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标题: Kellogg MBA 面试汇总(2009-2010) [打印本页]

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:34     标题: Kellogg MBA 面试汇总(2009-2010)

In @ Kellogg 1yr MBA Program(附背景和面经) ... &extra=page%3D1

In@Kellogg加我的申请心得(Essay写作,interview准备等) ... amp;extra=page%3D12
作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:35

3. Interview

§Do not care too much of the form of interview. I was actually waived one week before CNY and got phone interview request during CNY. I saw many people say no chemistry to talk with Adcom and do not like phone interview. But sometimes, mental hint will take effect. If you feel you do not like it from the very start, you tend to feel nervous or upset about it and cannot perform naturally. So never think phone interview will put you to a disadvantage, just be prepared and then relax (I know saying is easy but not necessarily doing). Someone also say we cannot see the feedback of the interviewer on phone and do not know how to channel the whole process, but in some cases you can feel sth from the voice and tones of the interviewer. For example, when I heard one of my answers took my interviewer to laugh, I added more details and even a joke to make it more interesting to her and make the interview not that boring. When I heard she say wonderful, excellent, I added more recipe to the story. And you can even channel the interview by saying “ would you like to know…”if you think the interview has got away from the track you want. Most importantly, be natural, be yourself and don’t be nervous (remember紧张真的是大忌,因为我觉得任何学校都很看重leadership,而leader assumed should be临危不乱,如果interview紧张,会让interviewer觉得遇事不够沉着镇定)

§My interview Qs

1.Undergraduate experience

2.Is your first internship at XX determined you career path

3.Career progression


5.Any misconception other people have about you

6.Why MBA, Why Kellogg

7.Career goal

8.Leadership style, list of leadership experience and one example of leadership

9.Anything others you want to share?



作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:35


Tell me about your job in current company?
What does your colleague describe you?
Is there any negative feedback?
What's your biggest success?
Why MBA?
Why Kellogg?

kellogg1年的program很cozy,而且人也不多,90来个人 vs. HBS和Wharton 900人,关键是时间短,没有必要用2年的时间去读mba了,适合想accelearate career progress的人!

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:35

1 Go through Resume;
2 why MBA
3 Why Kellogg
4 leadership experience
5 Accomplishment
6 Leadership style
7 what traits do you think build a great leader
8 Team work experience
9 What will you do if someone in your team do not cooperate? How do you deal with tough people?
10 How do you allocate your time in B-shcool, he gave me four options: Academics, Network, Job hunting, Clubs.
11 Which club do you want to join?
12 Questions for him
现在想想,kellogg是对Behavior Questions问的最细的。由于我和面试官都是工程背景,因此交流很顺畅(他很容易明白我说的项目)。面试官也很友好,没有challenge的问题。前后大概1个小时,聊的挺愉快。虽然这是我的第一个面试,但自我感觉不错。可惜最终结果只是被WL。

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:36

To Henrrick,
我一直覺得兩岸的旗子紅色部分太多了, 感覺很Bloody, 這樣藍色多點也不賴, 不過在台灣可能會有人覺得加點綠色保護眼睛會更好, 政治不是我在行的, 那些交給專門的人去爭論吧, 我寧願好好交朋友, 作consulting!

To kellylove520,
我個人主要是處理Transfer Pricing(TP)及相關稅目的議題, 但也有從事少數Tax Compliance和General Tax Consulting的case
至於要如何stand out, 這是個大問題, 我認為簡單說, 可以分為兩個部分, 一是自己的品牌定位, 另一個則是對學校(尤其是文化)的了解和本身與學校文化的契合度
品牌定位的話, 我因為自己這幾年從事TP, 覺得這是比較專門, 偏重執行面的consulting(因為分析就是用過去資料, 比較不具未來的預測性), 而我在未來想要從事策略面, 比較宏觀, 也比較是預測的角度的consulting, 那我就以自己在過去case的經驗來主打我的特質, 強調自己的優點, 並且將弱點(機會點)包裝成需要藉由MBA的教育來加強的
至於學校文化的了解和契合上面, 我覺得我們常會陷入一個學校排名的迷思(我必須承認我之前也是這樣), 但我被其他的牛校定掉後, 我親自飛一趟, 去拜訪一些學校(Kellogg已經面完了的情況下), 發覺收穫很多, 主要是在對於學校的了解和對於老美的思維了解上, 就我和他們聊天後, 老美的學生主要重視學校特質, 比較不會一定要排名(就不會M7通通都申請, 也不會一定非M7不念), 像是有些學校會喜歡有鯊魚特質的學生, 有些很重視群體, 而以我自己為例, 我認為我和Kellogg比較契合的部分, 就在於我喜歡team work, 這也是Kellogg很強調的特質, 我重視群體, 雖然我知道我一個人單兵作戰也可以表現得很好, 但處在群體之中, 不論是當領頭的或者被領導的, 然後讓整個群體發揮更大的力量, 這會讓我更有成就感, 另外, 很多頂尖的B-School可以訓練出很強的個體, 但這些個體是否能整合成一個整體然後發揮得更棒, 這就是問號, 可是在參加Kellogg學生和校友舉辦的info-session中, 我看到了個體凝聚成整體, 展現出來的氣勢更是讓我震撼, 我會建議有機會除了瀏覽學校網頁和外部機構排名的資料外, 一定要多參加各校的info-session, 甚至去學校走走, 感受一下課堂和校園裡面學生間的相處模式, 會對學校會有進一步的了解

最後是學校面經, 基本上因為我是二月多面的, 記憶有點模糊
像是go through resume, long/short term goal, why MBA, why now, why Kellogg, strength, weakness, leisure time habits
然後一個特別的團隊合作經驗, 以及我的team member對我的看法及評價(優點缺點)
是用電話面試的, 時間大約25分鐘
站在學校的角度(當然要對學校文化有點認識), 要怎麼樣可以對一個學生適不適合學校作進一步的了解


作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:37

Kellogg MBA R2 Interview 面经 (1-30)

At the request of 老大, here is Interview。  

It occurred in Starbucks in Silicon Valley, I was in full suit, he was not.  He was a marketing manager in a medical device firm who just graduated a year ago.  I got there 15 min before him and got a table.

