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标题: Boston College 2010 MBA录取汇总预览!! [打印本页]

作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 13:38     标题: Boston College 2010 MBA录取汇总预览!!

Carroll School of Management

Fulton Hall
140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill , Massachusetts 02467 United States   

Program Web site:

Private Institution

Program e-mail address:

Graduate business school is accredited by:

AACSB International
作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:06

Graduate business school enrollment:

Total: 922
Full-Time MBA: 207
Part-time MBA: 491
Executive MBA: 0
PhD Program: 65

Undergraduate business school enrollment:

Graduate degree programs:

Master of Accounting

Master of Finance

Other graduate degree programs:
作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:20

Total direct costs (tuition and required fees) of the entire MBA program:

Resident : $  68,620
Nonresident : $  68,620
Recommended annual budget (Resident): $  56,766
Recommended annual budget (Nonresident): $  56,766
作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:20

Full-time program (months):
作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:21

Application Deadlines

Semester: Fall 2010
Deadline: Apr. 15, 2010

  Does the program have rolling admissions?

  Is proficiency in English required for admission?

  Is a minimum score on an English language proficiency test required?

Which English language proficiency tests are accepted?

TOEFL Computer Based

TOEFL Internet Based Test

TOEFL Paper-based Test

Minimum paper-based TOEFL score required for MBAs:

Relative Importance of Application Elements:

  GMAT Score:
Very Important

  Resume/Work Experience:
Very Important

  Application Essays:

Very Important


  Undergraduate Transcripts:
Very Important
作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:21

Applications (admitted and denied) to the newest class:

Applicants who were accepted to the most recent class:
29  %

Admitted applicants who enrolled in the newest class:
38  %

Applicants who were re-applicants from prior years:
2  %

Percentage of this year's reapplicants accepted:
35  %

Applicants wait-listed during the last admissions cycle:

Wait-listed applicants admitted for the semester to which they applied:

  Applicant interviews are:

Applicants (admitted and denied) who were interviewed:
46  %

Admitted applicants who were interviewed:
95  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:21

International applications received:
44  %

Applications from women received:
35  %

Mean base salary forgone:
$  64,359

Median base salary forgone:
$  62,000
作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:22

Full-time students in newest entering class (2009-2010) that are:

Female: 27  %
International: 27  %

Students from following regions:

Africa : 2  %
Asia: 15  %
Eastern Europe and Central Asia: 0  %
Latin America and the Caribbean: 5  %
Middle East: 1  %
North America: 74  %
Oceania : 0  %
Western Europe: 3  %
Dual citizenship: 0  %

Percentage of U.S. students in newest entering class that are:

African American: 0  %
Asian American: 10  %
Hispanic or Latino American: 3  %
Multiethnic/Multiracial : 0  %
Native American: 0  %
White (Non-Hispanic): 82  %
Chose not to report: 5  %
Other: 0  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:22

Percentage of U.S. students in newest entering class who are from the following regions:

Northeast: 81  %
Mid-Atlantic: 5  %
South: 1  %
Southwest: 1  %
Midwest : 0  %
West: 11  %
Possessions and territories: 0  %

Mean months of work experience of newest entering class:

Median months of work experience of newest entering class:

Middle 80% range of work experience of newest entering class in months:

        From:  25
        To:  87

Median age of entering class:

Mean age of entering class:
作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:23

  Full-time MBAs apply for financial aid through:
Central financial aid office at the university

Full-time MBAs who applied for financial aid for the current academic year:
82  %

Full-time MBAs receiving financial aid in the current academic year:
82  %

Mean MBA financial aid package for the current academic year:
$  33,750

Median MBA financial aid package for the current academic year:
$  34,250

On what basis are scholarships awarded?

Academic merit

Full-tuition scholarships school will award during the upcoming academic year:

  How does an applicant apply for scholarship consideration?
As part of the admissions application

Mean scholarship awarded to full-time MBAs in the previous academic year:
$  16,539

Percentage of first-year students receiving financial aid who receive at least the same amount in their second year of study:
100  %

  Does the school offer a guaranteed loan to all MBAs regardeless of nationality?
Only to domestic students

If so, what is the maximum amount a student can borrow per year?
$  56,766

Mean outstanding debt among the most recent graduates from the full-time MBA program:

$  52,408
作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:23

  Are applicants required to take the GMAT?

