5. Play是否忠实原著
BF题: The play La Finestrina, now at Central
Theater, was written in Italy in the eighteenth century. 然后就有一人说:那么这个PLAY就不忠实ORIGINAL。然后就接着说:这个PLAY其实是忠实于原著的。说这个PLAY的服装还有角色都忠实原著(这句话划线)。然后the actor who plays Harlequin the
clown gives a performance very reminiscent of the
twentieth-century American comedian Groucho Marx.(这句话划线)
这题和OG题比较相似。只是OG里面好像是推论,这题变成BF了。——by loverwy作者: she9527 时间: 2010-9-17 22:19
10. 房屋牢固标准与大风
就记得一个好像是GWD还是哪里的题,就是某政府改了关于房屋牢固的标准,要求换某种玻璃以抵御风暴。但是后面作者说这个没用,因为很多大风都是掀房顶。问削弱-我选因为玻璃破了导致房子内压上升才掀屋顶那个选项 ——by qizuko
V1 from laonanren
V2 from zowenny
storm 摧毁... 然后政府说应该加固窗,别人反驳这个观点说应该 弄门 削弱那个反驳观点:选那个storm 通过窗子 是屋内的气压升高从而... 确定
V1 Rainstorm has damaged the areas in XXX, it has always shown that the roofs damaged and consequent damages caused by debis fly from the roof often hurt ......, however ,, window is shown as the main problems ..such as debris flying hurt the window .. 问削弱 答案是说因为气压的关系,如果窗户没破容易产生高压破坏整个房子的结构。
V2 題目意思是說 因為hurricane怎麼樣怎麼樣,所以導致人被打到受傷。然後有人說加強roof 沒有用,因為窗戶是主要問題。答案是: 因為 hurricane 吹垮的都是 roof, 而這些roof 的殘害會打破玻璃。跟氣壓還有窗戶沒關西。(750分)
V3 政府为了减少当地龙卷风带来的危险,要求修改建筑code,加固窗户,有人说这样没什么用,因为平地上没有采取任何措施,掉下来什么玩意儿一样砸到。问削弱。我回答大部分debris来自窗户。
V4 hurricane频繁发生的一个国家出台了一个policy ,文章中说他不能起到预想的结果。要undermine这个conclusion,选择 hurricane是通过破坏 Windows进而destroy roof(V42)
V5 某地经过龙卷风袭击以后,政府决定修改关于建筑物的窗户标准的法案,但并没有修改关于屋顶标准的法案,而屋顶偏偏是最容易受袭击的地方,由此推出政府的措施并不能真的提高该地对龙卷风的防御能力。求削弱。
V6 一个题目是说政府要求房屋符合新的一个Code以抵御龙卷风。这个Code要求房屋加固windows而没有要求房屋加固roof。龙卷风造成的损失主要是由于房顶的坍塌什么什么造成的。因此,政府的着个Code不能帮助抵御龙卷风。问削弱
一个选项是说由于窗子的破碎使得房子内外压强不一样了(大概是这个意思),导致了房顶塌下来作者: she9527 时间: 2010-9-17 22:21
15. GWD或Prep原题
V1 Editorial :Magazine Gardener spur prices to XX ,然后野花什么的,最后以下哪个可以strengthen policy可以achieve the goal.貌似在GWD还是PREP里看到过,望好人心考古,记得GWD上是weaken,可是今天出来是strengthen,大家要小心啊——by Ivanka囡
V2记得有GWD原题,但选项完全换了,是那个gardening 杂志的那个,什么wild plant的那个,但问的不一样,问支持 ——by hyl_0212作者: she9527 时间: 2010-9-17 22:24
路边的野花不要采V1(from 稻草飘)730还有道MAGZINE的原题,说杂志上介绍珍稀的花花草草,那些园艺新手就去买,因为这些花花草草很难人工培育,商人就去野外拔!所以杂志决定不再介绍了。以保护这些花花草草。
V2(from seabis)V41一个杂志发现说那些刊登了花卉广告的能吸引人去购买那些花卉增加花商收入,因此我们杂志应该取消刊登某种稀有野花,原因是该种野花很难在室内培养,花商为了满足人们需求会跑到野外去采,所以如果我们刊登广告,这些野花的数量会受很大影响。evaluate?
Prep 变体from comely123
Editor: Articles in Gardening Magazine often spur sales of the plants they describe, particularly among people new to gardening. Accordingly, we will no longer publish articles or accept advertisements praising the beauty of rare wildflowers. Most such plants sold to gardeners have been difficult to propagate under cultivation, so plant sellers often collect them in the wild. Our new policy is part of our efforts to half this yearly plundering of our native plant populations.
Which of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on the wisdom of the magazine's new policy as a way of pursuing the intended effect ?
(A) When people new to gardening buy plants, they often fail to take adequate care of the plants that they buy and become discourged from buying those varieties again.
(B) Plant sellers who sell rare wildflowers have no reasonably inexpensive alternate way to offer their wares directly to new gardens.
(C) The demand for rare wildflowers rarely exceeds the number of such plants that can be collected in the wild by plant sellers.
(D) The propagation of rare wildflowers often depends on the plant's interaction with other organisms in their environment such as plants that create suitable soil conditions or insects and birds that disperse seeds.
(E) Revenues from sales of plants collected in the wild are supporting the discovery of new low-cost techniques enabling rare wildflowers to be readily propagated in nurseries.作者: she9527 时间: 2010-9-17 22:24