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标题: 美国商学院Profiles-Ohio State University Fisher [打印本页]

作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 20:55     标题: 美国商学院Profiles-Ohio State University Fisher

Max M Fisher College of Business, Undergraduate Business Program

210 W Woodruff Avenue
120 Schoenbaum Hall
Columbus , Ohio 43210

Web site

Program e-mail address:

Program telephone number:
(614) 292-2715

Public Institution

  AACSB accredited:

Year in which the undergraduate business program was founded:

Four Year

  Business program:
Two Year

Degrees offered:

Degree/Program Name:
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 20:55

Annual Tuition (Resident):
$  7,983

Annual Tuition (Non-Resident)
$  21,555

Cost per academic credit (resident)
$  242

Cost per academic credit (non-resident)
$  619

Required fees
$  1,974

Room and board:
$  9,468

$  1,440
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 20:55

Total college enrollment for 2009-10:

Full-time undergraduate business student enrollment:

Part-time undergraduate business student enrollment:
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 20:55

ADMISSIONS - Getting Into the Institution

Required standardized tests for entire college:


Minimum SAT score for entire college on 1600 scale:

Minimum ACT score for entire college:

Minimum high school GPA for entire college:

  Interviews for entire college:
Not offered

Additional application requirements for entire college:
Transfer: minimum 2.0 GPA & 45 (30) hours or if 1-44 (1-29) hours, then 2.0 & ACT/SAT scores; INTL: Proof of financial support, TOEFL or Metlab scores; High School credentials; ACT/SAT.
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 20:56

Upcoming application deadlines for entire college:

Semester: Winter 2010
Deadline: November 1, 2009
Semester: Spring 2010
Deadline: February 1, 2010
Semester: Summer 2010
Deadline: February 1, 2010
Semester: Autumn 2010
Deadline: February 1, 2010

Selectivity -- applicants admitted, entire college, 2009-10:
68  %

Yield -- accepted applicants enrolled, entire college, 2009-10:
48  %

Total number of full-time applications for entire college:
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 20:56

International applicants, entire college, 2009-10:
11  %

Female applicants, entire college, 2009-10:
48  %

Relative Importance of Application Elements:

  Secondary School Record:
Very Important

  Class Rank:
Very Important


Not Considered

  Extracurricular Activities:

  Volunteer Work:

  Character/Personal Abilities:

  Application Essay:

  Work Experience:

  SAT/ACT Scores:
Very Important


  High School GPA:
Very Important
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 20:56

ADMISSIONS - Getting Into the B-School

Undergrad business program admissions managed by:

The business program office

Total undergraduate business program applicants, 2009-10:

Applicants admitted to undergraduate business program, 2009-10:
62  %

Admitted applicants enrolled in undergrad business program, 2009-10:
74  %

Minimum requirements for business program:

Minimum SAT score: n/a
Minimum ACT score: n/a
Minimum high school GPA : n/a

  Entrance exam requirement other than SAT/ACT for business program:

  Interview to enter business program:
Not offered

  Freshmen admitted into business program:

Percentage of business students admitted as freshmen:
15  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 20:57

Are the freshman admits to the business program required to complete pre-business courses before beginning upper-level courses in the junior year?

  Freshmen admitted by:
Complete an application, apart from the university application

Additional application requirements for freshman admits:
New First Quarter Freshmen admitted directly to business major (Not pre-bus) must have minimum SAT 1350 / ACT 30 and top 10% of high school class.

  Internal transfers handled by:
Separate application

Minimum college GPA for internal business program transfers:

Additional requirements for internal transfers:
Completion of: GPA 3.0 & Calc 2 & pre-reqs with minimums of C-; freshman composition with minimum of C-; 45 total qtr. hrs. or with a GPA 3.4 and completion of calc 1.
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 20:57

Class Profile:

Female: 40  %
International : 18  %

Entering students by age:

Mean: 19
Median: 19

Percent of Students Who Were In:
      Top 10% of high school class:
42  %

      Top 25% of high school class:
81  %

SAT scores for full-time entering business students on 1600 scale:

