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标题: Seattle Foster MBA面经及Tips(第一轮)~~zz [打印本页]

作者: waxberry    时间: 2010-11-4 14:48     标题: Seattle Foster MBA面经及Tips(第一轮)~~zz

furtherstudy 2010-10-22:

Seattle Foster MBA第一轮面试邀请已发出。


furtherstudy 2010-11-03:

刚刚视频面试完,与大家分享一下。Tim Hossain, 非常nice的面试官。

why now why mba why foster
short-term goal and long-term goal
Definition of success and Failure
Profesional failure
what's the strongest point in your application; what's the weakness point
what company you want to join
what's your leadership style
what do your clients or colleague describe you, what characteristics you have
how to you find out the foster school.
challenge for u in the MBA study
what do you most excite the school.
questions to me. (i asked 4 questions)
总共25分钟,问题挺多的,但我对自己的career goal等各方面都想透了,演练也做了挺多的,所以回答很迅速。希望这次能够帮助后面的申请人。round 1会在12月份中出结果。

明天要飞参加另外一个学校的校园面试,期待好的表现和好结果。good luck everyone!

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