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标题: 托福写作如何走出词汇量不足的困扰 [打印本页]

作者: caicainiao    时间: 2010-6-18 10:09     标题: 托福写作如何走出词汇量不足的困扰

  问及中国学生写作的困境, 不仅仅是学生甚至是某些学者, 近乎异口同声: “ 词汇量不足” 云云。其实这种所谓的词汇量问题,虽然不敢断然否定其存在,但是在培养学生写作技能的初级阶段根本不是问题,如果说词汇是个问题,那么至少是写作技能提高阶段的问题。在参加诸如GRE考试和GMAT考试的写作中,都不应该鼓励学生使用复杂的词汇量。
作者: caicainiao    时间: 2010-6-18 10:09

  Some people say that it wastes both time and money to protect animals while others say that it is useful to protect animals. What is your opinion?
  What are the values of animals? Fish and shrimp give people foods; birds give poets new ideas and ideals; even a simple fly offer scientists new information for research. Clearly, animals are important. Then who can say that it is a waster of money to protect such important things? I believe that human should protect animals.
  56 words
作者: caicainiao    时间: 2010-6-18 10:10

  Cetaceans are not created to decorate the immense chaotic oceans or to offer poets or littérateurs aspirations or inspirations. Nor does falconry soar towards the empyrean and scud in the firmament to demonstrate His almightiness. Then humans, the wretched descendents of Adams as the scripture tells within the eon, have been meditating such questions as why creatures exist. Were they once created by the omnipotent God or what scientists termed as nature? Recently both philosophers and environmentalists ponder that whether or not human beings should carry out campaigns to salvage wildlife. The question is that such campaigns might constitute considerable deteriorate elements both to the flora and fauna。
  上帝创造鲸鱼,并不是为了点缀那广漠无垠喧嚣混沌的海洋,也不是为了激发诗人或者文人骚客的灵感或者情感;鹰击长空,掠过天宇也不是为了证明自然的威力。人类,根据万古流传的经文传说,是那亚当的子孙,一直在思考着生物为什么存在于世的问题。 究竟生物为万能的造物主所一时创造,还是科学家冠以为“自然”的呢?现在,无论哲学家还是环境保护主义者都在思考人类究竟是否要发起拯救动物的行动。问题是诸如此类的救助行为可能成为恶化动植物区系的因素。
作者: caicainiao    时间: 2010-6-18 10:10

  可以看出,能够写出如此流畅的作文,并不是使用了复杂的单词,而是一种文章的结构和作者的思路。实际上使用右面一栏的单词,表达的思想完全可以用左面这些考生熟悉的词汇完成。考试要求考生写出250个单词的作文,二考生实际应试需要的词汇,最多是200个。加上不同的作文题目的题材变化的考虑,考生用已经掌握的2000个单词可以取得非常高的分数。 遗憾的不是考生词汇量不够,而是考生的脑海中根本没有把这些单词变成句子。中国学生学习英文仿佛就是背诵单词。
  作者本人就是在大学期间受这种错误教学理念的误导,背诵了一本新英汉字典,背了四年,背了至少不下千遍,可是写出的文章还是狗屁不通。于是,又去背诵梁实秋编写的《远东英汉大词典》,还是制造不出文章。后来遇到了哈佛大学的朋友,她给了我一本BIBLE, 告诉我每天读,注意句子的构成和句子之间的关系。我开始非常反感,认为这是侮辱我的宗教信仰。当时我甚至觉得这个朋友动机不纯,有拉我下水的恶意。
  you are the salt of the earth…
  You are the light of the world…
  will shine before humanity
  这里面的美在于一种单纯和简单。之后,我每日都读圣经,学习英语表达的技术,久而久之,感悟到其中的美,就逐渐开始欣赏英语简单词汇表达的美丽和艺术。后来从学生变成老师,我教授美国文学和语言学,着重分析过ERNEST HEMINGWAY作品词汇的朴素和执着的表现力。在THE SUN ALSO RISE中,读者完全可以品味如何用最简单的词汇表达最高尚的人类思维。
作者: caicainiao    时间: 2010-6-18 10:10