GMAT scores:

Mean : 663
Median: 670

Middle 80% range GMAT scores:

        From:  600
        To:  720
作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:23

Average number of students in a full-time MBA core class:

Average number of students in a full-time MBA elective class:

Elective courses available to full-time MBA students:

Electives that have been added to the full-time program since June 30, 2009:
Business of Sports Sports Marketing Data Mining
Intl Consulting Project -- Latin America
Financial Crisis of 2008/09 Women & Leadership
Strategic Risk Making IT Strategy & Execution
Mgmt of Biotechnology & Medical Devices

Year of last major change or significant overhaul to the core curriculum:

Concentrations and specializations offered to full-time MBA students:



Corporate Social Responsibility


General Management

International Business


Management Information Systems

Manufacturing and Technology Management


Operations Management

Organizational Behavior


Supply Chain Management
作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:24

Other: Asset Management Fin Report & Control, Competitive Services Delivery, Marketing Infomatics, Product & Brand Management, Tailored Specializations

Joint-degree programs offered to full-time MBAs:

MBA/JD (Law)

MBA/MA (Arts)

MBA/MS (Science)

MBA/MSN (Nursing)


  Does the school offer an accelerated full-time MBA program?

The school believes that its leading areas of study for full-time MBA students are:



General Management

Management Information Systems

作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:25

Faculty employed by the B-school:

Full-time faculty:

Tenured: 58
Non-Tenured: 36

Adjunct/Visiting Faculty:

Tenured: 1
Non-Tenured: 151

Women on Faculty:

Tenured: 21
Non-Tenured: 11

Minority Faculty:

Tenured: 8
Non-Tenured: 5

International Faculty:

Tenured: 4
Non-Tenured: 8

Faculty with PhDs:

Tenured: 58
Non-Tenured: 31
作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:25

Professional clubs available to full-time MBA students:

Business Ethics


Corporate Social Responsibility/NetImpact




High Tech

Information Technology

Investment Banking


Media & Entertainment


VC/ Private Equity


Networking clubs available to full-time MBA students:

Black MBA Association

Hispanic Student Organization




Women in MBA

作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:26

Teaching methods used:

Case Study: 40  %
Distance Learning: 0  %
Experiential Learning: 10  %
Lectures: 25  %
Simulations: 5  %
Team Projects: 20  %
Other: 0  %

Requirements for graduation:

Students must write a complete business plan

Students must have attended a minimum number of classes

Students must have earned a pre-determined GPA/letter grade average

Students must complete a company-specific project and present results to relevant parties

Additional graduation requirements:
Students must complete 20 hours of community service
作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:27

Technology improvements in the last three academic years:
All computers in the Carroll School of Management have been replaced and upgraded. Flat screen monitors installed in all study/breakout rooms. New secure wireless network added to the existing wireless network. State-of-the art projection audio visual equipment installed in all case classroom.
作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:28

Living MBA alumni:

Active MBA alumni clubs:

Countries in which MBA clubs exist:

Living MBA alumni who gave in past year:
17  %

Mean gift from MBA alumni:
$  1,501

Median gift from MBA alumni:
$  100

  Did school receive an individual gift in excess of $10 million in the past academic year?

  Does the main university offer career placement services for alumni?

  Does the main university have an alumni networking Web site?

University alumni networking site:

  Does the B-School have an alumni networking Web site?

