V1(from lorein)有一逻辑狗是Economist:专家预言oil好像会在未来被更多使用吧~它可以generate from啥啥啥~然后是有人反驳说coal相对来说还是便宜~而且现有量更大~问的好像是专家说的话怎怎~~我选的答案是~未来oil会被更多使用 这题相对记得比较清楚~
V2石油价格一路高涨,ecoefficient的fuel更加便宜,环保;但是还没有variable use。但是coal储量特别大,而且还很便宜,但是用coal会很污染。有人advocate还是要用ecoefficient的fuel。问削弱
V1(from ericphantom)有一个是说鸟吃螃蟹蛋游客看鸟的,政府扩大螃蟹栖息地,问削弱。
V1就是一个地方有海滩,上面很多螃蟹(crab)筑巢生蛋(eggs),有中迁徙的鸟迁徙的时候会中途停留在这里吃这个蛋,然后再迁徙。鸟吃螃蟹蛋成为一个啥景点还是啥的,很多游客来参观。当地政府于是决定做个工程,把海滩延长一倍,以此吸引更多游客。 问削弱。
原题答案我依稀记得螃蟹下蛋的数量还是什么跟螃蟹的密度有关(也就是说海滩变成原来两倍,螃蟹密度就小了)。 真记不清了, 楼主谨慎参考
V3 Mayor: Migrating shorebirds stop at our beach just to feed on horseshoe-crab eggs, a phenomenon that attracts tourists. To bring more tourists, the town council plans to undertake a beach reclamation project to double the area available to crabs for nesting.
Birdwatcher: Without a high density of crabs on a beach, migrating shorebirds will go hungry because shorebirds only eat eggs that a crab happens to uncover when it is digging its own nest.
Which of the following, if true, would provide the mayor with the strongest counter to the birdwatcher’s objection?
A.Every year a certain percentage of crabs are caught by fishermen as bait for eel traps.
B.Horseshoe crabs are so prolific that given favorable circumstances their numbers increase rapidly.
C.On average, tourists who come to the town in order to watch birds spend more money there than tourists who come for other purposes.
D.The additional land made available by the reclamation project will give migrating shorebirds more space.
E.Some of the migrating shorebirds make only one stop during their migration form South America to Canada.
V1(from 特仑苏爸爸)710某个家伙发现了一份古老的地图,然后发现这个题图画得很详细,well go along the west coast of South Africa (America), 但是对好望角Hope Cape附近的一些岛屿的描述是没有的。然后历史记录1688年左右有帮航海家首次对这个大洲(非洲还是南美)西部进行过探查,但是直到1693年左右,由另一帮更加NB的航海家才探查到好望角附近的海域,并丰富了部分岛屿的位置。
1.我选了这幅地图的产生时间应该在1688年和1693年之间 (无法确保正确性)但是大致意思是这样,大家具体看到自己分析。这道不难。
(1) 对于某种病,由于采取了新的疗法,导致治这种病的费用升高,所以尽管治疗其它疾病的费用由于技术发展而降低,总费用仍然升高。
(2) 许多原有疾病消失了,而许多新的疾病出现了。
V2 730 A地的medical technology上升不会带来medical cost下降,因为过去几年中medical 费用越来越高。(有点简略了。。。记不清了)问weaken Except
选了“increase in medical staffs” (其他选项有increase in old people, type of diseases, inflation, number of people)
V3虽然医药研究已经取得了巨大进步,但是人们并没有因此受益, overall 人们花费在医药上的钱还在迅速的增长。问 the author fails to consider following points except ?
选项 a) the average life-span b) the total population size c) which kind of illness people currently have d) the cost of people who do medical research.
GWD变体:by lzj1209:
Driving the steep road to the mountaintop Inca ruins of Machu Picchu is potentially dangerous and hiking there is difficult. Now the Peruvian government is installing a cable car that will make access much easier, and hence result in a large increase in tourism. However, since the presence of large numbers of tourists tends to accelerate the deterioration of a site, installation of the cable car is certain to result in harm to the ruins.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously calls into question the argument?
A. The daily number of tourists that are expected to take the cable car to Machu Piccu is smaller than the original resident population of Incas.
B. The construction of the cable car terminal at Machu Picchu will require the use of potentially damaging heavy machinery at the site.
C. Machu Picchu is already one of the most popular tourist sites in Peru.
D. Natural weathering will continue to be a more significant cause of the deterioration of Machu Picchu than tourist traffic.
