133、第一题前两个单词就不认识,划线开始是senator who is successful to....,选项起始中有以senator做主语和以senator's XXX做主语的,划线前面的意思ms是要赢取谁谁的respect神马的。。。反正就是看不懂。。。(by zshaoqing)
134、if the ballot is lost, damaged, destroyed, or you making mistakes in the ballot, you can ask the
staff for help. (by smater345)
A.if the ballot is lost, damaged, destroyed, or if you making mistakesin the ballot,
B.if the ballot is lost, damaged, or destroyed, or if you makingmistakes in the ballot,
E. if the ballot is lost, damaged, or destroyed - you making mistakesin the ballot-
大意是这样 我选的B ,因为觉得是大平行和小平行的关系吧作者: tata 时间: 2010-11-17 15:28
135、某人, a famous...., 不想出名了啥啥的,directing all her executors to.... and forbade...
A. forbade her .. (by smater345)
d. forbidding her correspondence from publication
e, forbidding the publication of her correspondence作者: tata 时间: 2010-11-17 15:29