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标题: GMAT考试 CR新题 黄金80题 [打印本页]

作者: 蜂鸣    时间: 2010-6-1 22:06     标题: GMAT考试 CR新题 黄金80题


1 GMAT CR有部分高频题目,这些题目每年都会出,而且从03-06年每年都会出现,每年的频率会高于5次.(指不同月份,即一年至少会有5个月出现)
2 虽然GMAT从2006年换了东家,但是题库基本没有改变, 每年只是有部分新题增加,增加新题百分比不高于20%. 往年高频题重复率仍然很高.
3 从06年来看,今年的高频题多出自于2003年的高频题目.
4 不同年份相同月份其实重复出题率不高(所以大家没有必要看每年相同年月的了), 同一年高频题重复率很高.(更应关注当年的高频题目)
5 GWD上的题目几乎都是高频题目,我已经把GWD上每年出现的高频题目贴出来了,不过希望大家在复习CR时最好把GWD上每道题目都弄明白.
作者: 蜂鸣    时间: 2010-6-1 22:06


1.        1 有动物园那题
[version 1]对动物的过敏,动物园的工人有30%的患病率而普通的接触宠物人的患病率更高问加强实在找不出来答案了选了一个"工人有的人不穿防护服"
动物园的工人由于有antibody 有了抗病能力
[version 2]几经考量我选了A因长期接触动物引起的过敏症的动物园工人可以换工作
[version 3]在动物园工作人员中因长期接触动物引起的过敏症的人有30%而专家认为general population中感染因长期接触动物引起的过敏症的人有的甚至远远超过30%substantially more问怎样解释这个现象
[version 4]人和动物长久接触有可能会感染某疾病动物园的职员有30%受感染而专家们说普通人群中受感率会更高大于30%问解释我选动物园职员受感染会转职觉得也不太对但其它好象更不对
[version 5]1100People who have spent a lot of time in contact with animals often develop animal-induced allergies, some of them quite serious. In a survey of current employees in major zoos, about 30 percent had animal-induced allergies. Based on this sample, experts conclude that among members of the general population who have spent a similarly large amount of time in close contact with animals, the percentage with animal-induced allergies is not 30 percent but substantially more.
Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest grounds for the experts’ conclusion?
A.    A zoo employee who develops a serious animal-induced allergy is very likely to switch to some other occupation.
B.     A zoo employee is more likely than a person in the general population to keep one or more animal pets at home
C.     The percentage of the general population whose level of exposure to animals matches that of a zoo employee is quite small.
D.    Exposure to domestic pets is, on the whole, less likely to cause animal-induced allergy than exposure to many of the animals kept in zoos.
E.     Zoo employees seldom wear protective gear when they handle animals in their care.

2.        5 火灾问题
[版本一]某调查显示火灾多发生在用电话报警的地方那些装了自动报警装置的地方火灾少所以消防局认为居民应该装自动报警装置而不是电话装置Weaken: 选接警的电话公司和消防局在一起办公可以更快速的反应
[版本二]一个地方采用某种方式家庭报警系统有人说虽然这个系统好,但总有误报的现象,浪费人力物力.所以为了减少这一现象有人提出采用对那些误报的家庭FINE.问支持选项 1很多城市也用这个系统 2这个城市以后要更多的使用这系统 3现在好多家庭都没有花时间好好学习怎样使用
[版本二]家庭警报系统因为家庭报警系统经常发出错误的警报“(就是有人故意的)所以导致警力资源的浪费,所以现在经常有时候对那些经常发出错误警报的家庭不于理睬了,但是这样会降低对居民的保护程度,为了加强保护但是不浪费资源,政府要对那些发出错误警报的家庭给予FINE,问削弱计划的成功性。我选了那个,这样为使得很多家庭由于害怕罚款而变得DEACTIVE ABOUT THE SYSTEM。
[版本三]报火警的盒子经常误报,而且大多数人有电话,所以应该拆除。问support. key:电话可以提供比火警盒更多的信息(og中这就是提干中的一个条件)

3.        6 警察局问题
[version 1]自从某市警察局采用了什么政策以后这个市的犯罪率下降了很多.警察局长说是因为采取了这个政策的原因.但是反对者们说这个时期全国的犯罪率都下降了很多.因此这个市的犯罪率下降不是采取了这个政策的缘故.警察局长指出恰恰是因为全国大部份城市都效仿这个市采取了相似的政策才使得全国的犯罪率下降了很多
[version 2] BF, 警察局长说要采用新的政策因为去年用了新的政策后本市犯罪率大幅下降他又说有人反对该提议It is objected by someone that there is overall decrease in crime rate in last 3 years throughout the countryand that 好像说应为全国犯罪率下降所以本市犯罪率下降不是由于新的政策这段也可能是别的意思没太读懂But if we implement the new policy, it will further decrease the all countrys crime rate, include that of our city.问两段作用

4.        16 a kind of bird is decreasing when a place began to construct a community. the reason is the construction destroy a kind of tree which the bird uses it to build nest. But after 1-2 years' construction, the number of the bird began to increase. Ask for explanation ( I chose after 1-2 years, the community is build up and some more high sign appear in the community, so the bird uses the sign to build nest)

5.        19 A phone installed on the plane is paid by the customer. So the airplane company need not to get rid of it. Evaluate: Whether the install of phone will consume more energy.
作者: 蜂鸣    时间: 2010-6-1 22:07

6.        √20 [版本1]说老的经理退休后,公司一些部门的经理职位就空缺了,因为年轻人中没有胜任这项工作的,问前提是什么。我选“老的经理不会因为某些原因推迟退休。
[版本2]a lot of department heads would retire while the number of qualified person for new head is only half of the posts, which results in the shortage of heads. Many departments of the company will have no head for the company...
I choose "will not change the policy for recruit new head"

7.        21和尚吃鱼那道
[版本1]在古代寺院的遗址发现曾被用来做垃圾堆的地方,发现只有很少的鱼骨头,而那时的和尚虽然不能吃肉,但可以吃鱼。得出那时和尚也只吃少量的鱼,问 assumption
1) 邻居没有使用这个垃圾堆;2) 和尚严格执行寺规。作者选了2。
[版本2]14世纪僧侣可以吃鱼,不能吃肉。考古学家挖掘一处14世纪修道院遗址是发现鱼骨头残骸很少,从而得出结论当时僧侣很少吃鱼。问假设?应选在当地的环境下, 鱼骨头不会比XX DECOMPOSE得更快.