E. The cable car will replace the tour buses whose large wheels and corrosive exhaust at present do significant damage to the site.作者: 蜂鸣 时间: 2010-4-9 16:49
考古:from ttss 经考过同学确认,高亮部分和原题长得很像
Cialdini and his Arizona State University students, with the consent of two Phoenix-area hotels, took their theories of persuasion to the towel rack. First, they tested the familiar exhortations to “Help save the environment” and “Help save resources for future generations.” These messages had similar success rates, convincing an unimpressive 30 percent of guests to reuse their towels after one night.
Things improved, however, when the research team resorted to peer pressure. The invitation to “Join your fellow guests in helping to save the environment”—including the justifiable statement that nearly three-quarters of guests used their towels more than once—garnered a 44 percent participation rate after one night. Then, the researchers drew guests’ peers even closer: “Seventy-five percent of the guests who stayed in this room . . . [used] their towels more than once,” they asserted. With the ghosts of former guests peeping over their shoulders, nearly 50 percent of hotel customers hung up their towels.
We are a pliable people, it seems: what our neighbors, and even our unseen fellow hotel guests, do in their bathrooms wields more influence than we like to think. Cialdini argues that these flocking instincts can, and in some cases already do, work for the planet
V1(from jinghe)刚刚想到今天的一道Boldface: 有一种wood, 很适合做家具, 所以大家都去采伐, 然后说这种wood 会因此而濒临灭种. 第一句黑体是: 一种观点的outcome, 但是这是和main conclusion 相对立的. 第二句黑体是: the main conclusion of the argument.
V1(from lxc2000)有一种兴能源PLANTS 可以满足国家未来十年的需要。并且cost比nu-cleard等旧能源低,然后就可以代替nu-clear 和别能源,问ASSUMPTION,我选的是它的建造费用和运转费用都less than the nu-clear and ......。
34、GWD原题 Kitchen magazine
V1(from maryrui)一道逻辑是prep中的变体。
Kitchen magazine plans to license the use of its name by a line of cookware.For a magazine, licensing the use of its name for products involves some danger, since if the products disappoint consumers, the magazine's reputation suffers, with consequent reductions in circulation and advertising.However, experts have evaluated the cookware and found it superior to all other cookware advertised in Kitchen.Therefore, Kitchen can collect its licensing fee without endangering its other revenues.
The argument above assumes which of the following?
A. No other line of cookware is superior to that which will carry the Kitchen name.
B. Kitchen will not license the use of its name for any products other than the line of cookware.
C. Makers of cookware will not find Kitchen a less attractive advertising vehicle because the magazine's name is associated with a competing product.
D. Consumers who are not regular readers of Kitchen magazine will be attracted to the cookware by the Kitchen name.
E. Kitchen is one of the most prestigious cooking-related magazines.
V1(from yushixin_1)680新能源比用煤贵,但是环保,为鼓励使用这种新能源政府决定取消对燃煤的补贴。问支持(一项是说用新能源只比用煤贵一点点,一项说政府对other kinds of fuel不提供补贴,纠结了好久)。
有个选项是 比煤发电污染小的能源现在只比煤发电能源贵一点。
V1某市政府一直资助煤炭产业,但是现在为避免污染,想转为使用fuel,所以该政府应该停止资助煤炭产业, 问削弱
V3说有个地方政府给企业和居民用煤补贴,所有煤一直很便宜。现在政府想停止补贴,鼓励大家用更清洁的能源。问削弱。我选的答案是比煤便宜的(less expensive)能源污染更严重。
a) 那个小镇的市民用Coal energy的价格会上涨
b) coal-energy的老板还是会继续用coal 产energy, 因为即使加了税, coal energy的成本还是很低
Key:(3)fuel that is the least expensive alternative will be more polluting than coal.