Interview lasted 45 minutes:

Go through your resume:  my answer was too long, I only got done with half and we never went back to the rest.  
Why MBA,
Why Kellogg
Team Experience
Leadership Experience.
Do you have any questions.

That's it.  It was very calm and easy.  The easiest out of all my interviews.  Sorry for the late post, i interviewed R2 Jan 30th.  But since it was so
typical, I didn't think it would be too valuable.  Oh well, here it is.

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:37

Kellogg MBA R2 Adcom 电话面经(3-11)

电话晚到了15分钟,需要耐心等待, 总共30分钟不到。The conversation runs smooth and the Adcom is very nice.
1. walk through resume
2. long-term goal, short-term goal
3. why MBA, why Kellogg
4. teamwork exp.
5. Q&A 问了一下换dean对中国录取者的impact…
No what contributions toKellogg, No leadership exp.


作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:37

Kellogg MBA R2 电话面试 (3-10)

教育背景,为什么选这个专业,高中获得这个奖怎么回事? ( WTF! )
why kellogg?
what can you bring to the community?



作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:38

hey, lcat1215, I completed my interview last Thursday. The whole process was very conversational. I was not challenged by any curve-ball questions. Just Walk through resume, Why MBA, Why Kellogg, What club do you want to join. They will allow you to channel the conversation flow.  So, relax and show your best. Good luck.^^

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:39

2月15号 Kellogg alumni interview

Interviewer 十年前毕业,现在开自己的高階主管教導公司。本来是去她的office,但最后她约在我公司楼下喝咖啡。很好的一个人。Interview之前,她说这个interview应该是像一个conversation。问题不难,没有behaviour questions。

tell me about yourself

why mba/Kellogg

what’s your careergoal and why? (我的LT是自己开公司。Drill down to what do you bring to your client?I also talked about possible challenges ahead. 之前做了个high level business plan, no problem here.)

What do you bringto the Kellogg community? Which would be the single most unique thing about you?

what makes a goodleader?

whatclubs/activities do you intend to join?

what are yourhobbies

当我讲了申请过程学到的东西,又问how do the schools' application differ now days?(我觉得这只是一个好奇,并不是问申请了什么学校。I might be wrong. But just in case, 讲了自己选校的criteria, what schools, briefly why. Re-emphasizedKellogg esp common qualities of K alumni I have met. Then elaborated how Iwould assemble essay questions if I were K admission. – Tried to show somecritical thinking on the fly here)

P.S 问了一下how did u go in gmat? which was strange for an interview。
一共一小时。我谢谢她专门跑来interview, 她说没什么。她是代表kellogg的,wow, what can I say about 校友 like this :-)?

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:39

新鲜出炉,今天下午2:00 -2:55,@新加坡

1. Talk about yourself 才讲完工作经验,没有机会讲ECA就被问了下一个问题
2. Why first job/without Biz & Finance backgour, how do you cope (我的背景是理科,第一份工作是biz/finance analyst)
提到我跟有经验同事们学习,又问了how do u learn from your colleague之类的问题
3. Why 2nd job (解释是公司内部rotation)
4. 详细的问了我公司中S&OP process implementaion,有什么可以improve的 (比较郁闷,这个没准备的很好,讲的比较绕)
5. 2nd role 和3rd role的区别(都是supply chain)
6. 我4.5年工作中最大的achievement
7. What will your subordinator comment on your leadership style
8. 还有一个忘了怎么问的,总之我跟他讲了一个team story
9. Why MBA
10. Why Kellogg
11. What can you do for Kellogg
12. What student clubs are you interested in

写出来才发现问了这么多问题,估计我讲话太快了。。。郁闷的是这个校友基本没怎么做笔记,期间有一次我故意放慢来给他写的时间,他提示我go on..只好go on...


作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:40

1. Kellogg的面试被人告知,说Kellogg是很注重着装的,连去information session都要求穿正装。所以大早上的还去吹了个头发,哈哈。也借机臭美一下。因为是Interview day, 所以估计每个Interviewer都是照着guild line来问问题的。因为我的一个朋友在前一个time slot里面面的,和我面的内容几乎是一样的。但是不太爽的一点是:Kellogg租了一个Apartment面试,不怎么专业,因为进门要拖鞋。。。Kellogg的面试,我觉得更注重Why,相对于Fact本身。比如:他会问:为什么Choose这个专业,为什么选择到××国家工作,为什么做这个Function之类的问题。比较不爽的是,他让我问他问题的时间是:15mins。我就准备了1个Question,实在没办法,就随便乱问了一些问题。

我们那天去面试的,前前后后的我见过的人里面,貌似只有我一个Interviewee是女的。面我的是个大帅哥,去之前在Monitor工作,MBA后在Mck工作。其他的面试官,有2个是三星证券的,一个是三星Strategy的,他说他是亚裔,但是没去过中国,也很帅hoho. 回来的路上和一个time slot的人聊了下,他在Accenture工作6年, 已经拿到了R1 的Duke和Ross的Offer-S!!。

让我感动的是:那个帅哥Interviewer在我给他发Thank you letter之前,就发了信告诉我有任何问题 可以随时联系他。。。很Nice。。

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:40






作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:40

Kellogg 1yr MBA 电话面试面经

Round 2申请的,原来是被waive了interview,后来又要求tel interview。

原来约定在晚上11点tel interview,但由于自己前面的会还没结束,只好reschedule到11点半,但是对方那个时候只有10来分钟的时间和我访谈,因此就随便地聊了聊


Tell me about your job in current company?