  Computers are now widely used in education so the teachers are not as important as they were before computers were popular. Do you agree or disagree with this point?
  Compared with other human inventions and innovations, computers, the cold machines that are definitely devoid of soul, admittedly, have been playing a significant role in shaping and reflecting human life, study, and work patterns. Thus at one time the average public was flooded by the overwhelming written materials and advertisements advocating, or even exaggeratedly promoting, various computers and their affiliated software, making it hard for the people to distinguish the facts from fictions. Worst of all, some scholars and engineers even imprudently “forecast” that computers will finally replace or supersede teachers in education. On the strength of philosophical and scientific analysis in a far more profound and insightful way, I solemnly and firmly gainsay such a misguiding argument and put forward that never in history have any human made machines had superseded, in its strict sense, human beings, nor will they。
作者: caicainiao    时间: 2010-6-18 10:12

  学生作文之一 30分钟
  someone said that teachers not no longer useful, nevertheless I don’t agree it。
  Now, computers are widely in all kinds of fields. And it is more and more important. But some of special fields computers can’t do any thing. For example, whe the child was young. They come to school. They can’t use any machine before. They need a warm hand from mother techer more than cold computer key. So I don’t agree it。
  这是一名中国考生在30分钟内写的“文章”—— 其实,根本不是文章。错误百出,时态混乱,动词错误,逻辑关系不明等等错误。
作者: caicainiao    时间: 2010-6-18 10:12

  学生作文之二 30分钟
  Compared to the automobile or train, the bicycle nowadays tends to be more common as a transport. Some people are think that the bicycle is the best way to tour. I am of the opinion that riding bicycle has advantage and disadvantages。
  To begin with, bicycle is the cheapest transport. In china, people just need spend RMB 400 to buy a high quality bicycle. The car, however, at least is spent RMB 40000. To many Chinese people, they prefer to buy a bicycle because they have no enough money to buy a car. Next, sometimes riding bicycle is more convenient than driving a car. For example, I have to spend 1 hour to drive car cover 10 miles during the rush hour from my home to my office in Beijing. At same distance, I only need 20 minutes by riding bicycle. Finally, I think the bicycle do not make heavy pollution to our environment。
作者: caicainiao    时间: 2010-6-18 10:12

  根据这些情况,我在NATIONAL GEOGRAPHY 杂志上选取了部分含有考生需要的句型,首先进行分析,然后让学生模仿。看看下面选取的一段文字:
  The wolves play an integral part in the ecosystem in the archipelago, and their diet can offer scientists important clues about the dynamics between predator and prey。
  Investigating the feces of the elusive wolves, Darimont found that their diets consist to a large extent of black-tailed deer. But he also found that their diets vary greatly depending on location. On the outer islands, for example, wolves are far less likely to have a deer for lunch than on the inner islands。
  These findings suggest that wolves can deplete resources in isolated areas, making the link between the predators and their prey more delicate there。
  The information is important for understanding not only island ecosystems, but also for conservation efforts. If scientists can understand how species behave on isolated islands, they may be able to figure out how the species will behave in other places that are becoming more fragmented。
  选自:Canada"s Rain Forest Wolves a Link to Past
  Stefan Lovgren October 1, 2004
作者: caicainiao    时间: 2010-6-18 10:13

  play an integral part in
  play a key role in
  offer somebody something
  dynamics between …and…
  predators and prey
  consist of consist to a large extent of
  depend on depend to a large extent on
  be likely to do something
  not only…but also…
  Living in the big cities, people are more likely to forget the key roles that animals play in an ecosystem. But almost all animals can do good, directly or indirectly, to our life. For example, fish and shrimp offer not only foods but also scientific research materials. Birds in various colors and shapes offer scientists new clues to understand the dynamic between human and other animals. From this point of view, animals must be well protected。
  如果我只是单纯地讲解单词,学生不可那写出这样的文章。但是,我给学生讲解的完整的句子和句子之间的逻辑关系。就直接启发学生的思维,导致分数的提高。 从这个教学实例可以推出,教学生提高句子量,应该是写作突破的方法之一。

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