8.        23 Boldface: 科学家40岁的那一道。
[版本1]科学家过了40就不creative . 但有证据证明有很多科学家过了40 还能remain creative,但是这些科学家过了40还能creative 的原因是他们入行的时间向后推迟了. 前一句是反对作者观点的证据,后一句是作者补充支持的原因.
[版本2] 有一种理论认为科学家到四十岁以后就很难出成果的原因在于他们的创造性在四十岁以后开始消退了;另外一种理论认为,不出成果的原因是科学家在四十岁以前把可以出成果的机遇都研究遍了,问支持后一种理论的选项。我选的是如果某个人比较晚的进入科学研究领域,四十岁后出了成果。

9.        26[版本1]在一个地区医院护士与病人的比例为1:6,而一条例规定必须为1:5。所以当地医院只能到周围地区招护士。问削弱?  (我选了医院可以通过减少病人住院时间来减少此比例)
[版本2]说现在1个护士照顾6个病人, 现在想多招护士,因为该省护士少,所以要考虑去外省招,问strengthen.记的有2个选项,一个说现在的护士已经满负荷工作(对的),另一个是现在已经有很多护士是外省的
[版本3] 问weaken,选择答案中有,那个州规定了不允许雇用外州的护士。
[版本4] The nurse to patient is 1:6, but the government want to change to 1:5. So clearly the hospital will hire more nurse from other province.
Strengthen: Some nurse feel there are too many patient and leave the job.
(I believe this answer is correct because it means the nurse has already work to their full load so the hospital need to hire new one.)
[版本5] 1029医院原来是1个护士护理6各病人。现在是1个护理5个,结论是 由于不会增加新的护士,所以人手会不够 weaken The answer is to increase the turnover rates of patients so not as many people need to be taken care of by the nurses.

10.        √35.甲公司和乙公司都生产某种同样的机器零件,该零件的市场需求量的波动较大,因此他们选择雇佣了很多按小时付费的工人。去年,甲乙两公司雇佣了相同数目小时功。但是甲公司的劳动力总成本比乙公司高很多,因此甲公司工人工资的rate比乙公司高。问假设。我选的是:对于加班加点而言,公司付给工人的工资比平时的正常工资要高许多,几乎差不多在甲乙两家公司之间。(原文直译)。
作者: 蜂鸣    时间: 2010-6-1 22:07

11.        53 American beef and brazil
[版本3]my key:technique 让美国牛的肉张的快

12.        [版本1] 54. A国,地产rice一直正好能自给自足, 但且预期人口将在今后几年有大幅增长,且A国的ric种植面积无变化,且亩产也没变,=>A将要开始进口rice了. 问假设?
个人选了A. A国的人均RICE consumption不会下降
[版本2] 1010,就是某某地方的人吃CORN和肉,每一肉需要一定的CORN生产,两种东西产量不变,但PER CAPITAL上升了,如果消费水平不变的话,可以推出那种结论:答案:该地方将进口其中的一种或全部都进口。
[版本3] 1109题目中有提到玉米及另外两种食物是人类的主要粮食,但是由于消费增大,而土地面积不变,所以需要政府投资更多的钱来提高产量,问评价

13.        √67 [版本1]boldface:很长:讲某种星体撞击行星v,用某种方法考察碎片的大小。(划线)行星v的大气层出现sulfur。所以碎片很大,因为(划线)碎片中没有sulfur.(言外之意是sulfur是从行星v表面弹起来的)。我选的是两者都是对结论支持的证据
[版本2] boldface “ to determine the largeness of fragment,  sulfur in the atmosphere but not in the fragment, the fragment is too big to be totally burned”
[版本3]  764BF好象说彗星的。 两黑体是彗星碎片里有某东西。但是观察家说彗星本来不应该有的,形成的原因是云。现在彗星有了这东西以后就。。。。最后一句 it is likely that…,我觉得很明显最后一句是main conclusion, 所以2个BF是都是支持,或者是MC的证据。
[版本4] 929BOLDFACE, 大概题意是说怎么判断comet的fragment size呢,一把是没有办法册,可是有某种analysis 能测到大气层外的sulfur,一般情况下sulfur是不会到大气外边的,可是呢现在有了就说明这个comet fragment是大到一定size to penetrate the atmosphere layer, 这个SULFER就leak到大气外了。

14.        79通常在餐馆,付现金的客人比用信用卡的客人给的小费要多。科学家却认为,因为使用信用卡可使人意识到自己拥有超过自己实际拥有现金的购买力,因而使用信用卡可以使顾客更愿意花更多的钱。问支持科学家论点的证据?有两个混淆选项:A,上述调查中,所有用现金支付的客人都没有信用卡。B,实验表明,在某餐馆,顾客仅仅因为看到帐单上显示了某一信用卡公司的标志,就更愿意用该信用卡付帐。(GWD)

15.        82电脑密码可以让机密信息得以很好保存。但是很多职员为了好记,都将自己的生日设为密码,这就给密码的保密性增加了不可靠因素。所以,为了更好的提高密码的保密性,应该将随机选定的密码分配给职员。WEAKEN项:为了记住这些随机选定的密码,职员有可能将其记在显眼的位置上。(GWD)
作者: 蜂鸣    时间: 2010-6-1 22:07

16.        [版本1]  111海边停车场罚款,10块钱的那道。旅游胜地游客乱停车,管理者让大家停到离海滩较远的停车场去收费每天10块,但游人们不遵守纪律,市长决定用罚款解决问题, 问削弱市长决定的选项,我选市长推行的罚款政策对不遵守纪律的车罚款是10块
[版本2] 766海滩边上的公路总是有非法停车,因为不少游客停下来看风景。 而停车场距离海滩比较远,而且 $10。 政府为改善,准备开始对乱停的人开罚单。政府认为这样就能改善状况。 问政府的目的可能无法达到。 建议选,罚款也只有10块钱。

17.        112鲸鱼在淡水和海水的题,选离岸很远的石头上没有化石
[版本1]鲸鱼本来是生在淡水胡里的,但在某年的化石理发现,鲸鱼生活在咸水里,他们develop to adapt to the salty water.这样可以推断,生活在咸水里的鲸鱼must have had to go to fresh lake frequently!问infer.
A.无法发现其它的鲸鱼化石;B海水淹没了陆地;E. 海水流入了淡水。
答:在50 million 年前的一个与内陆有大面积海域相隔的小岛上不可能发现这种有**##的动物的化石
答:50M-60M之间,它们无法跨越宽的海洋,所以,以前离淡水远的海洋,变成大陆后,不会有鲸鱼的化石。 (GWD)
[版本3] 393 Whales originaled in freshwater lakes and rivers of ancient asia about 60million years ago。 Not until about 10 million years later did species of whales develop 专门kidneys enabling them to drink salt water. Although fossil evidence shows that some early whale species that lack salt kidney sometimes frequently swam in earth's saltwater oceans, thest species must have to return frequently to freshwater river to drink.1. fossiles of whale species different from between 60 million and 50 million years ago will not be found to continents that were at times sperated from ancient asia by wide expanse of ocean.2. among fossiles from later than 55 million ago, none are fossile of whale species sperated the drink only fresh water.3.Fossiles of whale drank fresh water will not be found in close proximity to fossile of whale speices than drank salt water.4. between 50 and 60 million years ago, fresh water lake and river on which whale originate were invade gradually by salt water. answer:1 (GWD)

18.        √[版本1] 115吃饭洗手:吃饭前洗手。因为洗手水温度不高,不足以杀死污染食物的细菌,因而洗手对减少细菌污染食物误作用。 问:Assumption
[版本2]  741normally people use water to wash hand before lunch, but because too short a time, can not kill the bacteria. So it is no use to wash hand before lunch. Ask assumptionanswer: foam, soup can not kill the bacteria