What does your colleague describe you?

Is there any negative feedback?

What's your biggest success?

Why MBA?

Why Kellogg?


Engagement Manager in top 1 consulting firm now, 4 yrs W/E, Computer Science background from top 4 university

hope it helps!

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:41

迟来的Kellogg MBA面经 - 北欧

12月18日part1 deadline提交的面试申请,1月中收到学校邮件,分了一个面试人。月底面试。我在北欧,这个面试人告诉我说我是这几年他面的唯一一个申请人。前两年学校倒是给他分过申请人,但是申请人结果都没有show up。北欧的福利就是好啊,大家都enjoy life,不读mba,呵呵。话说我了解的几个top咨询公司的本地员工也大都不是名校mba出身。




3)最大的achievement是什么,觉得希望重来一次的是什么,what did you learn from it? 我在回答这些问题的时候穿插着把why MBA/Kellogg都回答了。

4)举出一个我所admire的人物 and why?专门说要说他也认识的人。我脑袋转了半天才说obama,囧。他说obama没当总统的时候去kellogg参加活动,门票竟然被黄牛炒的很贵,他说这很罕见。


It was my first interview, and poorly prepared. I am very unsatisfied with some of my answers. However, what has been done has been done, K sera sera...

Good luck to you all!

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:41



×补充一点花絮:约面试都是电话口头记录,显得不太专业。class visit现场到了再选,结果选了marketing的课,我们4个人被带着走到门口等了5分钟,带头的学生说:我也不知道咋回事,到现在没人来,估计这课不上了,走,我带你们去其他课堂看看有没有位置。。。

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:41


kellogg的on campus貌似是随机的,那天早上好像都是adcom面。面俺的是一位白阿姨。仍然是常规问题:问了一个平时娱乐是虾米,还问了对什么club感兴趣。让我抓狂的是,又没问why kellogg... 仍然被精确控制在半个钟T_T,仍然是没chemistry。

提醒一下,两个学校都问了why now?

感觉被这些经验丰富的人面,很难积极互动,很难取悦... Anyway,我的捐款之旅告一段落,还是老老实实宅着吧=_=

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:42

Kellogg MBA Interview面经 - 新加坡

面试官:03届校友,做marketing;美国本科,硕士,又读了Kellogg MBA; 曾经做过两年Kellogg alumni club 新加坡的president。


1. Tell me something about yourself;
2. Why MBA / Kellogg
3. The quality of a good leader
4. Why does Kellogg want you as a student? Your distinctiveness?
5. Tell me something about your extra-curricular activities?

问题很少。不过每个问题,都有很深入的解释。估计这样就过去了40分钟左右(俺没有带手表)。之后就是和校友互动,开始问了他6~7个关于学校的问题。之后俺又询问了一些他的post-MBA career development,包括他现在公司,职位以及为什么会来新加坡,将来的发展等等。




作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:42



Why Kellogg
Why finance as career goal
为什么从industry 到consulting
还申请了什么学校,如果Wharton和Kellogg both offer 怎么选
Two teamwork stories

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:43

Kellogg 校友面试-多伦多

约在星巴克 结果人满为患 转战Tim Horton

Mr David Lubek
Canada Pension Plan Investment board
前M&Abanker 现在做PE


go through your resume, tell me about yourself

why MBA /why Kellogg /why now?

Long term/ short term goal

Give an example when you and your team deals with a challenge

Give an example of your leadership

strength and weaknesses(2 each)

这个比较新 give me a a course you want to take most from Kellogg's website, how will you benefit from it 考察一下是不是好好做了功课

在校 在职期间的课外活动 , 以及兴趣爱好





列举一个你从你MBA同学身上学到 你之前不具备的特质


最后问了他M&A 和现在PE的life style,闲扯了一些market



作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:44

Kellogg 面经,希望对大家有帮助

interviewer: a lady working in Investment Banking

length: around 45 mins

questions: very standard such as tell me about yourself, why Kellogg, why MBA, what do you want to learn in Kellogg, what courses you want to take, career goals

The interview was really relax, and the interviewer asked me do not wear Suit because it was in Saturday, the interview was under a enjoyable, informative and smooth enviroment.
Hope it helps you all!

sambainan:请问楼主在哪里面的啊?是校友面试么?我下周二在多伦多校友面, 好奇他们是不是都经过alumni admission comitee简单培训?问题应该大体差不多吧。

realrual:to Sambainan,

in HK by one of their Alumni.

I guess they prepare by themselves so very flexible, and they may have a feedback from including some key ratings such as

- understand of the program and school
- motivation of applying
- whether clearly have goals
- communication skills.

