to evaluate; the second provides grounds for holding that the practice cannot achieve its objective.
D. The first introduces a policy that the argument seeks to evaluate; the second provides grounds for holding that the policy is not needed.
E. The first introduces a consideration supporting a policy that the argument seeks to evaluate; the second provides evidence for concluding that the policy should be abandoned.作者: wang927 时间: 2010-12-1 14:15
某个休闲钓鱼区湖里的一种diamong trout的鱼population下降了。政府想遏制这种情况,就从邻近的湖中搬运这种鱼过来。可是因为搬运的鱼的数量比before publicized的farm-bred的数量要少。所以这种下降趋势不会被遏制。
休闲胡钓鱼,鱼的数量减少,从别的地方买的那个,问的是削弱,选项有那个湖的温度(从别的城市卖鱼的那个湖)colder 比这个湖;政府会protect the interest of people both 钓鱼的和乘船玩的;引进这些鱼后,这些鱼会暂时缺乏食物;那些鱼more likly to engaged in cought by 游人;
V2 by HUZ 740休闲湖里的鱼(diamond什么的名字)的数量减少了。为了可持续发展,有人提议从别的湖里弄些鱼过来。但是反对者说弄过来的鱼的数量比被钓走少,所以plan不会work。问哪个选项削弱反对者。
1. 那个湖的温度(从别的城市卖鱼的那个湖)colder 比这个湖;
2. 原来在休闲湖里的鱼因为没有天敌啥的警惕性不高,给食就吃,所以容易被钓到。
3. 引进这些鱼后,因为鱼数量增加,会导致食物忽然短缺;
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