19.        [版本1] 127以前用于治疗某种传染病的药是A和B。 这两种药的疗程是7天,但由于很多人服药3天后就停药了,这些人中很多再次被传染。现在发明了一种新的药C,这种的疗程只有3天。所以,让患者服用新药再次被传染的机会比服用旧药低。
A, 新药虽然疗程短,但价格和旧药相同.
B, 那些对A过敏的患者,对C也过敏.
D, 已经有一些医生开处方时,给患者开新药.
E, 不管新药,旧药,大多数患者在服用3天后病都会好.  (GWD)
[版本2] 1106TT-9-Q13:The traditional treatment of step infections has been a seven-day course of antibiotics, either penicillin or erythromycin.  However, since many patients stop taking those drugs within three days, reinfection is commonin cases where those drugs are prescribed.  A new antibiotic requires only a three-day course of treatment.  Therefore, reinfection will probably be less common in cases where the new antibiotic is prescribed than in cases where either penicillin or erythromycin is prescribed.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
A   Some of the people who are allergic to penicillin are likely to be allergic to the new antibiotic.
B   A course of treatment with the new antibiotic costs about the same as a course of treatment with either penicillin or erythromycin.
C   The new antibiotic has been shown to be effective in eradicating bacterial infections other than strep.
D   Some physicians have already begun to prescribe the new antibiotic instead of penicillin or erythromycin for the treatment of some strep infections.
E Regardless of whether they take a traditional antibiotic or the new one, most patients feel fully recovered after taking the drug for three days.

20.        √131Two bridges: A is in renovation so no payment needed to pass it. Therefore, the toll fee of B should be increased to compensate the loss since majority of people use bridge B and ....(to continue)
My answer: It is inconvenient for people to switch between the bridges.
某岛是个东西向长条形,和某大城市的beach平行,现在在岛的西部有一桥,结果发现去东部的vacationer会遇到两个问题:开车距离太长;会造成交通堵塞。所以有人提出一个建议,在岛的东端也造一座桥,可以解决这些问题。问weaken;答案很混淆,我最后还是选了机井里的e, 说在西部造另一座桥的cost比造东桥低;但我觉得这个答案不足以weaken论点,因为论点中说两个问题,并未涉及cost,而在西面造另一座桥不能改变开车距离长这个问题。但是由于时间紧迫,就选了这个。记得另外有个奇怪选项是说在非vacation时间,根本就没有这种问题。大家判断看看。
作者: 蜂鸣    时间: 2010-6-1 22:08

21.        137解释现象。一种小螃蟹,幼年的时候挖坑,一种东东爬到它的背上。长大了就能够站在湍急的水中,而不用挖坑,这种东东也很少在它背上。然而,在一个水流非常不湍急的地方,这种小螃蟹不用怎么挖坑,那种东东数目也很少。
科学家发现某种有shell的生活在beach上的东东的shell上有一种寄生东东,带壳的小东东身体较弱,需要在beach上挖洞burrow 以躲避猛烈的tides,研究发现带壳的小东东壳上的寄生东东比带壳的adult东东要来得少,科学家得出结论带壳的小东东躲在burrow里使寄生东东不容易寄生在小东东的壳上,研究又发现在weak tide的beach上带壳的小东东壳上的寄生东东并没有significant increase 。
(so 寄生的东东不能在带壳的小东东壳上accumulate,还没等你significant increase他那边已经换壳了!) (GWD)

22.        138洗衣机, 厂家说新的型号的洗衣机更省能源,所以省电,可以根据实际测试,新型号的洗衣机每次洗一个Full Load所用电力比老型号的洗衣机要多。这是怎么回事呢,答案里面说,新型号的洗衣机每个Full Load所装载的衣物远远多于旧型号的洗衣机,言外之意就是,原来用旧型号的洗衣机洗十次的衣物,这下用新型号的洗衣机一次就洗完了,那么即使新型号的洗衣机洗一次衣物花费了三倍于旧型号的洗衣机所用的电力,总体来说洗的次数少了,所以还是省电了。

23.        [版本1] 223机场拥挤, 从东边出口起飞的飞机占60%,从西边出口起飞的飞机占40%。 为了减轻交通堵塞,管理人员想建在东边建新的出口以缓解压力,问evaluation 我选:东边起飞的飞机和西边起飞的飞机的每架飞机是否载客一样。
[版本2] 243一个机场东面和西面都有通道,东面航班的旅客流量占60%, 西面的占40%。于是建议:在东面再建造一个通道。Evaluation!我选:比较两个通道的旅客流量中中转旅客的比例。这里的中转旅客指的是在这个机场转机的人。注意点: 原题目里面说的通道,指的是进出机场的通道。
[版本3] 987为了要提高efficiency,机场要建railroad,然后可能有两个entrance,发现60%的旅客航班到达A所以应该建在A,是什么assumption 答案到那里的不是转机旅客

24.        230某沿海5年前大污染,当年90%以上的海龟蛋都没有孵化.环境学家预测将对未来的海龟数目有大影响.但近几年来发现海龟数目是上升的,所以环境学家的预测是错误的.问weaken.海龟要到10岁以后才会来产蛋.应为说明这个危害要到10年以后才明显的发生;10年以后产蛋的就会下降了.注意,文章只是说海龟蛋没孵化而非海龟都死光了.

25.        237有一种海藻产生的毒素可以使海龟长瘤,使用化肥后海龟长瘤的更多了。一般认为农药使海龟的免疫力下降了。问削弱。答案是化肥使海藻长得更茂盛了。
作者: 蜂鸣    时间: 2010-6-1 22:08

26.        √240有一题说中世纪(还是罗马时期,不记得了)的文献中记载商业船队海难的资料很少,but当时的商船都是沿着地中海海岸航行的,所以事故都是因为触礁,很少船航行在海的中间,问削弱:1当时往来地中海的重要港口的路线就有要穿过海中心的。2答案中还有有记载事故发生在海中心的。

27.        [版本1] 244有一座吊桥, 有船过的时候升起来,现在为了解决交通问题,打算重建一座新的大桥,能让给多的车辆通行,这作新的大桥的跨度很大,有桥墩支撑的拱桥高度足够绝大多数的船只通行。问这个计划不可能实现的原因。 答:绝大多数船只的宽度大于桥墩之间的宽度。
[版本2] 907有个什么drawbridge就是类似于吊桥,可以吊起来让比较高的船通过.某城市为了减少吊桥对桥上汽车交通的影响决定修个更高的drawbridge 这样不用吊起桥船也能通过了. 问WEAKEN选:换了更高的桥,更高的船也就往这个港口跑了
[版本3] 992某城市有一座可升降的桥,在巨轮通过时,需要被lift,让轮船通过,这样会阻碍桥上汽车通行。现在该市要造一座新桥,柱子之间的距离比老桥宽,高度也比老桥更高,问“造新桥可以改善汽车通行”的削弱。--我选:新桥的车流量是老桥的两倍。

28.        √245有题是说Marco Polo文献没有提到长城,而因为长城在中国极为重要,去过的人都会提到,所以断定他没到中国的。问评价 答案是:It is unlikely that the author of the books eliminated as a naïve overstatement of the Marco Polo’s description of Great Wall.

