1) Accounting: Text and cases, Edition 12, by Robert N. Anthony, David F. hawkins and Kenneth A. merchant;
2) Managmerial Statistics: A case-based Approach, Internationa Student edition, by peter Klibanoff, Alvaro sandroni, Boaz Moselle and Brett Saraniti;
3) Managerial Econonics, 9th Edition, by Christopher R. Thomas,S. Charles Maurice;
4) Macroeconomics, 6th Edition, by N. Gregory Mankiw;
5) Psychological Dimension of Organizational Behavior, 3th Edition, by Barry M. Staw;
6) Marketing Management, International Edition, by Philip Kotler.作者: 香草咖啡 时间: 2010-5-10 10:36
1) Accounting: Text and cases, Edition 12, by Robert N. Anthony, David F. hawkins and Kenneth A. merchant;