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:44


面试官是中国人,先中文寒暄了一下,解释自己发那么晚的email的原因,不过他很诧异,问我是不是自己把gmail的垃圾邮箱设置调整过,他用gmail就收­到Kellogg发给他的面试名单的,看到我带了hard copy的简历,他就没必要打印了,所以他根本没时间事先看我的简历

问题1:walk me through your resume, your career goal, why Kellogg, why now. 我本来的准备是他如果一开始只问walk through resume,我就讲完工作方面的东西插个人的,提一下community service和hobbies(朋友认为我的Uniqueness在community service和hobbies),但是都没机会讲


问题3:"ok,你要做marketing对吧,那假设你MBA毕业,现在拿到3个offer,一个是上海办公室McKinsey,一个是美国Intel的什么­program,一个是L'oreal HK的marketing,你会接受哪个?"我就先和他细讲了一下我的short-term career goal,说最希望在美国做consulting或者marketing,他说现实不是这样ideal的,做marketing是很受culture限制的,所­以美国人一般不会找外国人做marketing,个么我就说在HK做marketing了,因为HK的biz environment也很diversified

问题4:讲讲community service的经历,怎么处理好service和工作的时间安排呢?我说这个问题我很早就考虑­到了,我答应了做这件事就会遵守commitment,而且为了解决我的时间问题,我需要一个团队支持,再讲自己怎样利用monthly concall安排工作,用自己对team member的关心和自己的working experience来motivate他们为我做事,总之有个团队,我的时间问题可以解决不少

问题5:"假设你的project上,你的team lead "sucks",项目出现问题,你手下人说拥戴你做lead,把他换掉,manager明天要找你聊项目情况,你怎么说?"我说我不会同意随便换人,特别是在项­目出现问题的时候,我要做的是全力support他,补足他的不足。"你的手下可能没有你那么mature,得知你没有提出要替代team lead,都很失望,你怎么motivate他们?"我说我会告诉他们,把focus转移到怎样把项目做好上去­,只要他们对我还有信心,那就好好support我。"那过了1、2个星期,你的team lead也发生了微妙的改变,他觉得你老是告诉他应该怎么做,似乎是在越权,你怎么处理?"找他好好谈,我认为communication解决一切问题,找个比­较friendly的环境,比如starbucks,跟他交心,说自己完全没有越权的意思,我不是在命令他怎么做,而是给他option,最后的决定还是他的,­我只是希望更好地support,出发点都是一致的,就是为了把项目做好

问题6:"假设你在NGO里,手下有人老给你找麻烦,想要取代你,你怎么处理?"我说看她提的建议是不是真的有用,如果是对的,我完全接受,如果­是trouble,那就找她好好聊聊,如果她真的比我优秀,完全可以把位子让给她。"这个例子好像不好,那换成工作中,如果你的tea­m里有这样的人,人很聪明,但总挑战你,其他组员对她似乎也很赞同,你怎么处理?"我说可以私下里接近她,比如,我有那么多兴趣爱好(想把这个点­提出来的,因为之前一直都把这个忽略了),可以约她一起运动、shopping、旅游,通过建立私人感情来赢得她的respect。"她根本不甩你这一套,不和­你去shopping,然后项目上也出现了问题,manager也挺欣赏她,先找她聊,她肯定说你坏话,现在manager叫你明天早上跟他汇报,你会怎么说?­"我得承认自己肯定处理得有问题,不管是我工作上的、我的team member工作上的还是我在项目管理上的,因为既然出现问题了,我作为lead就应该承担责任(想体现自己的responsiblity)我会前一晚先找te­am member谈,我还是相信communication才能解决问题,问她的想法。"她会说应该是你给我solution,你是team lead"我说我当然会准备solution,但我会open to diversified opinions。"那第二天你老板对你提出的solution也表示怀疑,他也开始偏重那个小姑娘了,你怎么办?"我说,我还是那句话,既然项目出现了问题,­关键时刻换人可能引起更大骚动,当然如果manager对我不信任了,觉得她能胜任,这是对项目好,那我肯定可以退出,但是只要我的team能support我­,我就愿意继续做下去,把问题解决。最后他问我怎么评价那个trouble maker,我说"intelligent, innovative but need to be improved in teamwork"
——又是assume的case study,也没碰到过这样的情况,事后想想,我感觉自己的回答太soft了,比如应该加上,给她一次机会,但是如果她还是没法teamwork的话­,就该当机立断地不要她在team里,不过,毕竟是第一反应,体现了我的性格了

最后问了我的GMAT成绩和第几轮申请,顺便问我申了哪几个学校,回答我的问题的时候给了不少MBA学习中的建议,说希望不管是Kellogg还是其他b-school都能对我有用。结束时又用中文问我你下一轮还申请的对吧,我说是,之前时间不够,但是我最想进Kellogg,所以还是把它放在第一轮了,他说没准备好的话还是第二轮吧(暗示我fa­il?),我说其实开始的还是挺早的,想多花点时间心思在Kellogg上,他说learning curve可能会在第二轮里显现出来,送我到电梯口,我手里拿着包包和手机,也没和他握手

总的来说,面了1小时左右,但他竟然一点笔记也没做,除了写了我的GMAT分数和first round,中间描了几眼他的小本本看问题sample吧,但是都是我没办法准备的东西,竟然都玩role play。感觉没出啥大问题也没出彩,我完全没有方向,自己也不是很满意,你们对我的表现评估一下吧,也希望对大家的面试有用

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:45




Go over your resume
Why MBA? Why Kellogg?
Challenges in your career?
Your style of leadership?
What kind of specific leadership skills do you plan to get from Kellogg? And how?
How do you contribute to Kellogg MBA class?
What makes you stand out among 5000 applicants?
Experience as a team member? a team leader?
Personal hobbies?


