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标题: 托福心经——7.24 出分 103 高中小小牛回报一下 [打印本页]

作者: serein    时间: 2010-8-12 11:40     标题: 托福心经——7.24 出分 103 高中小小牛回报一下

Test  Test Date  Reading  Listening  Speaking  Writing  Total  
TELXML July 24, 2010 28  24  26  25  103  


不过我有个好习惯,就是每天睡觉之前要看一点美剧。我强烈向大家推荐boston legal。这个美剧写的挺好的,律师的辩论很精彩,尤其是结案陈词。还有每集后面的balcony time。看完会有很多的人生感悟。最好看没有字幕的,一开始一定很郁闷,看着看着就好了,就熟悉了这个语速。如果你能对Boston legal的语速没有问题,托福的段子对你来说就很简单了,我甚至有时候觉得托福说点有点慢。当对语言很熟悉的时候,剩下的就是笔记上的一些技巧了,这个我没法说,因为我不太擅长这个·····所以才24分
口语:很多人因为口语不好而很郁闷,我的经验就是不要模板,慢点说,不能用俚语。12题放开就行,XDF教的什么模板千万不要用,模板后的语言会很僵化,失去了灵性,语言的魅力在于他的即时性。在保证语法错误少的情况下,脱口而出的即兴语言永远比准备过的语言听着舒服。至于怎么练习,我还是建议boston legal。这个美剧的律师辩论的台词和结案陈述的部分很精彩(因为是律师辩论所以语言的完整程度和逻辑性都很强),大家可以把他听写出来,然后反复背反复大声地说,模仿那个律师的强调,这样既练习了听力又练习了口语还顺当练习了写作,一石三鸟。当我反复练习了大概30集左右以后我发现我说话的错误变得少了,发音也越来越像老美了,张嘴就能说出一些很精髓的词组和地道的长句子。切记,这个是个慢功夫,千万不要相信自己能够把自己背过的台词一字不差的搬到口语的题上,你所要从中学习的是语言的思维。当思维达到之后,表达自然就会流利了。而且不经意你还可以从这里学习到一些美国的价值观。这对将来出国都有一些用的。
独立写作,我的建议还是boston legal。依然是结案陈词还有辩论还有balcony time。这里你能找到对朋友的感悟,对自由的言论,各种话题都有。有很多的段子是排比的,语言很精到,绝对不是新东方老师们能写出来的。里面扣来的材料可以使用大部分真题。只不过这次的题目好怪异,我没有用上,我如果用上一段半段的,我觉得我的写作分数还要更高。

最后,真的很感谢论坛,我在这里获得了很多精神食粮。我觉得在这个社会里,任何一个对于自己内心的世界保有一丝坚持和信念的人都是值得我敬佩的。人可以不为钱活着,不为权力活着,但他要为希望活着。 就像肖申克救赎里面安迪对里德说的那样,希望,也许是世界上最美的。 在这个论坛里,我看到了很多这样的人,或许我们这一生不会认识,可是你们,我是敬佩的。

作者: serein    时间: 2010-8-12 11:41

再附上一个boston legal的辩论稿。大家可以看看~我自己听写的。

I don’t know whether he was trying to humiliate her or hit on her. It wasn’t clear. What was clear was the indecency of it. This is what lawyering has degenerated to. Carrie Lancing lost her husband and he’s probing her about her sex life. It was a blatant abuse of our process; it was an embarrassment to the integrity of our profession. This attorney should be sanctioned severely, Your homer. A message should be send to the bar that our bar is raised higher than an episode of reality television. Denny Crane demeaned Carrie Lancing; he demeaned our court system and he should be dealt with.

Denny, I have a good feel for this, can I take it?
作者: serein    时间: 2010-8-12 11:41

I’ll take it.

It’s a pretty stuff. I can see that Mr. Ripley is a very powerful man. And that’s a big thing about lawyer, isn’t it? Power. Fear of feeling weak. I’ve seen before attorneys coming up against Denny Crane. They jump, and stomp, and shake their fists, and bellow with impassioned rage.. Makes good demonstatration doesn’t it? But when you cut through the merits, this lady alleged in her complaint loss of consortium, legal terms, meaning sex and affection. And if she is enjoying sex and affection, it’s relevant; it’s a mitigating factor. I’m entitled to explore it. Mr. Ripley may not like it but it is legitimate. And, I may add that I conducted my probe in a relative privacy of a closed conference room. Mr. powerful man made more public with his impassioned chest thumping in a court room (I object to that) .Go ahead and pound the table. I’ll tell you what I object to. We had an offer on the table. An offer I can’t discuss about because the settlement talks have been sealed. Considering the liability is not certain. Mr. Lancing had a preexisting heart condition. But except for taking the offer powerful guy like Mr. Ripley wants to go to trial. Why? Because I’m the opponent. It’s cool to be the big guy. But what if you don’t. you demeaned the profession, Mr powerful guy. You’re using your client to get a notch. You’re ** Carrie Lancing to go through the ordeal of a trial for your own ego, a trial which if you lose she will get nothing. She may never realize that you blew it.

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