I am choosing Yale over Cornell for the following reasons : 1. The new curriculum is awesome! 2.The Yale alumni in S&T, Wall Street is supposedly strong & thesmall class sizes help in the Wall St. alumni reachout/response fromwhat I hear. Yale also has its program with trading simulations /frequent visits to trading pits, etc. 3. Yale is close enough to NYC & Boston as opposed to Cornell. 4. You can take classes in Yale Law / Any other Yale school if it suits your aspirations. 5.If you are international like I am, the Yale alumni (not just SOM) aresufficiently well connected for the Yale tag to work if you are lookingat int'l entrepreneurship. 6. True to my spirit as an entrepreneur,I am kinda rooting for the underdog here - Yale. I think with its newcurriculum and 300 years of Yale heritage, its only a matter of timebefore rankings start reflecting(hopefully 5-10 years). 7. New Haven is a reallly nice middle ground between a city and a college town if you are looking for that kinda thing. 8.Also, the last time they changed the dean, they also brought on the newcurriculum. And lets face it - YALE is too large a brand to not careabout getting itself a good dean. Okay I am going to play devil's advocate here... 1. The new curriculum is awesome! - how do you know? Are you a student there? If so can you talk at length about what is so great about it? 2. The Yale alumni in S&T, Wall Street is supposedly strong& the small class sizes help in the Wall St. alumnireachout/response from what I hear. Yale also has its program withtrading simulations / frequent visits to trading pits, etc. - I don't remember Yale having a program with trading simulations 3. Yale is close enough to NYC & Boston as opposed to Cornell - agreed Yale is more convienient 4. You can take classes in Yale Law / Any other Yale school if it suits your aspirations - How complex is the procedure to register classes? 5. If you are international like I am, the Yale alumni (not justSOM) are sufficiently well connected for the Yale tag to work if youare looking at int'l entrepreneurship. - agreed that Yale has brand equity, but I doubt business people will not be familiar with Yale SOM's rep though 6. True to my spirit as an entrepreneur, I am kinda rooting forthe underdog here - Yale. I think with its new curriculum and 300 yearsof Yale heritage, its only a matter of time before rankings startreflecting(hopefully 5-10 years). - People have been making this argument for ages. 7. New Haven is a reallly nice middle ground between a city and a college town if you are looking for that kinda thing. - I guess, I don't really see the appeal of New Haven 8. Also, the last time they changed the dean, they also broughton the new curriculum. And lets face it - YALE is too large a brand tonot care about getting itself a good dean. - This is actually what I am most concerned about. Why would JoelP just leave like that. I never thought too much about it duringapplication but now his sudden departure from the school is justraising red flags all over the place. Before you know it Gary Gorton,and all the other great profs are going to announce their departure aswell. Thanks for all the great discussion on Yale. Does Cornell have any Immersion Programs that help people looking to go into Sales and Trading? What are their placement stats for this field? I can't find anything on the website. I'm sure many people apply for IB immersion, but what percent do you thinkget offers at large banks? Compare this to YSOM? If anyone hasstatistics or anecdotes from recruiters that would be very helpful. Ibelieve that Yale is a great place for those looking to work at a placelike World Bank or IMF. Not so sure you'd get the same kind ofplacement from Cornell. But Stanford, Kellogg, or any other top generalmgmt program you'd probably do well if you're looking to go into NGOs,public-sector, or social-enterprise as well. For these secondtier schools you really need to pinpoint what you want to do and seewhether they can offer it to you, but small community is great becauseyou get a lot of help and can stand out easier than at big schools. |
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