T 91/G 640GPA:3.2非211专业:酒店管理
录取结果:University of Houston
George Washington University
University of Massachusetts Amherst三个学校都是AD我选了HU
想给大家说说我的申请过程,我大学是西安的,非211,但由于是语言学校,出国留学气氛很浓,其实高中毕业我就想过去澳洲读本科,但是因为考上大学还有家人的担心种种原因这个念头就破灭了,后来上了大二我们学院(商务英语)又有到法国交换的项目,当时我的条件是可以达到的,我唯一迟疑的是这个学校不太好,偶然的一次机会我所在的社团承办了一次留学讲座我当然也参加了,就这样我认识了陈老师,觉得他挺年轻和同学们还比较聊的来,也是他告诉我从那时候开始准备托福和GMAT其实可以申请到比那个法国学校更好的……我从那时候才知道原来我并不是没有机会读世界名校,而且才大二,起步并不晚,所以我放弃了那次交换,说来惭愧,时间过的太快,在大学课程,社团学生会工作、贪玩中穿梭的我的托福、GMAT学了停,停了学,大三下学期考了T94,那年暑假参加了51JOB的集训训练营,所以大四上学期开学匆忙考G,成绩不好,开始的时候背景中也写到了。我这个成绩没有什么优势,好在我GPA还过了3.0万幸了。在进入大四后身边的同学找工作、考研都很忙,我也很迷茫,这个成绩让我不自信,我也想给自己一个双保险,所以又找到了陈老师,让他的机构帮助我申请。作者: waffle 时间: 2010-6-24 20:26
发送日期: 2010/2/3 (周三) 6:19:10 上午
主 题: Conrad N. Hilton College - Graduate Application
Dear Student,
On behalf of the Dean and Graduate Standard Committee, we are pleased to admit you to the graduate program for the fall 2010 semester. A scanned copy of the official acceptance letter and the offer letter are attached. They will also be mailed to you. Should you decide to attend our program, you may submit the attached scanned offer letter --signed and send back via email or you can sign and mail back to us the hard copy offer letter which you will receive via regular mail.
Here are lists of items that may help steer you in the right direction.
Graduate Assistantships and Scholarships – I have attached the Graduate Assistantship application to this email as all Graduate students are encouraged to apply. Scholarship information is available at: http://www.hrm.uh.edu/generalscripts/ScholarshipFormLink.asp
Please remember the New Graduate Orientation will be held Tuesday, August 17, 2010 from 8:00am to 2:30pm at the Hilton College. Details will follow.
Again, Congratulations,
Laura S. Gonzalez
Graduate Program Coordinator
Conrad N. Hilton College
University of Houston - Main Campus