        Mean:  1,186
        Median:  1,200

SAT middle 50% range on 1600 scale:

        From:  1,130
        To:  1,250
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 20:57

ACT scores for full-time entering business students:

        Mean:  26
        Median:  26

ACT middle 50% range:

        From:  25
        To:  28

Citizenship of entering students

U.S.: 77  %
Canada: 0  %
Other countries: 23  %

Percentage of US citizens in entering class who are:

African American: 5  %
Asian American: 6  %
Hispanic or Latino American: 3  %
Native American: 0  %
White (Non-Hispanic): 84  %
Chose not to report: 2  %
Other: 0  %

Entering students are from the following regions:

Northeast: 5  %
Mid-Atlantic: 4  %
South: 2  %
Southwest: 1  %
Midwest : 86  %
West: 2  %
Possessions and territories: 0  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 20:58

  Financial aid handled by:
Central financial aid office at the university

Financial aid web site

Institutional scholarship money distributed to undergraduate business students in previous academic year:
$  14,949,814

Institutional scholarship money to be distributed to undergraduate business students in current academic year:
$  16,604,489

Scholarships awarded to students in the business program based on:
A combination of need and merit

Other scholarship considerations:

Undergraduate business students receiving institutional scholarships for 2009-10 academic year:
47  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 20:58

Undergraduate business students with full-tuition scholarships 2009-10:
3  %

Percentage of institutional scholarship money distributed to business students based on merit, 2009-10 year:
13  %

Percentage of institutional scholarship money distributed to business students based on need, 2009-10:
87  %

  Scholarship consideration process:
All candidates are considered for scholarships

  School offers guaranteed loans:
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 20:58

Institutional freshman retention rate:
93  %

Business students who graduate within four years:
53  %

Business students who graduate within 6 years:
91  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 20:59

Credit hours required for graduation:

Degree: BSBA
Hours: 186

Other degree requirements:
Minimum 2.0 overall university GPA; minimum 2.0 in Business Specialization (5-8 courses); 75% of specialization completed at OSU; minimum 45 hours of business, acct and / or economics in residence
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 20:59

Average class size in required business courses:

Average class size in business electives:

Average class size in non-business electives required for admission to business program:

Class size:

Classes with fewer than 20 students: 5  %
Classes with 21 to 50 students: 33  %
Classes with more than 50 students: 42  %

Required business courses that reached maximum enrollment by the first day of class, previous academic year:
100  %

Required business courses that had waiting lists, 2008-09:
100  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 20:59

Number of elective courses available in business program:

Electives added in current academic year:

Sustainable Business Practices

Year of the last major change to the business program's core curriculum:

Leading areas of study:




Operations Management

Supply Chain Management

Special programs for business students:
Interdisciplinary minor in entrepreneurship; Accounting Honors Program; Honors Cohort Program; Honors Contract Program; Fisher Futures; Dedicated Career Services; Dedicated Study Abroad (CIBER) office; Business Scholars for Freshmen; Business Honors Learning Community for Freshmen; Fisher Citizenship Program for freshmen; Peer Advising Program; Degree with Distinction; Denman UG Research Forum

  Business program offers work study or co-op opportunities:
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 21:00

Work study opportunities description:
Student Employee positions in Fisher College that are work-study eligible; While not required for degree, Internship & Co-Op opportunities with corporations via Fisher College Career Services

  Business program offers study abroad opportunities:

Study abroad program description:
Fisher College hosts a CIBER which has 16 partner school exchange programs; over 90 university-wide study abroad programs; Emerging Markets Field Study provides a course experience followed by a week-long field study in Panama; Green Business enables students to study sustainable business in Costa Rica and includes a field study to that country; Summer exchange program with Audencia School of Management in Nantes, France has existed for 25 years; New Global Innovation & Execution program includes 5 weeks of course modules plus 6-8 weeks in Europe or Asia working in mixed MBA/UG teams on field projects for multinational corporations; 5-part orientation and cross cultural skills development workshop series is mandatory to prepare students participating in the exchange program; Language training is strongly encouraged and in addition to regular language courses students participate in individualized instruction in 7 languages or Rosetta Stone language training which is available in 16 languages.
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 21:00