29.        253boldface[版本1] :保护环境的某个组织想通过从农民手中将土地买过来的方式,来保护那些有可能被开发商使用的土地。但是这个计划不和逻辑。(But this plan is ill logical.)因为第一,农民总是将土地卖给出价高的人。而开发商显然出价比较高。第二,农民只有在土地没有办法耕种的时候才会卖。而土地要能够耕种,就必须要现代化。所以,环境保护组织应该才有这样的政策:帮助农民完成现代化,这样才可以保护土地不被开发商利用。 问第二句话和最后一句话的作用。

30.        [版本1] 327 version1.关于阑尾炎的,说他有时候致命,所以现在一般都采取切除的办法,但是有些时候切除手术是不必要的。一种新的test出现了,可以使误诊率减小到2%,医生因此可以避免不必要的切除手术,但是,(后面一句没看懂),因为什么?填空
[版本2] Which of the following most logically completes the passage Appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix) is potentially fatal; consequently, patients with symptoms strongly suggesting appendicitis almost always have their appendix removed. The appropriate surgery is low-risk but performed unnecessarily in about 20 percent of all cases. A newly developed internal scan for appendicitis is highly accurate, producing two misdiagnoses for every 98 correct diagnoses. Clearly, using this test, doctors can largely avoid unnecessary removals of the appendix without, however, performing any fewer necessary ones than before, since________________ a: the patients who are correctly diagnosed with this test as not having appendicitis invariably having medical conditions that are much less serious than appendicitis b the misdiagnoses produced by this test are always instances of attributing appendicitis to someone who does not, in fact, have it c: all of the patients who are diagnosed with this test as having appendicitis do, in fact, have appendicitis d: every patient who is diagnosed with this test as having appendicitis has more than one of the symptoms generally associated with appendicitis e :the only patients who are misdiagnosed using this test are patients who lack one or more of the symptoms that are generally associated with appendicitis
[版本3] 962GWD 21-4 Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
Appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix) is potentially fatal; consequently, patients with symptoms strongly suggesting appendicitis almost have their appendix removed. The appropriate surgery is low-risk but performed unnecessarily in about 20 percent of all cases. A newly developed internal scan for appendicitis is highly accurate, producing two misdiagnoses for every 98 correct diagnoses. Clearly, using this test, doctors can largely avoid unnecessary removals of the appendix without, however, performing any fewer necessary ones than before, since…………………
A. the patients who are correctly diagnosed with this test as not having appendicitis invariably have medical conditions that are much less serious than appendicitis
B. themisdiagnoses produced by this test are always instances of attributing
appendicitis to someone who does not, in fact, have it
C. of the patients who are diagnosed with this test as having appendicitis do, in fact, have appendicitis
D. patient who is diagnosed with this test as having appendicitis has more than
one of the symptoms generally associated with appendicitis
E. theonly patients who are misdiagnosed using this test are patients who lack one or more of the symptoms that are generally associated with appendicitis
作者: 蜂鸣    时间: 2010-6-1 22:08

31.        340[版本1]有一种农药, 对棉花有害, 但对大豆没有害处, 不过如果用了, 一年之后都会留在土壤里, 有一个农民, 在不同的地里种了大豆和棉花, 结果他那片地都没用那种农药, 问原因. 我选的是那个农民每隔一年就把大豆和棉花换过来种, 据说这样土地会变得很肥沃

32.        346 A recent poll found that over 80 percent of the residents of Nalmed Province favored a massive expansion of the commuter rail system as a means of significantly easing congestion on the province's highways and were willing to help pay for the expansion through an increase in their taxes. nevertheless, the poll results indicate that expansion of the rail system, if successfully completed, would be unlikely to achieve its goal of easing congestion, because______ A. most people in favor of expanding the rail system reported less congestion during their highway commute as the primary benefit they would experience B of the less than 20 percent of residents not counted as favoring the expansion, about half claimed to have no opinion one way or the other C the twice-daily periods of peak congestion caused by people commuting in cars have grown from about an hour each to almost two and a half hours each in the past 20 years D expanding the commuter rail system will require the construction of dozens of miles of new railed E the proposed expansion to commuter rail system will make it possible for some people who both live and work at suburban locations to commute by rail.

33.        359一般家用电器在不使用时是不会耗电的, 但有的微波炉有BUILD-IN CLOCK,会在电器关着时仍然耗电。所以,有BUILD-CLOCK 微波炉家庭的年均用电量要比 有一般微波炉家庭的年均用电量大。ASSUMPTION

34.        361蝙蝠一般栖息在很深的洞, 那里温度很底, 但是蝙蝠吃的虫子一般在晚间温度高是才会出来。 温度高,气压就底, 而气压在洞里洞外都一样的,所以有科学家认为蝙蝠是通过感觉气压来确定什么时候去捕食的。 SUPPORT。我的答案,下鱼天虫子少,但气压底,蝙蝠仍然出来捕食。

35.        √377[版本1]说新华书店去年销售增了9%,而卢沟桥分店的去年销售增了7%,而这个分店是所有新华书店销售额最大的,问如何解释? 我说新华书店又开了很多分店。
[版本2] Explain:说一个连锁店的去年的收入比前年平均增长8%,可是这个连锁店中largest店的增长为5%,问原因?
[版本3]  756   last year, a book chains total sales increase 10%, 在某地分店sales只增长8%,确实所以分店中sales增长最多的,解释 结果是,last year the booke chains 的所有商店数增加了10%
作者: 蜂鸣    时间: 2010-6-1 22:09

36.        [版本1]396完成ARGUMENT,考古学家鉴定出土的古挨及的一些类似古籍,考古学家可以从上面写的类似事件推断出这些东西的年代,误差在20年以内。所以用CARBON定位法还不如这个方法好用,因为 (我选)用CARBON定位法定位象古挨及那时候的文献的话,误差要100年左右。
[版本2]  922Completion: Carbon dating可以用来估算文物的年代, 但是澳大利亚的某个遗址中不含carbon, 但是考古学家在里面发现了Wasp的残骸,经测定为170000年前的, 于是推断这个遗址是250000年前的因为:答案: carbon dating 误差为前后80000年

37.        √412黑体句子作用题:A prominent investor who holds a large stake in the Burton Tool company has recently claimed that the company is mismanaged, citing as evidence the company’s failure to slow production in response to a recent rise in its inventory of finished products. It is doubtful whether an investor’s sniping at management can ever be anything other than counterproductive, but in this case it is clearly not justified. It is true that an increased inventory of finished products often indicates that production is outstripping demand, but in Burton’s case it indicates no such thing. Rather, the increase in inventory is entirely attributable to products that have already been assigned to orders received from customers.In the argument given, the two boldfaced portions play which of the following roles?A, the first states the position that the argument as a whole opposes; the second provides evidence to undermine the support for the position being opposed; B, the first states the position that the argument as a whole opposes; the second is evidence that has been used to support the position being opposed. C, the first states the position that the argument as a whole opposes; the second states the conclusion of the argument as a whole; D, The first is evidence that has been used to support a position that the argument as a whole opposes; the second provides information to undermine the force of that evidence; E, The first is evidence that has been used to support a position that the argument as a whole opposes; the second states the conclusion of the argument as a whole;