作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:45

开篇问题是介绍自己,也就是walk through your resume.
然后聊career goal and why?
why MBA
然后是talk about life
然后是any questions about Kellogg?


作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:46

EMBA / Adcom (Published April 9th, 2010)

I had my interview at the end of March. I got the decision this week – admitted. The conversation last for 1,5 hours. Meeting was very nice and I had a great opportunity to present myself and when I say myself I really mean it. Don’t talk about your resume only, talk about your story and your life (not only professional) and use your CV as a template to follow. As you can see I’m European and not native English speaker. The interviewer created relaxed atmosphere, she was asking some questions related to topics I was discussing.

I read the book “how to get to top MBA program” and in all honesty don’t over do it. Be yourself, present your values and believes, personality and how it is tight to your professional career. Don’t play and plan too much. They require extensive professional experience. If you have required experience you should already know what kind of questions you shouldn’t ask during conversation like this one. Leverage international experience if you have such – mine is extensive and I could present it.

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:46

Round 2 / Adcom (Published April 2nd, 2010)


Walk me through your resume.
Why MBA?
Why now?
Tell me about your views on teamwork.
Tell me about a time you lead a team.
What will you contribute to Kellogg?
The interview lasted about 45 minutes and most of it was covering my resume and questions the interviewer had about my resume. She allowed me to lead the conversation and seemed to ask questions based on where it was going. Make sure to have a few good questions for the interviewer

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:46

Round 3 / Alumnus / Off-campus (Published 27th March 2010)

Interview lasted 75 minutes, held at Panera. Interviewer was friendly and informal but professional. Got into the questions pretty quickly. The list is not in order after the first one.

Why MBA? Why Kellogg? Why now? (all in one)
Why do you want to make this particular career transition? What attracts you to the field? (not exact words, but that was the general sense)
What clubs do you plan to join?
What five words would your friends use to describe you? Then: If you heard them use these words, what one would make you the proudest?
Leadership example
Example where you weren't the leader
Do you find yourself filling leadership gaps in a group when they exist?
What is the one thing in your *life* that you are the proudest of?
My interviewer was particularly adept at picking up on the little comments I would make and reading into them. My recommendation is to just talk. Don't be afraid to go off on tangents in your answers as long as you eventually get back to addressing the specific question.

RESULT: Rejected May 12th 2010

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:46

Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus (Published March 22nd, 2010)

I had my an off-campus interview with an alum. It went for about 75 minutes. The alum was really warm and welcoming throughout the conversation and it was clear he had a fantastic experience. Pretty standard set of questions

Why MBA?
Why Kellogg?
Give example of a work conflict?
Biggest accomplishment?
Interests outside of work?
My key points of advice: Ensure that you show all facets of your personality especially ability to work in teams, collaborate and contribute to Kellogg community; I found it very worthwhile to visit campus and speak to current students as it was informative and provided some discussion points; if it’s in a open place as mine was, ensure you are well versed in keeping focused on the conversation and not get distracted by surroundings.

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:46

Round 2 / Alum / Off-campus (Published March 11th, 2010)


Walk me through your resume.
Why MBA?
Why now?
Why Kellogg?
Tell me about your passion(s) outside of the professional or education realms (e.g., extracurricular pursuit).
What was your single greatest professional accomplishment?
What do you do for fun?
Tell me about a time when your communication with a colleague was a catalyst to achieve a team goal.
What are the 3 most important attributes of a successful leader? How do you rate yourself in each of these attributes?
Who do you admire as a leader?
What is the most challenging part of your job (current or previous)?
What was a weakness in your application?
What will be your unique contribution to Kellogg? (i.e., what will you give to other students?)
The interview was conducted at her office. Casual dress, so I was free to wear whatever. I arrived 10 minutes early and we started exactly on time.

From the outset, she was welcoming, affable and conversational, setting a friendly but focused tone. She clearly laid out the game plan at the start (her background, then her questions for me, then my questions for her). She said the interview would probably take 1 hour, but it ended up lasting 1 hour and 45 minutes.

I thought the interview went extremely well. She was a great enabler, an active listener with easy-to-read facial expressions and responsive body language. This was very useful, as it let me know when I was dragging and when I was flying. Her questions gave me the opportunity to relay all of my best professional and personal stories (even some that I didn't expect would come up in conversation).

Since my experience with the first two-thirds of the interview was so positive, I was very confident and comfortable tackling questions that I didn't anticipate and hadn't specifically prepared.

When the table turned and she was answering my questions, she was very candid about her Kellogg experience. Having spoken at length with a mix of students and alums, I had a sense of Kellogg's primary advantages and disadvantages, but my interviewer enlightened me with additional highlights and drawbacks.

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:47

Round 2 / Alumni / On campus (Published March 8th, 2010)

There were 8-10 people waiting to interview at the same time, when I was only expecting 2-3 people. I interviewed on campus, but with an alumni. She said they asked her to volunteer because of the high volume of applicants. She said the interview would last 30 minutes but it was 45-50. She was friendly.

The questions posted by everyone here were the same except that since I am a high-level manager at my current job, she did not ask me any pointed leadership questions. I assume I was expected to cover this in my narrative when I walked her through my resume. She did not ask me any failure or what are your strengths/weaknesses type questions. I think she wanted to see how I presented myself and to get a feel for my personality and motivation for Kellogg rather than hear rehearsed answers to typical interview questions.

