3. 明星做广告 削弱
people became more skeptical, if not cynical, about whether advertisement. Evidence that people do not believe advertisement on television.. proves that people are skeptical about whether these celebrities really use these product.
答案:V1 当时我选了个明星为一种产品做广告时往往会拒绝用其它产品。
V2 我的答案是:因为现在广告商越来越不采用真实的明星效应来增强观众的信任啊之类的。
3) 过去广告设计的形式就是意在让观众相信明星使用这个产品,而现在广告设计的形式根本就不是要让观众相信这一点。
确定应该选择选项3)- 题设里面是现在和过去的对比,所以weaken的时候也必出现过去和现在对比,另:现在广告设计并不为了让观众相信,能推导出现在人们不相信并不是因为他们更suspicious
V6(760)選項A, 以前的廣告都是design to make people believe 明星真的用這些product, 但是現在廣告已經沒有這樣design了.
E, 應該是有人做過什麼調查還是什麼的說明星使用這些產品會attract people’s attention.
我選了E. 因為這題不是問廣告的內容, 而是要推翻那個人的 conclusion, that people become more skeptical about advertisement. 雖然題目沒題到人們會因此不買不過可以推測, 如果人不相信明星會用, 明星的效應就不在.
但是E, 有明星的廣告依舊會attract their attentions, 所以廣告還是會有用的.
Which of the following most logically completes the editorial below? By venus2elva
Editorial in Golbindian Newspaper:
For almost three months, opposition parties have been mounting daily street demonstrations in the capital in an effort to pressure the ruling party into calling an election. Though the demonstrations were well attended at first, attendance has declined steadily in recent weeks. However, the decline in attendance does not indicate that popular support for the opposition’s demands is dropping, since__________________
开始时在首都参加游行示威的人数很多,后来减少了,但这并不表明对opposition’s demands的支持减少了
A. the opposition’s demands have not changed during the period when the street demonstrations have been mounted.
B. No foreign governments have expressed any support for the opposition’s demands.
C. The state-controlled media have ceased any mention of the demonstrations, leaving many citizens outside the capital with no way of knowing that demonstrations continue. 媒体停止报道导致外部公民不知道所以参加数就下降了, 想要游行的人们都进不到首都来
D. There have not recently been any antigovernment demonstrations in cities other than the capital.
E.A recent sharp decrease in unemployment has led to increased popular support for the government.
Fill-in type: explanation.
PIA: the decline is caused by reasons other than decrease in popular support.
Indication: ignore the opening question but get the hint provided in the last blank sentence. Trace the root of the key words.作者: 果儿 时间: 2010-9-2 23:11
9.卡通艺术 支持
题:Cartoon 虽然很popular,但是因为一直以娱乐大众为目的,一直没有被定义为art。但是Jazz,开始和cartoon处境差不多,但是却被认定为art。所以卡通也应该被认定为art。
Jazz 也流行-----因为profound------被认定为Art
答案:一个选项说cartoon and Jazz 有相同的differences and similarities by venus2elva
V1 填空第一道逻辑是个assumption还是加强题,说,cartoon现在很流行,但critics不认为他是art. 但jazz以前也是很流行的,但profound,后来就被认为是art了。所以,critics应该承认,cartoon是art. 因為cartoon is also profound~~~
V2 填空依稀記得好像是說cartoon很受歡迎,但是評論家卻不認為它是藝術。然後說Jazz也受歡迎,但是很xx(這裏忘了是什麼)、很profound深刻的,結論是cartoon will soon be viewed as art since_______ 選項就記得好像有一個是說Jazz也被認為是藝術了;有一個說因為cartoon很xx和profound作者: 果儿 时间: 2010-9-2 23:11
10.开车打手机 对话
问Tracy respond S most effective by…
答案:有一个选项说手拿着电话打会free of driving (选了这个,看来错了)by venus2elva
11. 犯罪率
答案是E,没有给出4年前的crime rate吧。。。
还有记不得了。想起来了再补充。By 桐聆 就是一模一样,选项换到了E by queenie924
The violent crime rate (number of violent crimes per 1,000 residents) in Meadowbrook is 60 percent higher now than it was four years ago. The corresponding increase for Parkdale is only 10 percent. These figures support the conclusion that residents of Meadowbrook are more likely to become victims of violent crime than are residents of Parkdale.