Volunteer work and community service opportunities:

Volunteer opportunities description:
Students are able to participate at the university level in university programs, ie MLK Day of Service as well as connect with community opportunities via service agencies, schools, churches, etc.; BUS Scholars have community service requirement; Honors Cohort students teach Junior Achievement; BHLC students take required leadership course followed by service project

Business clubs and extracurricular activities:

Student Chapters of National Professional Organizations (AMA HRA etc)
National Honoraries (Beta Alpha Psi Beta Gamma Sigma)
Major Clubs (The UG Finance Assoc The Accounting Assoc Human Resources Assoc etc)
Hispanic Business Students Association
Council of Black Students in Administration
Asian Business Students Association
Undergraduate Business Womens Association
National Business Fraternal Orgs (Delta Sigma Pi Alpha Kappa Psi)
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 21:00


Largest on-campus organizations for business students:

Delta Sigma Pi
Alpha Kappa Psi
American Marketing Association
Fisher Citizenship Program
Ungergraduate Finance Association

  Freshmen are required to live on campus:

  Business students are grouped in learning communities:
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 21:02


Full-time faculty : 80
Adjuncts and visiting faculty: 42
Permanent/tenured professors: 35
Percentage of permanent/tenured professors who are women: 31
Percentage of permanent/tenured professors who are underrepresented minorities: 6
Percentage of permanent/tenured professors who are also members of company boards of directors or of advisors: 9
Percentage of permanent/tenured professors who are business owners: 11

Prominent faculty:

Rene Stulz
Greg Allenby
Jay Barney
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 21:03

From the moment you arrive on campus, you will notice there is something different about Fisher College of Business at Ohio State University. It is not just our impressive facilities; its whats inside. We believe in learning by doing, a combination of practical theory and applied expereince. Our top 20 undergraduate program helps students develop effective skills in analysis, strategic thinking and communication- critical tools for a sucessful career. Fisher's collaborative environment promotes teamwork and leadership development so our graduates make a significant impact on the world of business
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 21:03

Total number of undergraduate business program graduates since inception:

Total living alumni:

Percent of alumni who gave, 2008-09 academic year:
14  %

Mean alumni gift 2008-09:
$  880

Median alumni gift, 2008-09:
$  50

  Single donation in excess of $10 million in 2008-09?

Prominent alumni:

Name: Leslie Wexner
Title: Chair, CEO & Founder, Limited Brands
Name: Lionel Louis Nowell
Title: Senior Vice-President & Treasurer, PepsiCo, Inc
Name: Huiyan Yang
Title: Executive Director, Country Garden Holdings Company LTD
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 21:03

Percent of 2009 graduates who provided employment information:
48  %

Seeking full-time employment in business: 93  %
Not seeking full-time employment in business: 7  %

Number of companies recruiting undergraduate students on campus in previous academic year:

Companies posting full-time job offers on school job boards, previous academic year:

Career services provided for business majors:
We provide individual consultation about internship and job searches, we provide resume critiques, we require students to pass a mock interview before they interview on campus, thus last year we conducted 1,036 one-on-one interview coaching mock interviews; we host a three day job fair and an internship fair for Fisher students; we provide outreach to our student organizations on a variety of topics related to the job search; we provide specialized programs for students interested in consulting and financial services careers and we partner with another organization to host international internships in Dublin, Madrid and London. Finally, we offer a 2-credit hour course: Job Search Preparation and Transition to the World of Work, which typically has about 60-70 students enrolled each quarter
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 21:04

Job offer results, 2009 graduates:

Received first job offer by graduation: 79  %
Received first job offer in three months following graduation: 15  %
Received first job offer more than 3 months after graduation: 6  %

Top hiring firms:

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Procter & Gamble
Coca Cola Co.

