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标题: OG12-90 [打印本页]

作者: poorleafes    时间: 2010-3-24 07:18     标题: OG12-90

90. A new law gives ownership of patents—documents providing exclusive right to make and sell an invention—to
universities, not the government, when those patents result from government-sponsored university research.
Administrators at Logos University plan to sell any patents they acquire to corporations in order to fund
programs to improve undergraduate teaching.

Which of the following, if true, would cast the most doubt on the viability of the college administrators’ plan
described above?

(A) Profit-making corporations interested in developing products based on patents held by universities are
likely to try to serve as exclusive sponsors of ongoing university research projects.
(B) Corporate sponsors of research in university facilities are entitled to tax credits under new federal
tax-code guidelines.
(C) Research scientists at Logos University have few or no teaching responsibilities and participate little if at
all in the undergraduate programs in their field.
(D) Government-sponsored research conducted at Logos University for the most part duplicates research
already completed by several profit-making corporations.
(E) Logos University is unlikely to attract corporate sponsorship of its scientific research.

我选A,答案D. 觉得很疑惑:原文一开头就说了所谓patent,是documents providing exclusive right to make and sell an innovation的,怎么还能选D呢?patent能duplicate?那不是就不叫patent了吗
作者: NicoleYu    时间: 2010-3-24 17:27



D 说的是大学里政府赞助的那些研究项目大部分是模仿那些已经被盈利性公司完成了的项目,也就是说企业不会愿意花钱买这些专利了,因此削弱了计划的可行性

A 选项说有兴趣根据学院拥有的专利发展产品的盈利企业有可能想成为正在进行的学院研究项目的单独的赞助者,这个选项的内容部涉及专利的出售,所以是无关选项
作者: zhengxing    时间: 2010-3-25 06:55

A的意思是 对开发以高校所持专利为基础的产品干兴趣的Profit-making corporations 可能会尝试成为高校研究项目的独家赞助商

不好意思 翻译的不是太好 可这跟学校的plan有什么关系呢 完全是无关的啊

相反 D中的情况如果属实 那些公司已经有了相似的产品 就说明高校的patent没有市场    weaken
作者: poorleafes    时间: 2010-3-26 07:00

patents - documents providing exclusive right to make and sell an innovation,可能我有加入主观的判断,总觉得patent不能允许duplicate。。。
A 我是这么想的:学校卖patents是希望换取本科生教育的经费,而那些corp却只想做高校research项目的赞助商,两方想法合不到一起去,因此cast the most doubt on the viability of the college administrators' plan
再仔细一看,发现A里面是 are likely to,自己都汗死了,居然被我一晃而过地理解成了corp希望怎么怎么
作者: giflier    时间: 2010-3-29 07:06

是什么意思啊?难道在逻辑选项中出现are likely to 大部分是错误的标志么?
作者: beckybear    时间: 2010-3-29 09:29

是什么意思啊?难道在逻辑选项中出现are likely to 大部分是错误的标志么?
giflier 发表于 2010-3-29 07:06

    根据NicoleYu的解释,A根本是无关项,跟are likely to无关的吧?

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