我说一下我对AI的分类。我把AI分成两类,一类是破立式,例如44. “All companies should invest heavily in advertising because high-quality advertising can sell almost any product or service.”对于否定型,就是说他的观点不对,我要进行否定并且提出我的相反看法。中间部分的结构就是1,作者观点或许有道理,因为blablabla。2,作者这么想是不对的因为blablabla,例如他过于强调了什么,他忽视了什么,他的论点会有怎么样的不好的方面。3,我认为应该怎么怎么样,提出反观点,再论证。比如这道题,1,作者认为要投资广告或许是对的因为广告的确可以影响sales,提高知名度和认可度之类的,举个例子也行。2,作者这样想就高估了广告的影响力,广告只是个促销手段,真正让消费者去购买产品还是因为产品本身好。(接后果)一味的强调广告效应会忽略产品质量,影响信誉,最终让sales减少之类的。3,我们应该更强调高质量和好的设计等实质性的优点之类的,这才是一个企业长盛不衰的根本。举例子比如星巴克之类之类,zara之类的都行。也可以说好产品辅以好广告才能成功,比如奔驰神马神马的。(这题我第一次看,考虑的不周到还请各位斧正)。
第二类是中和式。即作者观点是对的或者有道理,但是要加以补充完善。这种就不举例了,简单结构是第一段作者的想法对,为什么对,举例。第二段,仅仅考虑A观点是不够的,因为还有什么什么因素,忽略了其他因素就导致神马神马。第三段,B也应该被考虑在内,因为神马神马,举例。所以两个combine在一起就对啦。作者: konfyt 时间: 2010-10-29 11:13
The author's assert
brings in the controversail and complex question that is being discussed a lot
now : teamwork or individual energy and commitment, which one is more important
to a company or other types of organizaitons? The author claims that teamwork
has been overemphasized. To the contrary, I believe that is the author who
makes an overemphasis by saying "It is the strong individual, the person
with the most commitment and engergy, who gets things done.
Admittedly, a colorable (adj.似是而非的) argument can be made for 反观点。
Far more compelling, however, are the arguments against mandatory public service.
结尾In conclusion, logistical and philosophical 正观点 outweigh 反观点.作者: konfyt 时间: 2010-10-29 11:13
Admittedly, a argument can be made for 名词性顺观点or it is reasonable to argue/claim that 顺观点
However, 顺观点can be problematic.
Given that the author’s argument has its shortcomings, it is compelling to state that 逆观点。
The ideal combination can be the midst
In this argument, the conclusion endorsed/ the recommendation brought forward by the author is that/ the author predicts that… To buttress this conclusion/proposition/prediction, the author argues/reasons that. In addition, … is cited to bolster above argument. Moreover, the author claims/points out that… This argument/ this chain of reasoning, nevertheless, is unconvincing/ not compelling/flawed in …respects.
In conclusion, the argument is not convincing as it stands. Only with more persuasive evidences, along with more logical reasoning, can the argument be viewed as rational and verifiable. To strengthen the argument/ conclusion, the author would have to not only provide evidence that… but also rule out …In addition, the author would have to demonstrate/ show that…
然后一些常用的词记得轮换使用就可以了,比如compelling,convincing,reasonable,logical,sound,rational。比如fails to do,falsely do,ignore之类的。要是实在不放心自己,就把七宗罪用自己的话写段首句。作者: konfyt 时间: 2010-10-29 11:14
再说说举例的问题,我觉得举例子真的不需要背,背了不一定用得上,还费脑筋费时间的。AA里的例子不需要具体,只需要把能推翻论证的情况写出来就行。比如调查不明确,就举例说如果只有10个人参与,就不能说明问题,或者说如果参与的人都是什么什么(比如老人,民主党/共和党,小学生)就不能说明问题。AI的例子基本是你能想到什么就用什么。我个人不是很提倡用中国的例子,一个是阅卷人不懂,另一个是很多东西有文化差异,用起来也不顺手。基本上你知道的美国的大企业就够用了,什么walmart GE GM 麦当劳 可口可乐什么的。而且很多可以举名人。而且AI的例子一样可以举非特例,比如工资按资历给还是按效率给那个题,就说老员工可能效率不及年轻的员工,但他们更有经验更怎么怎么样,都是举例。
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