Other Hiring Firms:

Cardinal Health
Ernst & Young, Abercrombie & Fitch
Sears Holdings, Deloitte
Limited Brands
Progressive, Scotts Miracle Gro, RR Donnelly, Nationwide, Defense Finance & Accounting, Abbott Laboratories
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 21:04

Pepsi, Teach for America, Key Bank, Johnson & Johnson, JCPenney, Huntington National Bank, General Electric, Aldi
Amica Insurance, AXA Financial, Black & Veatch, CSX, DOmedia, e-Cycle, Inc., Exel, Fifth Third Bank, GBQ Partners LLC, General Mills, Hexion Specialty Chemicals, Home Depot, IGS Energy, Lockheed Martin, Marathon Oil, Owens Corning, Swagelok, Target, Unilever, Wells Fargo, Whirlpool

Graduate compensation:

Mean base salary: $  46
Median base salary: $  46
Mean signing bonus: $  3,967
Median signing bonus: $  3,000
Mean other guaranteed compensation: $  5,277
Median other guaranteed compensation: $  5,000

Grads accepted jobs in following functional areas:

Consulting: 2  %
Finance/Accounting: 40  %
General Management: 9  %
Human Resources: 2  %
Management Information Systems: 1  %
Marketing/Sales: 17  %
Operations/Production: 7  %
Logistics/Transportation: 7  %
Other: 15  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 21:04

Grads accepted jobs in following industries:

Accounting: 16  %
Consumer Products/Retail: 21  %
Consulting Services: 2  %
Financial Services: 14  %
Government/Education: 6  %
Pharma/Biotech/Health: 7  %
Manufacturing: 7  %
Media/Entertainment: 3  %
Petroleum/Energy: 2  %
Technology/Science: 2  %
Non-Profit: 1  %
Transportation: 4  %
Utilities: 1  %
Other: 14  %

Percentage of job acceptances, US and Canada:

US: 100  %

Grads accepted jobs in the following US regions:

Northeast: 3  %
Mid-Atlantic: 5  %
Midwest: 76  %
South: 5  %
Southwest: 3  %
West: 2  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 21:05

Number of companies recruiting interns on-campus, 2008-09 academic year:

Companies posting internships on job boards, previous academic year:

Top internship recruiters, 2008-09:

Limited Brands

JPMorgan Chase & Co.
General Electric
Citigroup Inc.
Ernst & Young
Sears Holdings
Dow Chemical
Coca Cola Co.
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 21:06

Other Internship Recruiters:
State of Ohio 12 Deloitte 11 Sherwin-Williams, Battelle Memorial Institute 10 Abbott Laboratories, Merrill Lynch, Nationwide, Worthington Industries, Ohio State University, The 7 Abercrombie & Fitch, Northwestern Mutual , Owens Corning, Pacer Global Logistics, Scotts Miracle Gro 6 Key Bank, Liebert Corporation, Plante & Moran 5 American Electric Power, Ashland Inc., Caterpillar, Crowe Chizek, Energizer , GBQ Partners, Marathon Petroleum, Parker Hannifin Corporation, Procter & Gamble 4 ArcelorMittal, Cardinal Health, Defense Finance and Accounting, General Mills, Hexion Specialty Chemicals, Lowe's, NCR, Nike, Saturn, Smith Barney, State Farm, Target, UBS Financial Services, Volvo, Whirlpool Corporation 3

Percentage of internships that were paid, previous academic year
95  %

Mean internship compensation per week:
$  648

Median internship compensation per week:
$  620

Average internship, in weeks:
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 21:06

A large and diverse college lends itself to a large and diverse business program. I have had the opportunity to work on group work with people from not only Ohio, but Australia, England, China, South Korea, Japan, and a litany of other countries. Combined with a strong core of business classes, I feel Fisher has prepared me well for the job market.

Almost all the business professors are more concerned with helping you get a job than worrying about what grade to give you. They give real-life examples and teach through their own personal experiences. Another awesome feature of Ohio State's business school is the professors' willingness to meet with a student outside the classroom
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 21:07

Although The Ohio State University is one of the nation's largest universities, the Fisher College of Business is unique in its ability to make students truly feel like the top priority and not just a number. The Fisher College of Business has the ability to utilize the vast resources of a large research institution like The Ohio State University to bring the most up-to-date teaching methods, coursework,case studies, and professors with research and industry experience. As a result, students benefit from a business learning environment that is ahead of the curve and produces individuals who value excellence and a commitment to their communities. I certainly believe that many of our world's future leaders start here at the Fisher College of Business.
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 21:07

Being one of the largest universities in the country makes it possible to have the newest technology and resources that are available. We have the funds to be able to update our business school after each year, and continually compete with the best schools in the country. Also, many of our professors are former business men and women who have significant experience in the working world. They can then relay their experiences to us, so we know what to expect.