The argument above is flawed because it fails to take into account
A. Changes in the population density of both Meadowbrook and Parkdale over the past four years.
B. How the rate of population growth in Meadowbrook over the past four years compares to the corresponding rate for Parkdale
C. The ratio of violent to nonviolent crimes committed during the past four years in Meadowbrook and Parkdale
D. The violent crime rates in Meadowbrook and Parkdale four years ago
E. How Meadowbrooks’ expenditures for crime prevention over the past four years compare to Parkdale’s expenditures.作者: 果儿 时间: 2010-9-2 23:12
题:秋天比冬天积雪少,但是有个report说秋天什么的(有trim修建 削减这词) 破坏car and building 比 冬天多 ,问解释 by girlwithwings
选项有 a 秋天的trim上的snow没有冬天的trim上的snow停留得久
b 冬天Trim上snow 砸了(貌似没那么严重)cars 的但cars没受损坏的 没有被reported。
V1(740提供)某地的冬天下的雪比秋天下的大 但是 秋天大家报被树枝不堪雪的重负而砍坏车子的情况比冬天多
有人就推论 有树叶比光着树枝就更容易积雪 问加强的
13 motorcycle广告 削弱,支持
题:有个motorcycle 公司(M) 有new invention 是light weight motorcycle, 准备登广告在儿童杂志上。但有人反对说儿童不会骑,即使他们要求大人购买,他们也illegal to ride.
选项有a M predispose(预先偏向于) the children 让他们买bicycle.
b 貌似广告商promotion,而且什么盈利 ,所以M 要登
c M 的新产品其实是要给younger adult 的
d 有个人说 。。。
问反对的论述哪个是vulnerable to criticism 没太明白这句的意思
摩托车那道。答案确认选那个children are more likely to buy non-motor vehicle that the company will sell in the future. by vivienneshui(710)
题:一个Motorcycle公司现在在children magazine上做广告。但是有人说了,在children magazine上做广告没用。。。因为children不仅买不起还是不会买motorcycle,而且法律规定children不准开motorcycle.但是,其实这个公司这样做是会带来好处的。
答:我选的是在children magazine上做广告会增加children买公司的Non-motor vehicles。(答案记不那么准确了,但是就是这个意思,关键词都写出来了,而且这题我很确定)
by girlwithwings & M49 V38 710 joey19880204
V1 有个motor杂志、生产什么年轻人用车、奇怪的是非要给小孩子的杂志上做广告。题目问、怎样能说明这种做法是正确的。我用了4-5分钟、还没弄懂、蒙了一个:这样能够推动一些非成人的Motor的销售。其它选项还有什么广告商有机会在儿童杂志上投广告时能够得到优惠的、是感觉哪个都不对
V2说一间motorcycle公司在儿童杂志卖广告,但有人认为儿童不能买,而且说服父母买了也不能坐,所以waste of money,问weaken,应该是该公司希望令小朋友对他们有好感,准备明年推出的儿童单车
V3摩托车在儿童杂志上做广告,但又人反对说儿童没有购买力,就算他们说服家长给买,他们骑摩托也是非法的,可是这个摩托车公司还是决定继续做,问什么能加强。作者: 果儿 时间: 2010-9-2 23:13
In the late 1980’s, the population of sea otters in the North Pacific Ocean began to decline. Of the two plausible explanations for the decline—increased predation by killer whales or disease—disease is the more likely. After all, a concurrent sharp decline in the populations of seals and sea lions was almost certainly caused by a pollution-related disease, which could have spread to sea otters, whereas the population of killer whales did not change noticeably.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the reasoning? Q50 V34 690 sasazan
V1 那个TAX的题目,说通胀了,然后工资就少了,然后国家的税收并没有少,问为什么?我选的 答案是雇主可以通过给员工一些受税收(这里通胀和税收之间好像是有个关系的,但是我想不起来了)影响小的payment来弥补工资的减少。(我的理解,于 是人们的消费就不会变小,于是政府的税收不会少,因为商店的营业额上去了嘛
V2 B(一个国家) government was overthrew...然后说workers' wage level declined 40%. However, the individual's tax (rate) is unchanged. 问explanation。我只记得两个答案了,应该都不是正确的。1).tax inspection system was damaged by the coup d'etat。 2).employers is able to pay their employees none-wage payment, which is required for relatively low tax rate.原谅我把。。。尽力了。
