说有个国家Nation X的alzheimer's (老年痴呆症)的人很少。先说了一点背景知识就是说老年痴呆症如果不是在early middle age得的话那就是一般都是75所以后才得。然后说研究发现这个nation X吃的一种东西里面有个啥物质说这个物质是可以防止老年痴呆症。然后结论就是说就是因为这个物质所以nation x的这个病的人少。削弱。
选项:1Many other nation's life expectancy is much longer than that of Nation X
2.说的是科学家发现这个nation X里面的那个物质只对bacteria有用但是老年痴呆症不是bacteria
3.说的是nation x的邻国都没有老年痴呆
后面两个选项记不清楚了,但是我选的是A.(狗狗主人答案)作者: 小兔牙 时间: 2010-5-13 16:49
51 GWD
Industrial accidents are more common when some of the people in safety-sensitive jobs have drinking problems than when none do. Since, even after treatment, people who have had drinking problems are somewhat more likely than other people to have drinking problems in the future, any employer trying to reduce the risk of accidents should bar anyone who has ever been treated for a drinking problem from holding a safety-sensitive job.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the argument above?
A. Some companies place employees who are being treated for drinking problems in residential programs and allow them several weeks of paid sick leave.
B. Many accidents in the workplace are the result of errors by employees who do not hold safety-sensitive jobs.
C. Workers who would permanently lose their jobs if they sought treatment for a drinking problem try instead to conceal their problem and continue working for as long as possible.
D. People who hold safety-sensitive jobs are subject to stresses that can exacerbate any personal problems they may have, including drinking problems.
E. Some industrial accidents are caused by equipment failure rather than by employee error.
答案:C作者: jerica 时间: 2010-5-13 21:03