Compared to other programs, this program at Ohio State prepares us more for life after school. The accounting program specifically prepares us for the CPA examination
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 21:07

Every single professor, career coach, and faculty member with whom I have come into contact is genuinely interested in ensuring I am setting myself up to succeed in the job search.

The Fisher College of Business cares about our futures. They have done a great deal in preparing us for graduation and our future jobs through career fairs, organizations, mock interviews, etc. I have had a wonderful experience here.
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 21:09

Fisher College of Business caters to special needs and interests. For example, the school offers specialized programs outside of its majors for students interested in areas such as investment banking and consulting. In addition, most classes are project based and strongly enforce the importance of working in teams. The school also partners with many businesses, including American Eagle, Dow Chemical, and P&G. These partnerships often allow students to work on real business cases and projects with these companies.

Fisher encourages students to take initiative early in their college career to get involved and search for internships. Fisher provides the resources necessary through internship invitationals and career fairs to provide motivated students with a job before graduation.
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 21:15

Fisher is wonderful when it comes to teaching all of the necessary skills needed in the business world - from resumes to etiquette to contract negotiation. I feel fully confident in taking the business world, head on.

Fisher offers a number of unique specializations within the major for students to choose from, and they even allow students to create their own specialization if none of those available meets their needs. They also employ a very diverse and experienced faculty in the college, and they have top-of-the-line facilities within the business college.
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 21:15

Fisher offers specialization in logistics and supply chain management, which are much less common than traditional majors such as marketing or accounting.

Fisher offers students many opportunities to get involved both in and outside the classroom. The 30 student organizations in Fisher are a great way to get involved and have offered me the opportunity to gain very valuable leadership skills while leading a large group of people toward a good cause.

For every single marketing or business administration course I took, I had to do at least one oral presentation in front of the class. It has really helped me prepare for the real world because I feel much more comfortable with public speaking and working in a group or team.
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 21:15

I love the business school and program. I think I received a great education, and I am very prepared for the real world. My only problem is with the undergraduate advising office. One of my advisors gave me incorrect advice that could have pushed back my graduation date if I had not caught it myself.

I am very satisfied with the education I have received from Fisher. In particular, I feel like the entrepreneurship program is cutting edge, and it has been very inspiring to me. I feel that to truly become a business professional, starting your own venture is an important experience to have, and it is a goal that I have made for myself while studying business at Ohio State.

I believe that exposure to a wide range of business professionals have allowed me to learn mistakes that I can avoid later in life.
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 21:15

I believe the business school does an excellent job preparing you for the job hunting experience. Career services spends extensive amounts of time evaluating resumes and creating environments where you can fine tune interview skills. Granted, you need to put forth the effort yourself to attend, but the opportunities are vast and easy to schedule around classes. I also believe Fisher does a great job of bringing in highly respected companies to interview and job seek on campus.

I think that Fisher, at Ohio State, does a particularly good job at partnering itself with large local businesses, such as Nationwide Insurance, and that the college's facilities are exceptional.

I think the only thing that makes the school unique is its popularity. This gives it a large reach in terms of jobs. But as far as the quality of education, I think it is pretty much the same as anywhere. I went to a community college and had professors that were just as good or better than Ohio State's.
作者: s    时间: 2010-11-4 21:16

It is very diffucult to meet with advisors.

In the honors accounting program, the curriculum emphasizes presentation and team work skills that I think will be very useful in my future career.

My school has a highly dedicated staff and a diverse business program that teaches us all aspects of the business world. While other schools just focus on learning textbook material, I feel that we are truly learning the real world application of that material along with what is in the text.

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