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:47

Round 2 / Adcom / On-campus (Published March 5th, 2010)

Interview was in the afternoon. Be sure to arrive 15m early. Interviewer was very friendly. She went through the application process and then dove into questions.


Walk me through your resume, beginning with your undergraduate degree (also follow up question made this similar to "tell me about yourself" question as well).
Why an MBA?
Why Kellogg?
What clubs do you plan to participate in while at Kellogg?
What do you do for fun/enjoy?
How has your leadership style progressed since college (through work or a specific extra-curricular activity)?
Have you held any leadership positions at work?
Have you faced any challenges as a leader at work? How did you deal with them?
Anything else you want to cover about yourself.
Any questions for me?
Although the questions above were the only questions asked, we did cover some community service I had done as that came up in a different area. Overall, I felt well prepared based on the questions posted on ClearAdmit. I had a few follow up questions but I had spoken with 4 alumni in the preceding weeks and had gotten a lot of info on Kellogg which I believe came across in my interview.

Interview took 30 minutes (which she said it would) and I believe that is the standard for all adcom on-campus meetings. My advice is read over Clear Admit questions and have answers prepared or at least thought about, that way you won't be thrown off by anything.

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:47

Round 2 / Alumni / Off-campus (Published February 12th, 2010)

My interviewer was absolutely friendly and kind. No challenging questions were asked, and all of the questions that I was asked were covered by Clear Admit Wiki. (So I'm showing my appreciation by submiting my interview report for others!) I talked about my experiences for 20~30 minutes to answer her questions and spent the remaining 25~30 minutes learning more about her experiences at Kellogg.

Some of the questions I was asked are as follows:

Tell me about your current work experiences.
Career goals
Leadership experience (outside work - i.e. college, extra-curricular activities)
Team experience (at work)
Why now?
I was surprised that she never asked me about "why Kellogg?" and "why MBA?" I am guessing she already knew what my answers would be for these questions. My answers were prepared in a "story-telling" style, so she didn't probe into much detail.

The entire interview including greeting, questions, answers, and her stories took about 55 minutes. I had 5-6 questions to ask her, and her answer sometimes covered couple questions at once. Although I believe my interview went smooth overall, I wish I had prepared more questions as I started running out of "great" questions at the end. (I have a close friend who is at Kellogg, so I didn't have a long list of questions as he already told me so much about the school.)

I certainly had a wonderful time meeting with my interviewer and truly enjoyed talking with her. She has definitely left me the best impression about Kellogg. Now I see how Kellogg has got its reputation for being friendly and social!

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:47

Round 2 / Alumni / Off-campus (Published February 6th, 2010)

My interviewer was absolutely lovely-she reinforced all the great things I have heard about Kellogg. We started out discussing the application process (which I found very helpful), followed by my background and experiences, and why I want to go to Kellogg (e.g. why Kellogg, why an MBA, why now?) She probed a bit as to what drew me to Kellogg specifically (be able to say clubs/classes you'd be interested in). Then she asked lots of leadership experiences, What makes a good leader/a bad leader? Tell me about a time you've been on a team that has failed. Not sure I was as well prepared as I should have been, but I think its pretty standard as with other schools. The only question she really threw me on was "Tell me about a time you have been humbled."

Overall, we had about an hour so there was lots of time for me to learn more about her experiences at Kellogg, and to discuss how well it fit into my career goals. Very relaxing and comfortable.

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:47

Round 2 / Alumni / Off-campus (Published February 4th, 2010)

Interviewer was very friendly and certainly a huge supporter of Kellogg. Kicked it off mentioning her background, then had me walk her through my resume. Spent about 10-15minutes going through my college experience and work experience in detail. Then, more standard questions,

Why now.
Why Kellogg
Where do you see yourself in 10yrs?
Greatest accomplishment at work
How have you handled conflict / disagreement
What type of leader are you?
Describe the type of leader you would like to be
What role do you normally take on in a team?
What types of activities are you involved in?
What concerns you the most about your Kellogg application?
Those are all that I remember, then opened it up for me to ask some questions.

Overall, very conversational in the first half, then more standard interview in the second half where she consulted the script a few times to make sure she covered all the questions. A couple questions I probably could have been better prepared for, but no surprising questions. She took a lot of notes throughout, and it seemed to go very well.

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:47

Round 2 / Alumni / Off-campus (Published January 30th, 2010) 10am interview. Alumunus showed up 15 minutes late, but apologized profusely. She was very nice and a similar background and went into depth explaining her pre-mba experience, her time at Kellogg, and what shes doing now. We then jumped into questions for me:

Team experience in which you faced a challenge
Why Kellogg?
Why MBA?
Give me your 2 minute elevator pitch
What do you do for fun?
Took 1 hour to finish.

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:47

Round 1 / Adcom / On-campus (Published January 28th, 2010)

The interview was in the morning, and the admissions office is very friendly and professional. The admissions officer was on time for the interview, which lasted for half an hour. In the afternoon, I attended a competitive strategy course, which was very helpful in getting a feel of what life is like as a Kellogg student. The admissions officer seemed glad that I was planning to stay the afternoon to attend a class.

The admissions officer was very nice and friendly, made me feel comfortable. She didn't seem like she wanted to stump me with questions but just get a feel for my personality.