38.        450 Press secretary: Our critics claim that the President’s recent highway project cancellations demonstrate a vindictive desire to punish legislative districts controlled by opposition parties. They offer as evidence the fact that 90% of the projects cancelled were in such districts. But all of the cancelled projects had been identified as wasteful in a report written by respected nonpartisan auditors. So the President’s choice was clearly motivated by sound budgetary policy, not partisan politics. Which of the following is an assumption on which the press secretary’s argument depends? A. Canceling highway projects was not the only way for the President to punish legislative districts controlled by opposition parties. B. The scheduled highway projects identified as wasteful in the report were not mostly projects in districts controlled by the President’s party. C. The number of projects cancelled was a significant proportion of all the highway projects that were to be undertaken by the government in the near future. D. (Omitted) E. Reports by nonpartisan auditors are not generally regarded by the opposition parties as a source of objective assessment of government projects.认为正确答案应为B.

39.        [版本1] 455 Boldface题,说有一种布料做的women的衣服很受欢迎,所以厂商计划把它也做成girls的衣服。但是做出来以后没有市场,分析其原因,一是因为这种布料X不能擦去children play的时候的脏东西,二是因为这种布料孩子们觉得不comfortable。于是就有一群人跳出来得出结论说,布料X不适合作孩子的衣服。但是,在最近的研究中,专家们改进了这种布料的纤维,使得它们能够擦去孩子们play时候的脏东西,而且很舒适。我选:第一个是support作者反对的那个观点的,第二个是支持作者观点的。
[版本2] 745BF,有一种冬冬为妇女开发的,很好卖,于是有人想开发针对女孩的,但是不好卖,因为这种冬冬的料子不舒服,不耐磨什么的。所以人们认为这个冬冬卖给女孩没什么前途(差不多这个意思)。但是其实这种冬冬可能还是有前途的,因为最近研发了一种材料可用于这种冬冬,耐磨又舒服。前面的是支持argument反对的结论,后面是支持argument的结论。

40.        468参加电影节的FILM要么是戏剧, 要么是喜剧, 但是戏剧的被接受的RATE比较低.然后告诉你国产片比外国片接受的高. 但是从分类上说....国产外国的戏剧和喜剧RATE是一样的.问推出什么.另一版本:电影展览.有国内和国外的.有comedy和drama.送交电影中,drama比较多,但comedy录取率比较高.今年国外电影的平均录取率要比国内电影高.问推论.
作者: 蜂鸣    时间: 2010-6-1 22:09

41.        [版本1]488一个欧洲画家,画的人都变形.但那时欧洲还没有人故意把人画变形.所以怀疑是他得了种病,以至于看其他人都变形.但该结论是不成立的,因为________
[版本2] 653一个画家画的人物都是扭曲夸张形象,有人说,这个画家一定有一种病,这种病影响视觉,病人看人都是扭曲的。然而,另有人说画家没病。支持。我选:画家时代的人有那种画家所表达的特点。

42.        493 BF GWD 5-19 历史人口统计 但选项和第二个划线部分变了(变成倒数第二句话了)
Historian: In the Drindian Empire, censuses were conducted annually to determine the population of each village. Village census records for the last half of the 1600’s are remarkably complete. This very completeness makes one point stand out; in five different years, villages overwhelmingly reported significant population declines. Tellingly, each of those five years immediately followed an increase in a certain Drindian tax. This tax, which was assessed on villages, was computed by the central government using the annual census figures. Obviously, whenever the tax went up, villages had an especially powerful economic incentive to minimize the number of people they recorded; and concealing the size of a village’s population from government census takers would have been easy. Therefore, it is reasonable to think that the reported declines did not happen. In the historian’s argument, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?
A  The first supplies a context for the historian’s argument; the second acknowledges a consideration that has been used to argue against the position the historian seeks to establish.
B   The first presents evidence to support the position that the historian seeks to establish; the second acknowledges a consideration that has been used to argue against that position.
C  The first provides a context for certain evidence that supports the position that the historian seeks to establish; the second is that position.
D  The first is a position for which the historian argues; the second is an assumption that serves as the basis of that argument.
E  The first is an assumption that the historian explicitly makes in arguing for a certain position; the second acknowledges a consideration that calls that assumption into question.

43.        496 GWD-7-Q37 玉米减产,肉降价
Escalating上升 worldwide demand for corn has led to a sharp increase in the market price of corn, and corn prices are likely to remain high. Corn is extensive used as feed for livestock, and because profit margins are tight in the livestock business, many farmers are expected to leave the business. With fewer suppliers, meat prices will surely rise. Nonetheless, observers expect an immediate short-term decrease in meat prices.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to justify the observers’ expectation?
A  The increase in corn prices is due more to a decline in the supply of corn than to a growth in demand for it.
B  Generally, farmers who are squeezed out of the livestock business send their livestock to market much earlier than they otherwise would.
C  Some people who ate meat regularly in the past are converting to diets that include little or no meat.
D  As meat prices rise, the number of livestock producers is likely to rise again.
E  Livestock producers who stay in the business will start using feed other than corn more extensively than they did in the past.

44.        497 GWD-5-Q26 肺部抗体与含盐量 但问的是削弱. 偶选的是把含盐量降下来, 也不能杀死病菌.
Healthy lungs produce a natural antibiotic that protects them from infection by routinely killing harmful bacteria on airway surfaces. People with cystic fibrosis, however, are unable to fight off such bacteria, even though their lungs produce normal amounts of the antibiotic. The fluid on a0.irway surfaces in the lungs of people with cystic fibrosis has an abnormally high salt concentration; accordingly, scientists hypothesize that the high salt concentration is what makes the antibiotic ineffective.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the scientists’ hypothesis?
A  When the salt concentration of the fluid on the airway surfaces of healthy people is raised artificially, the salt concentration soon returns to normal.
B  A sample of the antibiotic was capable of killing bacteria in an environment with an unusually low concentration of salt.
C  When lung tissue from people with cystic fibrosis is maintained in a solution with a normal salt concentration, the tissue can resist bacteria.
D  Many lung infections can be treated by applying synthetic antibiotics to the airway surfaces.
E  High salt concentrations have an antibiotic effect in many circumstances.

