口语:Task 1: 三选一: working with children, with community, 还一个忘了;
Task 2: some people think students should study in classroom and other believe they should visit museum and zoo, which one do you like?
Task 3:
Reading: a letter from a student: student writing center is crowded;
Suggestion: 1. hire more tutors(current 2); 2. open on weekends (currently only M-F)
woman : agree
1. student would not need to wait for a long time with more tutors
2. student usually have free schedule in weekends because they have no class on weekends unless they have to work, then there will be less people in weekdays
Task 4:
Reading: Generation effect: customers would remember th name of products if they generate themselves
Lecture: a research demonstrate this theory
two commercials for a soft drink
First: repeat the name and characteristics of the drink several times, but in later interview most people forgot the name;
Second, same as the first one, but ends with a question: What is the name of the soft drink? Then nearly all people could name it later.
Task 5:
Girl's problem: group guitar class canceld due to too few students
Her solutions:
1. hire a prive teacher who would teach the course once a week , but too expensive
2. buy a book for beginner with a CD, it is cheaper but she is not sure if she could follow
Task 6:
lecture: ecotourism
traditional tourism do harm to the environment, pollution and damage
ecotourism: reduce the pollution while repair the damage
Example 1 walk and hike on mountain instead of taking the bus because the former do less pollution
Example 2 teach tourists environmental issues and help to repair damage: plant trees in the damaged rainforest.
阅读材料讲wetland 里面鬼火 will-o'-the-wisp 的原因,三个:1)埋在里面的有机体释放出可燃的气体;2)是一种electric spark;3)一种能发光的蘑菇附着在鸟身上.
听力反驳:1)可燃气体是不动的,但是人们看见的鬼火是move around;2)electric spark是在wetland下面的rock中生成的,不会跑到上面来;3)这种蘑菇的发光物质在体内,要broken into pieces 才有用,但是这种物质不sticky,所以会从鸟身上掉下来.
大作文:the advice from our grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.作者: serein 时间: 2010-11-17 11:12