List of interview questions

Why MBA?
Why now?
Why Kellogg?
What are your short-term and long-term goals?
What type of leader are you?
Is there anything else you'd like us to know about yourself?
Overall, it was a pretty pain-free experience. Everyone on campus and in the admissions office was very friendly and welcoming. The interview itself was not too challenging with no major surprises. The only surprise was when I asked her a question, and she turned around and posed the same question to me. I'd say, be prepared to show that you have done your research and have talked to current students and alumni. The more you show a genuine interest in the school, the more likely they will have a positive impression of you.

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:48

Round 2 / Adcom / On-campus (Published January 27th, 2010)

Interviewed on campus, recently. The interviewer was a nice lady, but was stern. She didn't corner me, but I didn't feel a whole lot comfortable throughout the interview. Hence, am not sure if the interview went well or not. Typical questions:

Walk me through your resume
What are your long and short term goals?
Where would you ideally want to be in a year from now? (interesting)
How does Kellogg fit into this picture?
Give me an example when you were not involved as a leader. (interesting)
What would your classmates say about you?
Any questions for me?
Preparation: talking to people, reviewing previous interviews on wiki, rehearsing may be once (don't over do it).

Suggestions: just chill and be yourself. Reach the admissions office a little early. Usually, there are a few prospective students sitting there. Talk to them -- will make you feel a little less tense/nervous and will help you become comfortable before the interview.

Best of luck!

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:48

Round 2 / Alum / Off-campus (Published January 26th, 2010)

Pretty straight forward, only hiccups is that the Alum requested we meet a food court at 7 pm and it closed at 7:05. She didn't know the area that well but thankfully, I had noticed Ruby Tuesdays so we went there for an iced tea. Not sure what the takeaway is but helpful to have back-up locations.

Walk me through your resume. Only probing question: she asked how I built clients in my industry ( I am an entrepreuneur) but accepted my answer.
Why an MBA
Why Now
Why Kellogg
Tell me about how you work in Teams
What do you struggle with? What skill set is difficult for you?
Whole Interview lasted an hour with the relocation time.

She directly consulted from what looked to be a printout question list and took over 2 pages of notes. She appreciate comments about Chicago and my knowledge of the school's programs.

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:48

Round 2 / Alum / Off-campus (Published January 25th, 2010)

We met at a local coffee shop with a relatively new alumni (2007). He was friendly and professional. Dress attire, business causal. Lasted 1 hour.

Why MBA? Why Kellogg?
Why now?
Tell me about a team experience
Greatest work accomplishment
Detail questions about my resume including how I acquired my diverse set of projects Know your resume, why Kellogg, and why MBA. Know exactly why you want to go to Kellogg and how you'll add to the community. Be prepared with questions for the Alumni.

My best advice is know the basics and understand what qualities Kellogg is looking for in an applicant. If your resume doesn't convey all qualities of an ideal applicant, be ready to supply antidotes of those qualities to present a well rounded applicant.

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:48

Round 2 / Alum / Off-campus (Published January 15th, 2010)

The interview questions are quite straight forward.

Why MBA? Why Kellogg?
Why now?
Detail questions about every corner of my resume
You have to be familiar with everything on your resume even your job at five years ago. Go to detail and prepare examples to support. The alumnus is very nice and did great job of Kellogg brand marketing. It was a very nice conversation.

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:48

Round 1 / Alum / Off-campus (Published January 13th, 2010)

Overall a very relaxed interview experience. It was off campus and the alum and I scheduled the interview during the week at the alums office.

Alum started off telling me about the role of the interview and asked if I had any questions. I asked about alums background and then alum asked about mine. I talked about this for about 5 minutes. Alum asked fairly expected questions including:

Tell me about a team experience and a challenge you have faced
Why MBA?
Why Kellogg?
What are your career goals?
Which clubs will you get involved in?
Then I asked a few questions and we parted ways. I think it went pretty well.

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:48

Round 1 / Adcom / On-campus (Published January 4th, 2010 by DreamChaser)

I selected to do the interview on campus during the Kellogg Preview Weekend (which btw, is an awesome event that you should check out, see my post on KPW). I wasn't sure if I was gonna interview with a student or an Adcom. But it looks like on Saturday you interview with student (I am not 100% sure about whether you always interview with Adcom during the week days though). I ended up in one female Adcom's office for the interview. She was very friendly and that relaxed me a little bit because I was quite nervous since Kellogg was my first interview. The interview started off with the most standard question about walking through the resume. I went a little far into explaining why MBA, and my interviewer actually smiled at the end of it and told me there was specific question for that later (I thank her for not interrupting me while I went off for that would have throw me off a little). All the questions were pretty standard Kellogg questions, even the leadership style one I have seen on interview reports. The interview lasted about 30 minutes and the interviewer left enough time for me to ask questions. Overall, the interview was like a relaxed conversation with the interviewer occasionally probing on points of interests. Because of my profile and my answers, the interview end up focusing a lot on leadership and team work, which allowed me to fully showcase my strengths. I felt that the Adcom is very experienced and asks lots of follow up questions. She also kept writing notes the entire time but kept good eye contact in between and had lots of positive confirmation through body language (nodding, smiling, ect.) Overall, I thought I did quite well and the admission later confirmed that.

My 2cents for interview rep: read interview reports from and clearadmit, prepare those questions, and prepare all of them. I always think it's good to over prepare than under prepare. Just make sure your answers don't sound rehearsed. Know your story, of course, but also know your strengths, and try to showcase as much as of it during the interview. And lastly, stay relaxed, don't get throw off by odd questions, just be confident and be your best self. Good luck!

