AA-Currently more and more books are becoming available in electronic form— either free of charge on the Internet or for a very low price perbook on CD-ROM.* People who would not pay bookstore prices will nowhave access to whatever book they want from their home or workcomputers. Consequently, literary classics are likely to be read morewidely than ever before: 72 percent of those responding to a recentonline survey said they would read books in electronic form, and 81percent said they believed that reading classic works was important.Given this newly developing market, we should invest in E-Classics, anew company that sells electronic versions of literary classics.”
AI: Celebrities are uniquely qualified to address social problems because of their high-profile status and access to resources.作者: Jacki 时间: 2010-7-1 17:23
阅读: 一篇VaR, 问文章目的,应该是介绍了一个金融工具;一个问VaR 的意义,应该是逆势中大波动损失的金额;
一篇二战前后妇女在大众媒体中的形象为什么会有所改变, 引用了一个人的研究,这个人的研究与其他的不同因为包含了social class,研究了两本对妇女工作大大宣传的杂志,一本针对working class,一本针对middle class,两本的共同点都是改变了二战前女性工作与婚姻矛盾的形象。但是两本不同之处在于一本中的主人公多是参与一些女性不常做的工作的女性,例如工程师。。。等等不记得了。问题问二战前女子的形象是怎样的,一个问此人的研究不同于前人在哪。(答案是红体字)
一篇写公司大小与创造力的关系,有人说公司大资源多economy of scale,创造力大;有人说公司大了反而约束多,创造力下降,有人说中等公司最好既有资源又不受约束。然后有人举出其实创造力和公司规模没有关系,和公司willingness去cannibalize他的technology什么的有关,也就是说公司需要愿意开发那些会将其旧的商品淘汰的新的科技。问了一个,提出第二个观点的人会同意什么;问根据最后的人的说法,公司不愿意cannibalize会怎样,就是做出与红体字相反的举动,stick to old technology去开发新产品。
1. 选了这个, through 什么和什么,through our interactions and transactions, to 什么什么。
2. 选了这个,International Monetary Fund is to oversee the globe rules governing ... as well as the specific rules governing ...in the industrialized countries.
3. Unlike 谁谁和谁谁,那个竞选总统的人has not previously 当过总统。。。大致这个意思,选了那个有previously的作者: Jacki 时间: 2010-7-1 17:24