V4有一个地方的政府为保护煤矿的利益,一直予以资助,使煤价挺低的,后来为了鼓励那些发电厂不用煤发电(保护环境)而改用电或其它能源发电,就决定停止资助煤矿 问support the success of the plan
V3说一个地方有两个桥 NORTH SOUTH NORTH 要维修,所以过桥费少收25%
为了弥补这个损失SOUTH 的就多收了20%
问假设 答案就选哪个能保证SOUTH 通行量的 就是加了钱 也不会有车不走哪桥,确定
V4一个地方有两个桥貌似叫north-bridge and south-bridge. 北桥要大修,同时不收过桥费了(toll这个词);另一方面政府不想因为这个不收费了,降低总体收入,因此南桥的toll要涨价。问support吧也可能是assumption. 只记得俩选项:1,北桥修理,南桥车流量增大。2,南桥多的钱可以弥补北桥修桥的损失。
V7南北两个桥,南桥在修理,所以政府决定不收过路费,而为了避免overall revenue的损失,在北桥提高收费标准by 20cent。问评价政府能否达到目的的条件吧。 我选的是那些原来过北桥的人不会因为提高收费就不走了。
V8从一个地方到另一个地方只能通过N桥或者S桥,N桥最近要重修,因此收费站不能再使用,为了避免总收入降低,就让S桥收费站涨价,加强为何该措施能成功,选了人们如果在桥之间转换会导致非常大的不便。作者: 蜂鸣 时间: 2010-4-21 14:01
V1(from audrey1007)700有一个公司从某东东中获得的利润大幅上升,一部分原因是公司逐步提高这个东东的price, 但是仅仅从price中获利无法account the total revenue increase, 问explaination~
47、GWD 黑脸题
V1(from 乔小桥)
Ecologists: the Scottish Highlands were once the site of extensive forests, but these forests have mostly disappeared and been replaced by peat bogs. The common view is that the Highland’s deforestation was caused by human activity, especially agriculture. However, agriculture began in the Highlands less than 2,000 years ago. Peat bogs, which consist of compressed decayed vegetable matter, build up by only about one foot per 1000 years, and, throughout the Highlands, remains of trees in peat bogs are almost all at depth great than four feet. Since climate changes that occurred between 7,000 years and 4,000 years ago favored the development of peat bogs rather than the survival of forests, the deforestation was more likely the result of natural processes than of human activity.
In the ecologist’s argument, the two portions in boldfaces play which of the following roles?
A. The first is evidence that has been used in support of a position that the argument rejects; the second is a finding that the ecologist uses to counter the evidence.
B. The first is evidence that, in light of the evidence provided in the second, serves as grounds for the ecologist’s rejection of a certain position
C. The first is a position that the ecologist rejects; the second is evidence that has been used in support of that position.
D. The first is a position that the ecologist rejects; the second provides evidence in support of that rejection.
E. The first is a position for which the ecologist argues; the second provides evidence to support that position.
Ecologists: the Scottish Highlands were once the site of extensive forests, but these forests have mostly disappeared and been replaced by peat bogs. The common view is that the Highland’s deforestation was caused by human activity, especially agriculture. However, agriculture began in the Highlands less than 2,000 years ago. Peat bogs, which consist of compressed decayed vegetable matter, build up by only about one foot per 1000 years, and, throughout the Highlands, remains of trees in peat bogs are almost all at depth great than four feet. Since climate changes that occurred between 7,000 years and 4,000 years ago favored the development of peat bogs rather than the survival of forests, the deforestation was more likely the result of natural processes than of human activity.
V1(from 莎莎lele1011)720还有老鼠在压力下会产生某种物质使它shrink也不啥的 想研究人是不是也有这种现象,问评价,找not weaken选项
V1老鼠大脑里的一个什么物质,stress会导致收缩。然后在人类身上做实验,找了10个stress的人来, 发现这种东西也少了,所以证明stress 对老鼠和对人类的影响是一样的,问假设。这题挺长,我没怎么看明白
V2有一题脑波探测那题,我记得JJ 有提过,好像是选 人类的脑波和老鼠雷同
V4说实验发现,小白鼠大脑里有一种hippo东东,在受到stress之后会缩小。但是不知道人类是不是也是如此。于是又做了个实验,找了一群在受到stress之后mental disorder的人,发现他们的hippo非常非常小。结论是:人的hippo也和小白鼠一样在受到stress后会缩小。
问which one to evaluate the conclusion。
V5Hippo海马体题:说实验发现,小白鼠大脑里有一种hippo东东,在受到stress之后会缩小。但是不知道人类是不是也是如此。于是又做了个实验,找了一群在受到stress之后mental disorder的人,发现他们的hippo非常非常小。结论是:人的hippo也和小白鼠一样在受到stress后会缩小。问which one to evaluate the conclusion。我实际碰到的是说通过老鼠试验证明压力会导致脑中某种物质分泌增加还是怎么的,然后在人身上也发现了同样的反应现象,因此可以说明这个物质确实和压力(还是什么其它情绪)有关,问evaluate。不过由于题目中说人的反应时用了某种手段激发,所以我选择的选项和这个手段和那个情绪有关,大概是这个手段并非一定产生某个情绪吧。
V6一个实验,说老鼠在某种情形下脑的一个什么部位就会变小,后来研究这种物质会不会也使人的脑的这个部位会不会变小,结果是会的,问哪个选项WEAKEN结论的吧,我选了在对人实验前人脑的这个部分就abnomally small
V1(from wyfish)一个不容易的题,考虑了许久,这个原来寂静上没有:就是先说这么一个原理,很多事情,是靠institute(直觉,感觉),如果是associated with 做的事情之类的。就是说,很多事情,是直接靠直觉去judge。然后举了一个例子,car mechanics, 那些experienced car mechanics 很多都是靠feeling去迅速判断(注意有quick这个词)修理问题。答案问:文章"Imply".