45.        √514孕妇缺少维生素【版本一】产妇经常缺少一种营养导致婴儿有病,这种营养在一些植物里有发现,有人说把这些植物加入面粉和面包等经常性消费的食品力会很成功,问加强。(我选的是好多孕妇在没有预见的情况下怀孕并且很多人怀孕了很多周也不知道)
【版本3】909怀孕的妇女如果缺少某种营养物质就会难产。所以让这些妇女每天吃含有这种物质的面包就能避免难产。问削弱。(11.18 北京 libbytt)
作者: 蜂鸣    时间: 2010-6-1 22:10

46.        【版本1】 516有一个镇,某年底本镇的失业人口比年初多了1500, 但就业的positions却比年初多了1000, 结论是外来的人口占了2500左右的工作位置,问假设:年初时外镇人few 或no 在该镇工作。
【版本2】737 某地无工作人数年底比年头多了1000人,而full-time and part-time jobs的数目却增加了1500个。因此,外地人到本地工作的人多了2500人。
问assumption: 我选的是“Only a small number of本地人在本职以外兼职”

47.        528完成句子ver 65歲的老年人,體重下降10%的比體重沒下降的老年人有2倍機會骨折(hip fracture),但不表示weight loss是造成risk增加的原因,因為?(serious illness, which contributes to weight loss, may increase the risk,大意如上,為weight loss再找個前因就對了)

48.        545[版本一]S市增加了很多就业岗位,人口增长数量少于岗位增长数量,新增岗位都被该市居民占领,但是就业率却没有上升。为什么?
[版本二]某市去年增加了很多新公司,也增加了很多新工作,因此某市人民的去年新就业数比例大量增加,但是今天没有增加这么多公司,表示今年人民的新就业比例无法像去年一样大量增加,问assumption.. [ANS:新增加的公司没有提供较去年多的工作机会][GWD]
[版本三]S county 是某市(N)的sub什么玩意儿,大概就是附属地区啦,呵呵,过去一年的工作增长数量显著超过了人口增长数量,但是这些新增加的工作都被S county本地的居民给occupy了,而且S county 的工作人口与总人口的比例没有显著变化(基本一致),问合理解释 [ANS:偶选S county 原来在某市(N)工作的人们都回来支援本地区的建设啦,呵呵,就是occupy了本地新增的工作]

49.        √549植物通过叶子上的一个tanima?呼吸二氧化碳,某植物的这个东东很小,叶子是sac-shape,住了蚂蚁,蚂蚁呼出的二氧化碳中含有一种light-form carbon (我认为就是c12)比一般空气中的二氧化碳的c12要多,问推论 [ANS(1):选项很长,最后选了讲浓度的那个] [ANS(2):没看到浓度的,偶选了研究证明该植物的成分中light-form carbon比例明显偏高]

50.        551大人不喜欢防小孩开启的药瓶,而且有很多家里没有小孩的成年人,因此某个品牌的阿司匹林厂商准备开始生产使用没有防小孩开启功能的药瓶的阿司匹林,而在此之前,该公司只生产用带防小孩开启功能药瓶的阿司匹林。该公司预计这样做会增加市场份额。问以下有什么evaluation能够衡量该公司计划的可能性。 [ANS:调查一下那些将要买这些用无防小孩开启功能的药瓶的阿司匹林的人会不会因为没有选择而仍然买这个品牌的用防小孩开启功能的阿司匹林]
作者: 蜂鸣    时间: 2010-6-1 22:11

51.        555 ice age有一种生物的数量大大降低(boldface)。有人说是因为温度降低造成的。但是这种生物生活的海底温度变化不可能太大(boldface)。可能是海面的生物因为温度降低而减少,从而消减了第一种生物的食物来源。

52.        592一道天山 Ecologist: The Scottish Highlands were once the site of extensive forests, but these forests have mostly disappeared and been replaced by peat泥煤 bogs沼泽. The common view is that the Highlands' deforestation was caused by human activity, especially agriculture. However, agriculture began in the Highlands less than 2,000 years ago. Peat bogs, which consist of compressed decayed vegetable matter, build up by only about one foot per 1,000 years and, throughout the Highlands, remains of trees in peat bogs are almost all at depths great than four feet. Since climate changes that occurred between 7,000 and 4,000 years ago favored the development of peat bogs rather than the survival of forests, the deforestation was more likely the result of natural processes than of human activity.
In the ecologist's argument the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?
A   The first is evidence that has been used in support of a position that the ecologist rejects; the second is a finding that the ecologist uses to counter that evidence.
B. The first is evidence that, in light of the evidence provided in the second, serves as grounds for the ecologist's rejection of a certain position.
C. The first is a position that the ecologist rejects; the second is evidence that has been used in support of that position.
D. The first is a position that the ecologist rejects; the second provides evidence in support of that rejection.
E. The first is a position for which the ecologist argues; the second provides evidence to support that position.

53.        【版本1】670说一个乐器公司的经理分析说,他们公司的高端产品不挣钱,因此为了增加收益平衡利润什么的目的,要取消这些产品,问weaken?我选most 顾客通常选择那些出品高端产品/很出名产品的公司的同系列低端产品。

54.        685有条河,增经被糟踏了,治污之后,又恢复生机;现在要搞个输油管道,有人跳出来反对,说会造成这条河再次被糟蹋,问支持:我选了铺输油管道的时候,会把河底沉淀的毒素给搅伐搅伐又释放出来。。

55.        691有一个人要想要去面试一家大的公司的经理职位,可是那家公司只录取一百个人,而那家间公司ㄧ次只收1000封履历表,那个人觉得录取的概率只有100分之1,所以在考虑值不值得去?问如何weaken他的想法。第一个好像是说履历表中非经理职位的人比经理职位的人多。第二个是说那个人的素质比其他面试的经理人好,第三个是说他没有机会去了。
作者: 蜂鸣    时间: 2010-6-1 22:12

56.        【版本1】694老鼠有一种东东a会进入血液使其有毒,科学家发现老鼠在同时有东东a和东东b的时候毒性会减少,科学家得出结论说东东b解毒。问削弱,偶答:东东b阻止了东东a进入血液。
【版本2】mice体内会释放一种m开头的物质,这种m物质会释放老鼠体内的某种bacteria进入blood,造成blood-poisoning;在实验中,将某种n开头的物质加入老鼠体内,结果blood-poisoning的情况就变少了,所以推论n物质可以?inhibite物质的释放。 问:assumption ?
答:(?)n物质对于bacteria不是(是)toxic(有害的) ?
(因为如果是有害的,那么blood-poisoning的情况变少有可能是因为n物质直接杀死bacteria,而非抑制m物质而 间接影响bacteria。)
【版本3】1102GWD-29-Q40  Mice that have been given morphine are very likely to develop blood poisoning because bacteria that normally reside in the intestine typically respond to morphine by migrating into the bloodstream.  However, when mice are given both morphine and the new drug naltrexone, blood poisoning is much less frequent, although it does still occur.  These results provide support for researchers’ prediction that naltrexone will turn out to be toxic to certain types of bacteria.
Which of the following, if discovered to be true, would most seriously weaken the support for the researchers’ prediction?
A After being administered to mice, naltrexone does not pass from the bloodstream into the intestine.
B Naltrexone inhibits morphine from triggering the migration of intestinal bacteria into the bloodstream.
C Mice that have been given naltrexone but not morphine have no greater risk of developing blood poisoning than do mice that have not been given either substance.
D The increased risk of blood poisoning is not the only harmful effect on mice of being given morphine.
E Conditions other than the presence of intestinal bacteria in the bloodstream can cause blood poisoning in mice.