V2:摩托车的alternatives(感觉说的引擎样的类似物,就是车子要用的东西) provided by traditional fuel produced by established oil producer. However, the price of alternative becomes more expensive. Established oil producer为了能让traditional fuel 变得越来越popular应该采用哪个手段? by queenie924
1) 要convince买更便宜能够affordable的车
2) 还有个最后是alternative resource什么
我选的第一个,因为那个文章中alternatives前面一个词不懂,不知道到底是不是Resource,所以就选了1)。作者: 果儿 时间: 2010-9-2 23:15
29. beef价格 碰到了一道gwd的原题(应该是的) 具体哪套我目前没找 想快点先把帖子发了 不过那个题我记得蛮清楚 说beef的价格会受到demand的影响变化 又说 有种corn专门用来作为饲料喂牲畜的 由于利润咋咋的 反正农民大哥们不种它了 导致beefdemand增加 价格上升 然后关键点来了 说专家却说 市场会有短期的beef降价(注意哦 是短期) 问blabla 我选的是 因为农民大哥们会早早地把手上的beef全出手 这道题是我的倒数第几题的 我一看很像(因为题目叙述的顺序 跟GWD不一样 GWD先说的corn 而它先说的beef )我就直接找Early这个词了by rainow88
Escalating worldwide demand for corn has led to a sharp increase in the market price of corn, and corn prices are likely to remain high. Corn is extensive used as feed for livestock, and because profit margins are tight in the livestock business, many farmers are expected to leave the business. With fewer suppliers, meat prices will surely rise. Nonetheless, observers expect an immediate short-term decrease in meat prices.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to justify the observers’ expectation?
A. The increase in corn prices is due more to a decline in the supply of corn than to a growth in demand for it.
B. Generally, farmers who are squeezed out of the livestock business send their livestock to market much earlier than they otherwise would.
C. Some people who ate meat regularly in the past are converting to diets that include little or no meat.
D. As meat prices rise, the number of livestock producers is likely to rise again.
E. Livestock producers who stay in the business will start using feed other than corn more extensively than they did in the past.
38. GWD原题3
GWD-6-Q21: by a2000anson by daibing126
An overwhelming proportion of the most productive employees at SaleCo’s regional offices work not eight hours a day, five days a week, as do other SaleCo employees, but rather ten hours a day, four days a week, with Friday off.Noting this phenomenon, SaleCo’s president plans to increase overall productivity by keeping the offices closed on Fridays and having all employees work the same schedule—ten hours a day, four days a week.
Which of the following, if true, provides the most reason to doubt that the president’s plan, if implemented, will achieve its stated purpose?
A.Typically, a SaleCo employee’s least productive hours in the workplace are the early afternoon hours.
B.None of the employees who work four days a week had volunteered to work that schedule, but all were assigned to it by their supervisors.
C.Working ten hours a day has allowed the most productive employees to work two hours alone each day in their respective offices relatively undisturbed by fellow employees.
D.Employees at SaleCo are compensated not on the basis of how many hours a week they work but on the basis of how productive they are during the hours they are at work.
E.Those SaleCo employees who have a four-day workweek do not take any of their office work to do at home on Fridays.