The judgement based on institue are rarely wrong
Experienced mechanics are often guided by the feeling blablaba 虽然也拿不准,但是根据”Imply", 和一种感觉,我选了B,就是一开始写的那个。作者: 蜂鸣 时间: 2010-4-21 14:03
V1(from wyfish)还有一道题,是说考古的。一个远古地方的colonists发现了edible的东西,然后作者说是它相邻的另外一个地方,把这种技术(把食物烧熟好像)传授给它们的。问消弱
V1美洲的a new well 被excavated,里面有些特定的成分,列举了这些成分,好像这些成分是食物相关的东西的残留。证明了当年near**人show给colonists一些食物的处理方法吧。weaken选项里有“什么当年colonist的食物都是用ship运的啊”之类,看着都怪,我就随便选了一个在well里还有些其他的成分,这些成分是有毒的,not edible, 吃了allergy
V2a well was found by 植物考古学家,这个井在北美一些欧洲移民与当地土著刚开始融汇的地方被发现(貌似是这个意思,反正有移民有土著)里面发现有一些plant,前两个plant的名字记不清楚,但大家都认识,第三个好像叫simmisons(乱拼的,大概是)。植物考古学家发现s这种植物是腐烂了以后才可以edible,而且第一批移民对这个植物并不熟悉。就说明是当地土著与移民有交流,教移民吃一些他们并不熟悉的植物。weaken?
我选的是,在那个井里面也有一种植物人们都commonly knows,能引起过敏。但觉得自己选错了,应该选另外一个吧,那个井里面发现了什么什么植物,all hull
V1(from wyfish)这个也是原来狗狗里没有的,让你指出作者的错误,题目忘了,但是答案我比较确定选的是:
Fail adquately to address the possibilities that ..... is sole because......选项好像是B,这个题用了些时间作者: 蜂鸣 时间: 2010-4-21 14:03
V1(from gzpg)某官员说现在国际很多城市都在打击犯罪,手段很多,有balababala,列举了5个。但是这些有成效的城市呢,都在把这些手段一起综合用上的。所以这些方法并不适合我们城市,因为政府穷,can afford no more than one program in the tong term. 问评估。
选项,1是说看看这些城市是否在停止了以后犯罪率还能被遏制, 1是说看其中有没有一个program明显比其他program便宜。
V170-80 汽油中大量使用lead, 所以路边的soil积累了很多,所以可以利用lead的含量来判断是不是这个地区以前汽油中大量含lead 问逻辑中有什么问题
V2说 Lead 是存在于gasoline emmission 中而通常会堆积在railroad旁的土. 从一些1970~1980 间有大车流量的路上能发现到旁边的土有Lead堆积.所以当科学家发现某段路段的土旁有Lead 堆积 mostly likely 这路段在1980前有大量车流. 问这个statement 犯了什么问题 (这啥? 从来没看过CR有这样考的): 选项有A)把一个reason for one situation applies to another situation.. (大概就是不管其它原因把曾经发生过的一种现象的原因apply to another 现象regardless other factors)
选项B) or C) generalize a factor attibuted to certain cause of a situation to another situation with the same cause. (以偏盖全的样子)。其中印象最深的是 D) 倒果为因(这段英文可饶舌了,中文还是威阿) 反正我选了A... 但是V太烂我也不好发言
Prep 变体from comely123
Editor: Articles in Gardening Magazine often spur sales of the plants they describe, particularly among people new to gardening. Accordingly, we will no longer publish articles or accept advertisements praising the beauty of rare wildflowers. Most such plants sold to gardeners have been difficult to propagate under cultivation, so plant sellers often collect them in the wild. Our new policy is part of our efforts to half this yearly plundering of our native plant populations.
Which of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on the wisdom of the magazine's new policy as a way of pursuing the intended effect ?
(A) When people new to gardening buy plants, they often fail to take adequate care of the plants that they buy and become discourged from buying those varieties again.
(B) Plant sellers who sell rare wildflowers have no reasonably inexpensive alternate way to offer their wares directly to new gardens.
(C) The demand for rare wildflowers rarely exceeds the number of such plants that can be collected in the wild by plant sellers.
(D) The propagation of rare wildflowers often depends on the plant's interaction with other organisms in their environment such as plants that create suitable soil conditions or insects and birds that disperse seeds.
(E) Revenues from sales of plants collected in the wild are supporting the discovery of new low-cost techniques enabling rare wildflowers to be readily propagated in nurseries.