57.        √699一个国家有很多石油在vertical well里面,(下一句不太记得,讲的是horizontal well).然后说现在大部分的vertical well都被开采了,但是在这些 vertical well里面还剩下很多油。有一种horizontal drill能开采这些用一般vetical drill没法开采的石油,问以上叙述支持下面那个结论。

58.        733(版本一)美国1987年的全国统计显示全国有38%的家庭(household)养狗狗做宠物,1991年的全国统计结果显示全国有34%的家庭养狗狗做宠物。根据对于全美家庭养猫的统计显示,1987——1991四年中,美国养猫的家庭百分比一直在31%,但是统计也表明1991年,美国家庭宠物猫的数量比宠物狗的绝对数量要多出4.5million。请问下面哪一项可以解释这个1991年这个discrepancy?

59.        736一种渔网由于捕鱼的时候会把鱼弄死,有时把濒临绝种的都弄死了,于是政府出钱换渔网,不会再把鱼弄死了.问哪一个问题是最值得渔夫考虑换不换渔网的--我选了那个换新渔网捕鱼量会不会减少

60.        753 小孩在做在车子前面比后面危险。小孩带保险带比不带危险。但小孩在后面一般不喜欢带安全带。 因此提倡小孩做后面。削弱的。小孩如果做后面,他不带安全带的话,未必比坐在前面带安全带安全。
作者: 蜂鸣    时间: 2010-6-1 22:12

61.        754有一种鸟叫雪鹅snow geese,这家伙很坏,它一来就欺负别的鸟,让别的鸟没法活了。以前,雪鹅的栖息地southern XXX的政府约束大家打雪鹅,现在认为大家一起打它,别的鸟就能活了。Weaken
version2 Some species of Arctic birds are threatened by recent sharp increases in the population of snow geese, which breed in the Arctic and are displacing birds of less vigorous species. Although snow geese are a popular quarry for hunters in the southern regions where they winter, the hunting season ends if and when hunting has reduced the population by five percent, according to official estimates. Clearly, dropping this restriction would allow the other species to recover.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the argument?
A Hunting limits for snow geese were imposed many years ago in response to a sharp decline in the population of snow geese.
B It has been many years since the restriction led to the hunting season for snow geese being closed earlier than the scheduled date.
C The number of snow geese taken by hunters each year has grown every year for several years.
D As their population has increased, snow geese have recolonized wintering grounds that they had not used for several seasons.
E In the snow goose’s winter habitats, the goose faces no significant natural predation

62.        √775有一Explain题: 说Q,K两个飞机制造商去竞标A航空公司的150架客机订单。同时有且仅有这两个制造商在竞标B航空公司的150架客机。A公司说想要Q制造商来供应,B公司也倾向于要Q来供应。如果K制造商没拿到订单,就得裁员。但是K的经理说,他们不会裁员。问解释。我选了:Q的生产能力最多只能提供150架客机。

63.        790一种鸟(jay)生活在一个20英亩的林子里. 现在开发商要开发这片森林. 但法律规定只有对鸟有相应保护措施才可开发, 因为鸟的品种濒临绝种, 而开发商将在20英亩的森林的旁边建立一个40英亩的林子, 这样就可以达到法令的规定从而可以开发. 问削弱.答案: 如果鸟巢被毁, 这种鸟会失去捕食及重新筑巢的欲望.version2有人要拆树林,有人让建新nest for jays,问削弱,答jays会失去方向感,绝食

64.        802记得有一道,大意说是female dolphin长fat, 她们在某个海边感染到的毒素存在fat里,结果喂奶时传给了baby, 所以baby dolphin死亡率高。问加强我选的大意是:那些妈妈在断奶前就死了的小海豚存活率要高些

65.        √808deer tide的larva把white mouse的bacteria感染到人的那题,问weaken,选项有变,选成年的这种虫会把被有bacteria的larva叮过的deer上的bacteria传染给人
作者: 蜂鸣    时间: 2010-6-1 22:13

66.        819说雪覆盖的地面发出的radiation 少于没有覆盖的,因为雪会吸收一部分soil的radiation 。为了防止山洪爆发,要测雪的深度,所以可以通过测量radiation来实现。现在飞机也能测radiation 了,所以一些remote area的雪的厚度可以用这个方法,问most weaken? A: 山里的雪经常大到根本不会有Radiation 通过雪层

67.        【版本1】839一种larva,生活在没有生态系统的水里。试验中把鱼放到这种水里,鱼会疯狂吃这种larva,但是因为缺氧,鱼会很快死亡。因此,这种生物生活的环境里肯定没有植物也没有鱼。问assumption。选项有一个是:在很少植物的地方,缺氧是鱼死亡的唯一原因。还有一个是:植物很多的地方,植物并不提供保护使这些生物不被鱼吃掉。
【版本3】845有一道说蚊子的卵在静止的水里容易繁殖和成长,如果把一种鱼放进这样的水里,就会把它们吃掉。 但是鱼在这样的水里,要一些必要的绿色植物给他们氧气,否则时间一长就会死。 所以建议在这样的水里,放绿色植物和鱼来消灭蚊子,问假设?选项很搞,我选这些绿色植物不会对蚊子的卵产生一种保护的物质,使得他们不被鱼吃

68.        861再一个,前面是一大堆的evidence,什么得忧郁症的人有百分之几都感染了D病毒,什么什么一大堆,没细看,后面推出结论,忧郁可能导致人们易受D病毒的感染.问哪个加强结论,我选一个independent的实验证明有忧郁症的人易受多种病毒感染.

69.        √867某国提高香烟税,并准备把得到的钱放在教育上。该国预计(1)可以使该国的香烟总消耗量下降(2)这个措施既可以增加在教育上的投入。问can best support which of the following conclusion?也就是能得到什么结论(仅供参考:我选了“如果(1)效果好就会影响(2)的效果”)

70.        √905在英国一个镇发现了一个timber,直到现在还为peasant所用,而这timber早在1990年前就fell了。所以这个发现比之前认为的在Kent这个镇上发现的1930年历史的房子更早远。问assumption。我好像选了一个说这个it was not stored or seasoned but used immediately after the timber fell.
作者: 蜂鸣    时间: 2010-6-1 22:13

71.        √916(05,06year high rates)过山车产生高G过载, 少数时候使人眼前发黑而眩晕, 极少数时候致人永久性脑损伤, 有人立法限制过山车最大G过载值, 若此立法通过且被严格执行, 下列何种措施可以帮助我们评估该立法对于减少永久性脑损伤的作用?
Version2.A roll coaster’s G force makes some rider blackout for a moment, some have permanent damage on neck and back. So gov. need to regulate the G force... Ask: what else should we know.
Version3.什么ROLLER通常会造成游客瞬间头晕,有的甚至会(极少数不高于百分之二)造成LONG-TERM DAMAGE TO BRAIN.经科学家研究发现是ROLLER在空中运转过程中超过了重力G值,所以政府应该通过立法来减少重力G值.问WEAKEN?(我预期的是足以保证人不会受伤害的G值没有被高估,不过没有,选了一个它因)

72.        926公司发现体型out of shape的员工比fit的员工的医疗费更多,于是想实施一个健康计划,让体型不好的员工多锻炼,就可以减少医疗费支出,问评价。我选了个这个计划本身是否会产生更更大的医疗费用因为……