Business school alumni networking site:

  Do current MBA students have access to an alumni database?
作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:29

Graduates seeking full-time professional MBA employment: 76  %
Graduates not seeking employment: 19  %
Graduates for whom you have no information regarding employment: 5  %

Annual job-searching trips that the school coordinates or participates in:

Primary source of job offer:

School-facilitated activities: 67  %
Graduate-facilitated activities: 33  %
No information provided by graduate: 0  %

Companies that recruited second-year MBAs on campus in 2008-09:

Companies that posted full-time job offers for MBAs
on the school's job boards in 2008-09:
作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:29

Job Offers for 2009 graduates:

Received first job offer by graduation: 57  %
Received first job offer in three months following graduation: 26  %
Received first job offer more than 3 months after graduation: 0  %
Did not report having received a job offer: 17  %
Accepted first job offer by graduation: 52  %
Accepted first job offer in three months following graduation: 30  %
Accepted first job offer more than 3 months after graduation: 0  %
Did not report having accepted a job offer: 18  %

Top recruiting organizations most recent academic year:

Fidelity Investments   7
Ernst & Young   2
Johnson & Johnson   2
New Balance   2
Staples   2
Themo Fisher Dynamics   2
Veconinter   2
Marmaxx Group   2
Analysis Group   1
EMC   1
GE Healthcare   1
Ocean Spray   1
Standard Life -- SL Capital Partners   1
State Street Associates   1

Job-accepting graduates who received a signing bonus:
35  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:30

Base salary, signing bonuses and other compensation for most recent employed graduates:

Mean base salary: $  90,378
Median base salary: $  88,000
Mean signing bonus: $  16,182
Median signing bonus: $  15,000
Mean other guaranteed compensation: $  14,400
Median other guaranteed compensation: $  18,000

Graduating students who accepted jobs in the following functional areas:

Consulting: 5  %
Finance/Accounting: 40  %
General Management: 8  %
Human Resources: 3  %
Marketing/Sales: 25  %
Management Information Systems (MIS): 2  %
Operations/Logistics: 5  %
Other: 13  %

Graduating students who accepted jobs in the following industries:

Government: 0  %
Consulting: 13  %
Consumer Products: 14  %
Financial Services: 32  %
Manufacturing: 0  %
Media/Entertainment: 3  %
Non-Profit: 0  %
Petroleum/Energy: 0  %
Pharmaceutical/Biotechnology/Health Care: 14  %
Real Estate: 5  %
Technology: 5  %
Other: 14  %
作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:30

Graduates who accepted full-time jobs in the following regions:

Africa: 0  %
Asia: 0  %
Eastern and Central Europe and Central Asia: 0  %
Latin America and the Caribbean: 5  %
Middle East: 2  %
North America: 93  %
Oceana: 0  %
Western Europe: 0  %

Within North America, graduates who accepted full-time jobs in the following regions:

Northeast: 90  %
Mid-Atlantic: 2  %
South: 2  %
Southwest: 0  %
Midwest: 3  %
West: 3  %
Possessions and territories: 0  %
Canada: 0  %

Top recruiting organizations for internships, most recent academic year:

Weekly internship compensation:

        Mean: N/A
        Median: N/A
作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:31

School Comments:
作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:31

The networking strength of Boston College cannot be overstated. The small size of the full time program provides a great sense of camraderie with faculty and staff. --Finance

BC infuses ethics in its teaching within all function areas, from core classes to electives. You can't escape it, nor should you, as employers value this type of individual. --Marketing

BC's weakness is its building. It's OK, but to compete with top 25 programs, it needs a building that has more breakout rooms, late-night study areas, and can support a larger program by having bigger lecture halls. --Marketing
作者: s    时间: 2010-8-17 14:31

Having a small program is a serious limitation when it comes to recruiters coming to campus -- many do not, in part because the student pool is so small compared to other schools. The upside is that you get to know your classmates well and form a great network. --Finance

BC's program is great for people going into finance and who want to build strong social networks. The focus is on academics as well as on building networks and having fun. I loved the challenging level of the program, and I also met my future husband and some terrific friends, gained a superior network of colleagues with whom I hope to do business in the future and had a blast during my 2 years there.--Investment Banking

Boston College is a great school and both the students and faculty are pretty good. The problem is that it is a regional business school. Students interested in being on the West Coast or even New York will have a harder time making connections and receiving job offers. The size of the school also limits recruiter interest. Students that know what they want to do, especially if it is in the Northeast will do very well.--Marketing

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