Here is the list of interview questions that I remember:

Walk through your resume starting from undergrad experience?
What is your biggest accomplishment at work?
Leadership experience at work?
Follow up question on my leadership experience such as my specific actions and leadership style.
How has your leadership style progressed since college (through work and a specific extra-curricular activity)?
What role do you play on a team?
Tell me about xxx (a specific extracurricular activity on my resume).
Why MBA?
Why Kellogg?
What unique contribution can you bring to Kellogg?
What clubs do you plan to participate in while at Kellogg?
What do you do for fun?
Anything you want to say that we haven't talked about?

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:48

Round 1 / Adcom / On-campus / Accepted! (Published Dec 14th, 2009)

Adcom seemed experienced and probed at all the right points.

Walk me through your resume - with highlights of each. She checked that everything I spoke about was from the resume; asked a couple of follow up questions.
What are your career goals? Drilled down into my long term career goal; not sure if this was to catch me off guard or to really understand my goals.
Why do you want an MBA? Why Kellogg?
What would your teammates say about you?
What kind of a leader are you?
Discuss a failure in a team context
What is a weakness you have?
How do you see yourself contributing to Kellogg community?
Do you have any questions for me? I asked her about things Kellogg was doing in response to the current economic climate. She gave me a long answer.
Interview had an open-ended feel to it. She would often see me speaking and stay quiet, allowing me to take it the way I wanted. I used all these instances to show her why I loved Kellogg and also displayed my detailed knowledge of the school and its offerings. Its important to know your story cold - especially Why MBA, Why Kellogg and Walk me through your resume. I practiced these by saying them out loud to myself over a hundred times in the week leading up to the interview.

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-3 16:49

Round 1 / Adcom / On-campus / Accepted! (Published Dec 8th, 2009)

Written on 10/22 in Kellogg cafeteria, 20 mins after interview.

Interview on campus with Adcom; 45 minutes. Small office, seated facing each other in padded midback chairs with armrests, no table in between. Interviewer has a copy of your resume, you don’t… be ready for that.

Interviewer was a very nice woman from the admissions committee in her late 40s/early 50s. Introduced herself and went over interview format. And opened off with “tell me about yourself”.

Asked very open-ended questions and prodded with some subtle follow up questions in a few cases when I was a little over-broad. Gave me a lot of verbal and nonverbal feedback (nodding, taking notes) when I hit points she liked. This let me adjust what I was talking about to drill down deeper on areas of interest.

Be ready to talk for 80-90% of the time, the questions are very open ended and are there more just to prod you into some direction. The interview is really pretty undirected and you are basically expected to pitch yourself.

Kellogg questions –

Tell me about yourself? A: I'm married, I'm from X. I'm a manager at a software company with a background in consulting.
I see that your job is X, what does that really mean, what do you do? A: I do XY and Z. I report to Q. Here are some typical things that I do.
So your job involves a lot of leadership. Tell me about some of your other leadership experiences. A: Highschool leadership in academic competitions, Military leadership, student leadership, community leadership. Touching about 90 seconds on each. This was a stronger area for me but I made an effort to be concise, get everything in, but not let it take up too much time.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of in your career. A: Told a story about when I helped redevelop a failing product. Impact to the company, impact on myself.
Your community involvement involves working with a lot of different organizations. Tell me about one specific project you’ve worked on. A: Picked the highest profile one, for which I won an award. Before and after story involving vision and leadership.
Tell me about your time at your undergraduate university. A: Focused on why I picked my little known program. Talked about mentoring as a part of my university’s mentor program. Talked about the radio show I used to host. Talked about intramural sports.
How would you contribute to Kellogg? A: My background is very deep and multifaceted in technology. I bring that along with the ability to actually communicate that and pass along that knowledge. I would contribute in the consulting and net impact clubs, as these best fit my background and future plans.
What else do you want Kellogg to know about you. A: My upbringing – Blue collar, self made, motivated. How deeply I have researched the program. Passion for Kellogg education model with specific examples like GIM trips, case studies, experiential model etc. That I flew to Kellogg for my interview because I wanted to show my commitment and passion directly to the Adcom face to face, rather than an alumnus (which was true).
Do you have any questions for me. A: I said no, and that I think that I have answered them all already through my own research and through alumni and current student contact. Interviewer agreed. I then use the question I always ask at the end when I am the interviewer “What should I have asked you that I didn’t”. This was NOT a hit. Interviewer was a little caught off guard and said something about teamwork and hands on learning. Clearly flailing…. Kinda had to step in and save her. This is the one part of the interview I would take back if I could…. But it was more undesirable awkwardness than a faux pas, not really a dealbreaker.

Post mortem – This interview went very well. My criteria - If I could have a “do-over” I wouldn’t take it, because I couldn’t imagine doing it differently (with one minor noted exception). Thinking on my feet and filling up a lot of meeting time by talking is something that I do alot in my job, and that made this format right up my alley. If that is you, do your homework on the program, know your story, show up ready, and you will be fine. Either way, pick a storyline, get a mock interview partner and practice practice practice telling it from memory. You can largely script this one if you want to, so tell your story over and over again verbally until you become really comfortable with it. Have your partner tell you what works and what doesn’t. Make a “best of breed” storyline and do your best to mold it into the interview when you get on the spot.

Decision – Accepted!!! Got a call from the Adcom on 12/7/2009.

作者: nymphl    时间: 2010-6-4 06:30

作者: stream    时间: 2010-6-4 09:19

作者: myice    时间: 2010-6-4 09:26

回复 46# stream


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