73.        946. 房屋火灾保险比水灾保险保费便宜很多,但是却不是因为火灾和水灾赔偿数量有不同,因为这种不同可以被忽略(题目很绕,实际就是说赔火灾和赔火灾的赔款差不多),那么报废不同的原因是———— 完成原文 我选的是因为认为他们房子面临火灾危险的人比认为他们房子面临水灾危险的人多得多(我想意思就是说买火灾保险的人要比买水灾保险的人多得多,既然赔款差不多,买火灾保险的人多,那么每个人的保费就低了)

74.        949研究发现,古代人类的身高是和食物中的蛋白质摄取有关,蛋白质摄取越高,身高越高。最近考古发现一个山洞里原始人的骨骼,发现比较年代较近的骨骼比年代较远的骨骼要矮,所以推测,晚期原始人的食物中蛋白质含量比早期原始人要少。问weaken:  我选的是:这些骨骼中较为早期的是比较特殊的原始人(一个看不懂得名词,据推测大概是头人,首领的意思),他们的食品中的蛋白质比其它common 原始人要高。(指出导致现象的其他原因,是原始人的地位问题,而不是时间先后影响饮食中蛋白质的含量)

75.        958Mayor: Migrating shorebirds stop at our beach just to feed on horseshoe-crab eggs, a phenomenon that attracts tourists. To bring more tourists, the town council plans to undertake a beach reclamation开垦 project to double the area available to crabs for nesting.
Birdwatcher: Without a high density of crabs on a beach, migrating shorebirds will go hungry because shorebirds only eat eggs that a crab happens to uncover when it is digging its own nest.
Which of the following, if true, would provide the mayor with the strongest counter to the birdwatcher’s objection?
A Every year a certain percentage of crabs are caught by fishermen as bait for eel traps.
BHorseshoe crabs are so prolific that given favorable circumstances their numbers increase rapidly.
C On average, tourists who come to the town in order to watch birds spend more money there than tourists who come for other purposes.
DThe additional land madeavailable by the reclamation project will give migrating shorebirds more space.
ESome of the migrating shorebirds make only one stop during their migration form South America to Canada.
作者: 蜂鸣    时间: 2010-6-1 22:14

76.        962 Anyone who pays tax will not be punished, since John is not punished, he must pay tax Which parallel the above statement with the similar flaw?
a) People along with dog is not lonely. Amy must have a dog, because she is lonely

77.        √【版本1】972 天山-7-13
Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium transmitted to humans by deer ticks. Generally deer ticks pick up the bacterium while in the larval stage from feeding on infected white-footed mice. However, certain other species on which the larvae feed do not harbor the bacterium. Therefore, if the population of these other species were increased, the number of ticks acquiring the bacterium and hence the number of people contracting Lyme disease would likely decline.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
A Ticks do not suffer any adverse consequences from carrying the bacterium that causes Lyme disease in humans.
B There are no known cases of a human’s contracting Lyme disease through contact with white-footed mice.
C A deer tick feeds only once while in the larval stage.
D A single host animal can be the source of bacterium for many tick larvae.
E None of the other species on which deer tick larvae feed harbor other bacteria that ticks transmit to humans

78.        973 GWD-5-Q30:
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
The irradiation of food kills bacteria and thus retards spoilage. However, it also lowers the nutritional value of many foods. For example, irradiation destroys a significant percentage of whatever vitamin B1 a food may contain. Proponents of irradiation point out that irradiation is no worse in this respect than cooking. However, this fact is either beside the point, since much irradiated food is eaten raw, or else misleading, since _______.
A many of the proponents of irradiation are food distributors who gain from food’s having a longer shelf life
B it is clear that killing bacteria that may be present on food is not the only effect that irradiation has
C cooking is usually the final step in preparing food for consumption, whereas irradiation serves to ensure a longer shelf life for perishable foods
D certain kinds of cooking are, in fact, even more destructive of vitamin B1 than carefully controlled irradiation is
E for food that is both irradiated and cooked, the reduction of vitamin B1 associated with either process individually is compounded

79.        【版本1】977Many winemakers use cork stoppers软木塞; but cork stoppers can leak, crumble, or became moldy发霉, so that those winemakers must often discard a significant proportion of their inventory of bottled wine. Bottlemaster plastic stoppers, which cannot leak, crumble, or mold, have long been available to winemakers, at a price slightly higher than that of traditional cork stoppers. Cork prices, however are expected to rise dramatically in the near future. Clearly, therefore, winemakers who still use cork but wish to keep production costs from rising will be forced to reconsider plastic stoppers. And since the wine-buying public’s association of plastic stoppers with poor-quality wine is weakening, there is an excellent chance that the Bottlemaster plastic stopper will gain an increased share of the market for wine-bottle stoppers.
In the argument given, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?
A) The first is a judgment that has been advanced in support of a position that the argument opposes; the second is the main conclusion of the argument.
B) The first is a judgment that has been advanced in support of a position that the argument opposes; the second is conclusion drawn in order to support the main conclusion of the argument.
C) The first is the main conclusion of the argument; the second provides evidence in support of that main conclusion.
D) The first is the main conclusion of the argument; the second is a restatement of that main conclusion.
E) The first is a conclusion drawn in order to support the main conclusion of the argument; the second is that main conclusion.
Many winemakers use cork stoppers; but cork stoppers can leak, crumble, or became moldy, so that those winemakers must often discard a significant proportion of their inventory of bottled wine. Bottlemaster plastic stoppers, which cannot leak, crumble, or mold, have long been available to winemakers, at a price slightly higher than that of traditional cork stoppers. Cork prices, however are expected to rise dramatically in the near future. Clearly, therefore, winemakers who still use cork but wish to keep production costs from rising will be forced to reconsider plastic stoppers. And since the wine-buying public’s association of plastic stoppers with poor-quality wine is weakening, there is an excellent chance that the Bottlemaster plastic stopper will gain an increased share of the market for wine-bottle stoppers.
In the argument given, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?
A)     The first is a judgment that has been advanced in support of a position that the argument opposes; the second is the main conclusion of the argument.
B)      The first is a judgment that has been advanced in support of a position that the argument opposes; the second is conclusion drawn in order to support the main conclusion of the argument.
C)     The first is the main conclusion of the argument; the second provides evidence in support of that main conclusion.
D)     The first is the main conclusion of the argument; the second is a restatement of that main conclusion.
E)      The first is a conclusion drawn in order to support the main conclusion of the argument; the second is that main conclusion.
Many winemakers use cork stoppers; but cork stoppers can leak, crumble, or became moldy, so that those winemakers must often discard a significant proportion of their inventory of bottled wine. Bottlemaster plastic stoppers, which cannot leak, crumble, or mold。(然后描述变了)现在的两者的价格差不多,但是不久cork要涨价。可是很多造酒者还是要用cork。说明价格不是他们考虑的唯一因素。我选的是两个都是evidence支持结论的。

80.        985gwd的金子的问题,就是谁谁发现了金子,然后回报给女皇,女皇派人去但是什么也没发现,所以说当时的测金子的手段是错了,问assumption.
作者: leafage    时间: 2010-6-1 22:22


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