44. 公车路线 BUS题
题:一个城市的公车路线被迫改道, 已知新路线上有很多处暂停, 但是新路线并不会影响原来的公交收入,问支持—— 貌似是那个 新路线比旧路线要贵 by jenniferwong
45. 新的灯泡(似乎与28题相同)
题: F为新的灯泡,比以前的C寿命长五倍,但是价钱贵了远不止五倍,问 可以推出什么样的结论—— 应该选 F如果想要compete需要进一步降价 by jenniferwong
46. 神秘的BF有一道BF
前一句it is not an unreasonable assumption
后一句clearly,....there is no proven evidence..... by 森然
V2.黑脸题:1)it is not an unreasonable assumption2)since… there is no proven evidence.
A说B的观点it is not an unreasonable assumption,但是因为B忽略了某些因素,导致B的观点是错误的。正确应该是1是concede (concession)to some parts of B’s points, 2是evidence to support A的conclusion(即B的观点不正确)。只要明白了concede是什么意思就好办,因为只有一个选项有concede的。by neverletgo (760)作者: 果儿 时间: 2010-9-2 23:18
47. 传染病有个justification
题:有种病是通过游泳传染的。official 用test检验这种bacteria。但是在检验beach附近水域时,这个test不reliable。于是,换了一种test检验水中harmless 的bacteria
问justification official不用以前的test而用新的
by 森然
48. 出生率support
我选了个:迁出的家庭中即将有孩子的比较多。by 森然
V1 一个地区人口减少,emigrate什么什么,但是趋向于slower and stable.然后人少了经济就不好,所以专家预测the economy will continue to decline.然后问了flaw.
我选了出生率没有下降那个,不知道对不对,因为题目里有slow emigration,所以我想出去的人少了,出生的人不会减少,那么总人口就不会大幅度减少。
V2 一个地区的人不断的往外迁徙,离开的人多,近来的人少,出生率低,死亡率高,但专家预测人口会增长。
V3 【老JJ】某城市,人口越来越少,因为move out 的多,move in的少,death的多,birth的少,现在这种情况尽管。。。。但要改变了,问加强, 我选的好象是move in的都是能生孩子的人。(80% confirm)作者: 果儿 时间: 2010-9-2 23:18
49. 丢行李weaken
那是因为the number of people没以前多。。。( ̄_ ̄|||) by 森然
1:讲最近发现一个skeleton不像是homo-什么什么人的,但那个skeleton里有种物质homo什么什么人也有。忘了也。。不好意思。那道我觉得还是有难度的,我好像选了C by vivienneshui(710)
2.Gov要取消税了,转而依靠fee来维持收入,因此gov那些大爷们会提高工作效率,加快工商注册、药品审批之类,速度的加快导致little attention will be paid to each case,因此误判率会提高,
选改变收入模式后,那些有问题的case会增加。by neverletgo (760)
分析:误判率=有问题的case/总case 总case↑------》 误判率↑ (那么有问题的case一定要增加)
5 逻辑很多是记不住了,但是有道可以提醒大家.好像在gwd哪里做过.(大家找下题吧)
我选的是那个病毒进到房间里面来了,有个选项由于了很久,就是说本来呢冬天额时候发病率高,但是现在冬天得病的人病没有多. by tracetrace
问 support 我选的是气候越干燥,森林大火就会发生的越频繁。
题目差不多。结论是:如果森林没有时间(have no time to)恢复就会使森无法Recover,消失。
答:选的是森林有时间是可以恢复的 by queenie924
7 关于考古的,最烦这种题了。
题:说有一个地方P,which is the first settlement.....研究P从而发现饮食习惯。在上面发现了A,B,等物品。 特别的是B,它是以前他们 没有encounter的东西,edible until it is rotten。
结论:所以,研究P可以知道how to eat inedible food (就是好像说的是那些以前没遇到的东西)
问 削弱
1)举例,有种C, inedible, 并且allergy
2)P 什么occupied by…(这个选项没看懂,其他都被我排除了,所以选了它。别信我。)by queenie924